In addition, all the countries surrounding Daxia are watching with eager eyes.

After all, Daxia is a big piece of fat!

They occupy a fertile land and possess numerous resources that any country would like to take a bite of.

In the past, Daxia was strong and had no chance, but it was different now.

In Daxia now, public dissatisfaction is everywhere and people are revolting one after another. In the court, the princes and grandsons of the great princes competed for power and profit, and fought against each other for the throne. In the arena, some sects are also restless.

The war has swept across the country, and the chaos has become unstoppable.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

If we don't capture the city at this time, when will we wait?

The reason for the delay in taking action is that it is still waiting for a statement from a big country - the Dawu Dynasty.

The Dawu Dynasty was the most powerful country bordering Daxia and the country that posed the greatest threat to Daxia. As long as Dawu takes action, they will take action immediately to carve up Daxia's territory.

Dawu eats meat and they drink soup.

Of course Dawu would not miss such a good opportunity, and declared in a very high-profile manner:"The land of Jiangdong, 400 miles to the east, and the land in the far east bounded by the Baihu Mountains, about 1.2 million square miles, belongs to Dawu. The rest of the land belongs to Dawu. Whatever!"

When the other countries heard this, they immediately felt comfortable. Dawu only wanted the far east, and other places were up to them.

So he immediately sent out troops to seize the territory he wanted.

After hearing this, the Daxia court was furious.

"The land in the far east has always been the indivisible territory of our dynasty!"

"You, Dawu, actually took advantage of the chaos in our court to send troops to invade. How are you different from bandits?"

"Is there any sense of responsibility from a major country?"

"We will never agree!!!"


However, no matter how much you refuse to agree, it is of no use.

Because Daxia is so chaotic now. The court is in chaos, the people are also in chaos, the rivers and lakes are even more chaotic, and everything is in chaos.

They can't even control their own country, so how can they resist the rising military power?

The people of Great Xia in the Far East were frightened!

Dawu is about to fight, so run away!

Otherwise, if you don't die under Da Wu's iron hoof, you will be captured by Da Xia and sent to the army, and you don't know how you will die!

The land in the far east suddenly became empty.

As well as other border areas in Daxia, the people also fled and ran to other places, running into the mountains and forests to avoid the coming war.

Under such a situation, the border battle finally started.

However, it was not Dawu who fired the first shot, but other small countries.

Their land was relatively barren and their resources were relatively small, so they couldn't wait to send troops to Daxia to seize a piece of land and strengthen their own strength.

However, it got off to a bad start.

Although Daxia is not doing well, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses, and the rotten ships still have three-point nails, which are not something these small countries can afford to offend.

As soon as they sent out troops, they were blocked by Daxia's border army and could not be killed.

So, everyone once again looked at Dawu eagerly.

I hope Dawu will send troops as soon as possible to break the opponent's border and create opportunities for them.

At this time, Dawu made a suggestion. All countries would unite and combine their military forces to form an army to conquer Daxia.

After the territory of Daxia is conquered, the territory will be divided according to the contribution of each party.

In this way, everyone can obtain greater benefits and reduce casualties.

After hearing this, various countries were very moved and formed an army to conquer Xia. They could indeed achieve greater benefits and reduce casualties. But what kind of cooperation method and what kind of distribution method need to be considered in the long term.

Therefore, Dawu issued a sincere invitation, inviting all countries to come to Dawu for discussions.

Various countries responded and sent representatives.

Daxia was once again furious and denounced Dawu and various countries.

But no one paid any attention.

Within three days, representatives from various countries rushed to Dawu Hulao Pass to participate in the conference of the Fuxia Alliance.

A total of 7 countries participated in this conference, including Dawu.

It may not seem like many, but these countries are mainly neighboring countries close to Dawu. Other countries are too far away to come, and they also have ways to participate in this conference.

At this time, everyone was gathered together, but they had different thoughts and did not say much. The whole hall seemed very quiet.

At this moment, a young man entered the venue as if he was in a deserted place.

The representatives present were shocked when they saw this young man.

A person asked:"Are you... His Highness Lin Beifan, the Prime Minister of Dawu, the Grand Marshal of the Army, and the Loyal and Brave

King?" The young man smiled and nodded:"Yes, it is me!" This young man is Lin Beifan, and he is He proposed the alliance plan, so naturally he represented Dawu to attend the meeting.

Lin Beifan, that was Dawu's No. 2 person, his status was much higher than them!

So, all the representatives present stood up and saluted, and said respectfully and loudly:"Greetings to Prime Minister Dawu, Grand Marshal of the Army, and His Royal Highness King Zhongyong!"

Lin Beifan smiled and held his arms, and said in a friendly manner:"My lords, there is no need to say more. Congratulations! Welcome everyone to attend this meeting of the Falling Summer Alliance. This meeting will be chaired by my king!"

