This incident spread quickly throughout the world, and the whole world was shocked!

"The Emperor of Daxia actually passed away?"

"I heard that after taking the elixir refined by the imperial master, I couldn't survive and died!"

"The Emperor of Daxia refined the elixir originally to prolong his life, but unexpectedly it ended up killing him. How ridiculous!"

"Yes, who would have thought that the magical elixir would turn into a life-threatening poison? How ironic!"

"Hasn’t the Imperial Master successfully refined the elixir of life? why this time……"

"The elixir of life is a magical medicine. How can it be refined so easily? Maybe it was missed this time?"

"makes sense! In any case, the Emperor of Daxia passed away, and things were really going to change!"


All the eyes of the world were focused on Daxia.

You know, the Daxia Dynasty is one of the three top countries. As the most powerful person in the world today, the Emperor of Daxia will attract the attention of everyone in the world with his every move.

Now that it has died, it will inevitably have a huge chain reaction.

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, every country has to be prepared.

In the Imperial Study Room of Dawu Palace.

After the empress learned the news, she was very sad:"I didn't expect that as one of the three great emperors in the world, the Emperor of Daxia would die so soon! Moreover, he died in the elixir that he was most obsessed with! In an era, It’s finally coming to an end!"

"Yes, the Emperor of Daxia died like this! I heard that before he died, he suffered from constant diarrhea and the whole palace was filled with a stench. It was really a frustrating death!"Lin Beifan also felt very sad.

The news he got from the spies was that the Emperor of Daxia swallowed the black elixir called the elixir of life, and then he had diarrhea and died of it. Throughout the ages, there has been no such thing. This is how any emperor dies.

This method of death is truly the first of its kind in history. It is destined to be remembered in the annals of history and will be infamy for thousands of years.

At the same time, Lin Beifan also admires that unscrupulous Taoist priest. He really dared to deceive everyone. He deceived everyone from beginning to end. The Emperor of Xia and all the civil and military officials were fooled around.

During this period, as long as the imperial doctors treated him in time, the Emperor of Xia might not die.

As a result, the opportunity for treatment was missed in vain.

"Therefore, Your Majesty, don’t be obsessed with the art of immortality! There is no way to live forever. The more you desire immortality, the more you will lose, even your own life! Lin Beifan advised

"Don’t worry, Aiqing, I will definitely learn from it!"The empress was still frightened, and her eyes couldn't help but turn to Lin Beifan.

The death of Emperor Daxia had a lot to do with this scammer.

If he hadn't created miracles through various methods of gods and gods, and deceived Taoist Master Kong Kong and others. Everyone in the world, the Emperor of Daxia would not have been fooled, and he would not have swallowed the poison and died.

This is really the best scam in the world, full of bad things, even the emperor of the dynasty was tricked to death by him!

If, If she didn't know the secret, she might be tricked to death by the other party.

Lin Beifan felt that the empress' eyes were a little weird, and touched his face:"Your Majesty, what are you looking at Wei Chen? Is there something wrong with Wei Chen's face?"

The empress shook her head:"Nothing!" My dear, the Emperor of Daxia has passed away. How do you think the situation in Daxia will change next, and what changes will happen to the world? Speak out your thoughts and let me hear them!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! Wei Chen believes that when the Emperor of Daxia dies, first of all, Daxia will be in chaos! Lin Beifan talked eloquently:"

After the previous ice disaster, more than 20 million people died in Daxia. The remaining people were angry and revolted. Daxia was already in chaos!""

"After that, in order to refine the elixir of immortality, the Emperor of Daxia ignored the government affairs and collected rare treasures and various precious medicinal materials from all over the world. This once again caused public dissatisfaction and increased chaos!"

"Now, the Emperor of Daxia has passed away and the Daxia Dynasty is leaderless, which will inevitably lead to even greater chaos! Lin

Beifan sat upright and continued:"You know, Daxia originally had a prince, but the prince of Daxia is being detained in our Chaotian Prison, and Daxia has not established a new prince. This means that every prince has Opportunity to ascend to Dabao and take charge of the world's power! For that supreme power, there will inevitably be a drama... a group of dragons seize the throne!"

"Your Majesty, it’s not like you don’t know that the road to inheriting the throne has always been bloody! It is not uncommon for brothers to kill each other for the sake of the supreme position! Under such a situation, Daxia will inevitably be turbulent and unstable, and the country will never have peace! Even if we survive, our national strength will be greatly reduced and we will never be the same again!"

"Such a situation is very beneficial to our Dawu! We can plan from it and gain unimaginable benefits! Just like when they coveted me, Dawu!

The empress nodded with a smile:"What Ai Qing said is absolutely true, and I think so too!""

"However, this has advantages and disadvantages! Lin

Beifan cupped his hands and said:"Your Majesty, the Daxia Prince in our hands has basically lost its value. There is no way to obtain compensation materials from Daxia!""