"As it should be!"Everyone nodded.

"Everyone, please take a seat!"Lin Beifan said again.

Following Lin Beifan's order, everyone sat down one after another.

"The lack of justice in the Great Xia resulted in war and chaos in the region, causing disasters to the people and making it difficult for the people to live! In order to refine the elixir of immortality, the Emperor of Daxia ignored government affairs and ignored the lives of the people, so his life was taken away by God. This was God's will! Lin

Beifan said righteously:"However, the people of Daxia did not escape the sea of ​​suffering. On the contrary, they suffered even more and the people were in dire straits!" Your Majesty is worried and can't sleep at night, so he specially ordered me to convene this meeting of the Expedition of Xia to gather everyone's strength to conquer Daxia, save the people of Daxia, and restore peace to the world!"

"Our move is a fight for justice and justice for heaven. We hope you will support us!"

Everyone looked at him differently.

Look, what he said was so high-level and enlightened! It was obviously a battle of invasion, but the result was so high-sounding, so justified, and so righteous. The pattern was opened up immediately! It seems that if we don't fight, It's like it's my own fault!

No wonder he climbed to such a high position at such a young age, he is really capable!

"Prime Minister Lin, what he said is absolutely true!"

"My king also saw that the people of Daxia were in trouble and couldn't bear it, so he had to send troops to attack Xia!"

"Yes, the same is true for my king. I hope to do my part for the common people in the world!"

"For the sake of the common people and the country, we have to fight!"


Everyone responded one after another.

The more he talked, the more he felt that he was a teacher of justice, doing justice for heaven, and he couldn't help but raise his head a little higher.

Lin Beifan was very moved and held up his hands and said:"It turns out that you all have the same idea! It is because of all the people with lofty ideals who care about the world and the people, who will continue to work hard and carry forward the past, so that the people can enjoy peace and happiness!"

"The prime minister has given you the award, and we are not worthy of it!"Everyone was smiling.

The polite words were over and we got to the point.

"As the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head! We have 7 countries gathered here, with strong soldiers and horses, and strong strength. However, if they go their own ways and fight in their own way, their strength will inevitably be greatly reduced! Daxia will even find opportunities and defeat them one by one! Therefore, I suggest that the position of marshal of the alliance be established to command the entire army!"

"In this way, all our soldiers and horses gather into one army, and all our strength is twisted into a rope. Even if the world changes, it is not impossible! Everyone, what do you think of my suggestion?"

"this……"The representatives looked at each other and were very hesitant.

To be honest, the main reason why they came to this conference was to hope that Dawu could rush to the front and face Daxia's main force, while they followed behind to take advantage.

As for handing over military power and letting others take command, they were somewhat reluctant.

What if the other party uses their soldiers and horses to die?

It’s too late to cry!

"I know the concerns in your hearts! Lin Beifan sipped tea and said with a smile:"No one can rest assured if they hand over their military power to others to command, including me!" So, we can make three chapters!"

"How to make a three-chapter agreement?"Someone asked

"Before going to war, we first divide the territory. The more territory you want, the more troops you must send, otherwise the conditions will be invalid. After the war, let’s look at the sacrifices of various countries. Whoever sacrifices more will gain more territory!"

"For example: Your country sends 100,000 troops, accounting for 25% of the total population. Our country has sent 300,000 troops, accounting for 75% of the total population. Therefore, the territory our country has gained must be twice as much as yours!"

"But after the war, your country sacrificed 100,000 people, and our country also sacrificed 100,000 people. Your country's sacrificed population accounted for 50% of the total sacrificed population. The sacrifice was huge, and it has exceeded the original proportion of troops sent, reaching more than twice. Then when the territory is divided, your country can get twice as much land! Lin

Beifan said loudly:"In short, we follow one principle: whoever contributes more, who sacrifices more, gets more benefits!" What do you think?"

Everyone was very moved after hearing this. This distribution plan can be said to be relatively fair.

Whoever sends more troops will gain more benefits.

Whoever sacrifices more will gain more territory.

It is very reasonable and fair!

So everyone expressed their opinions one after another. Agree

"This distribution plan is good and very fair. I support it!"

"I agree!"

"Ok, deal!"


Lin Beifan asked:"As for the position of marshal of the alliance,……"

"Is this still a choice? Of course, Prime Minister Lin, you are here to be the one! You are the prime minister of Dawu, the marshal of the army, and the loyal and brave king. You have the highest status. Only you are the most suitable to be the one!"

"That's right, Marshal Lin, you are the contemporary military god. You can command every battle without any disadvantages and win every battle. I admire you the most!"

"We can rest assured only if we leave our troops and horses in your hands!"


Everyone agreed with this, and everyone expected it.

Lin Beifan nodded:"Thank you for your love! Then I will shamelessly take over the position of marshal of the alliance!"

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