"It is indeed of no use anymore. Look, dear, when are you going to put him back and add fuel to the fire in Daxia?"The empress smiled, her eyes full of evil intentions.

"Your Majesty, it depends on how well the princes of Daxia fight! Lin Beifan also smiled:"Now, in order to compete for the throne, they will definitely fight to the death, and they will also take the opportunity to destroy the princelings!" When the forces of all parties are evenly matched, we will put the Daxia Prince back and let them fight even more fiercely and fiercely!

The empress burst out laughing:"What Ai Qing said is absolutely true!""

At this moment, the old eunuch came over and conveyed a message

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince of Daxia hopes to meet you! The empress smiled:"The prince of Daxia must have known about his father's death, so he wanted to persuade me to let him go back!" Dear, I heard that you have a good relationship with him, please meet him for me!

Lin Beifan sweated a little:"Your Majesty, I only have a casual acquaintance with him!" Better than a stranger, but not a friend. Your Majesty, please don’t misunderstand me! The empress smiled and scolded:"Don't worry, Aiqing, I know who you are better than you, and I will never doubt you!""

After receiving the empress's order, Lin Beifan went to the Tianlao and met the Prince of Daxia, Xia Qiong.

At this time, the Prince of Daxia's clothes were a little messy, his eyes were red, as if he had cried, and he was pacing back and forth anxiously in the cell, from time to time. He looked outside the cell.

It wasn't until Lin Beifan arrived that he rushed over and said anxiously:"Prime Minister Lin, are you here on behalf of the Empress?

Lin Beifan nodded:"Exactly!""

"What did she say?"The Prince of Daxia said anxiously

"Your Highness, you must already know what happened in Daxia! Lin Beifan sighed:"I know you are in pain and want to go back!" However, you should know that we will never let you go!"

"However, this palace is no longer useful! Isn’t it as you wish to let me go back now?"The Prince of Daxia roared.

Lin Beifan nodded:"Yes, we will let you go, but not at this time! After all, the fire over there hasn't started yet, so it's too early to add fuel to it now!"

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it……"The Prince of Daxia beat the cell angrily.

He beat his hands until they were bare and bleeding, but he didn't care.

Then, as if his legs had lost all strength, he knelt down in the direction of Daxia and wailed loudly:"Father, my child failed to go back to mourn for you. My child is unfilial! Father!"……"

It really makes those who hear it sad and those who see it cry.

Hearing this, Lin Beifan felt moved with compassion.

After all, the relationship between the Prince of Daxia and his father should be very good.

The Prince of Daxia was carefully trained by the Emperor of Daxia since he was a child.

The prince of Daxia lived up to expectations. He was proficient in all aspects of literary, military and military affairs, was broad-minded, and had outstanding administrative abilities. He was affirmed by the civil and military officials of the dynasty and recognized by the whole world. He was selected as the candidate for the East Palace early on.

Therefore, when his father passed away suddenly, the other person should be very sad and sad.

Even so, Dawu couldn't let him go back when the time came.

Between countries, only interests are concerned, not feelings.

For the sake of Dawu, he can only sacrifice his personal emotions!

Lin Beifan sighed:"Your Highness, I know you want to go back, but I can only express my regrets! I don't need to explain the reasons, you should understand! I just hope you don't give up on yourself and live well. After all, you are alive. There is hope! You don’t want your country in Daxia to be wasted in the hands of your brothers, don’t you?"

The Crown Prince of Daxia looked slightly moved and said:"Prime Minister Lin, please help me prepare some 煳素和Paper money, I want to mourn my father here!"

Lin Beifan nodded:"Okay!"

After going out, Lin Beifan immediately ordered people to prepare ink, paper money, candles, incense, etc. Anyway, everything needed for the funeral was given. He arranged for the Prince of Daxia to have a good mourning.

At this time, Daxia.

As Lin Beifan predicted, the national mourning was not over yet, and the princes were already fighting.

They take action against each other and eliminate each other's henchmen, using all possible means.

In addition, princes, princes, etc. in various places also made changes, and they mobilized troops and generals quite frequently. After all, as members of the royal family, they also have the opportunity to sit in that position.

There are also some important officials and generals in the court who seem to be unwilling to be lonely.

All in all, the whole of Daxia turned into a mess.

This chaotic situation is even more chaotic than the situation in Dawu.

Although the fight was fierce, they all attacked the prince's henchmen in unison.

After all, the biggest threat to them is the princelings.

The prince is the legitimate heir to the throne, and he also has the most powerful power in the East Palace. Therefore, before the prince comes back, he must eradicate his gang members and eliminate the biggest threat.

As a result, all parties have coerced the prince's followers, either to join one of the forces and get protection, or to wait for death.

Some ministers who were not determined had to change their families in order to save their lives and their families.

As a result, the disintegration of the Eastern Palace forces is not far away.

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