Under the chairmanship of Lin Beifan, the meeting went very smoothly and everyone reached a consensus.

Daxia was unruly, so everyone united and concentrated all their forces to attack Daxia.

Lin Beifan is the marshal-in-chief of the Alliance Army, commanding the entire army and directing operations. Other countries send a representative as a general to command their own troops and obey the command of the general marshal.

Whichever country contributes more and sacrifices more will gain more benefits.

Finally, the territory will be distributed first according to the merit.

And at the end, Lin Beifan raised his glass with a glowing face:"Everyone, I believe that with the combined efforts of all of us, we will be successful! Let us raise our wines and wish this battle a great victory!"

"Marshal please, everyone please!"Everyone raised their glasses with red faces and drank it all in one gulp.

There were smiles on their faces, as if they had won the battle.

After drinking the glass of wine, everyone rushed back to prepare.

Zhao Kuo followed Lin Beifan, He looked hesitant and hesitated to speak.

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"ZhaoAh, you have been with me for so long. If you have anything to say, just say it and don’t bury it in your heart!"

"Yes, Marshal!"Zhao Kuo cupped his hands and said:"The general thinks that this distribution plan is very inappropriate for our Dawu!

Lin Beifan smiled and said,"What's wrong?""

"Marshal, according to this distribution plan, whoever contributes more will get more benefits. On this point, I will have no doubts! However, whoever sacrifices more will gain more benefits... The general will think that this is very inappropriate!"

Zhao Kuo said seriously:"Our Dawu not only has strong soldiers and horses, but also is well-equipped. One soldier can often defeat three soldiers of other small countries! Therefore, when a war breaks out, the sacrifices must be much less than those of other small countries! But the less we sacrifice, the less we gain. This is very unfair to us!"

"What I am most afraid of is that some small countries will cheat and send some crooked melons and jujubes to make up the numbers. In the end, not only will they have no effect on the war, but they will be able to carve up more land after they are sacrificed. Marshal, please think twice! Lin

Beifan shook his head and smiled:"Zhao Kuo, it's great that you can see this, but you have to take a long-term view of things!" According to this plan, we did lose money, but the accounts are not calculated that way!"

"The end of the general is unknown, so please give me some advice from the marshal. I am all ears!"Zhao Kuo said modestly

"It has become a consensus to conquer Daxia! But how to unite and mobilize everyone's enthusiasm is also the biggest problem at the moment! These people are the masters who don't let the eagle fly before they see the rabbit. If they don't give them any benefits, how can they be willing to unite and send out troops and efforts? This is one of them!

Zhao Kuo nodded:"What the marshal said is absolutely true!""

Secondly, with them at the front, our military sacrifices will be much less!"

Lin Beifan said with a smile:"In my mind, my own soldiers are the most important. I would rather lose the land than sacrifice as much! Although, in the end, it will be divided When we lost the land, we lost a lot of benefits, but it was very worth it!"

Zhao Kuo nodded again:"The marshal is right! As a general, you should love your soldiers like your sons!"

"One thing that needs to be mentioned is that our goal in Dawu has always been the Far East. It is enough to conquer this land! No matter how much land we have, we can’t control it, so we might as well not have it!"

Zhao Kuo nodded again.

"Third, do you really think Daxia is so easy to fight? Lin

Beifan said with a smile:"Although Daxia has experienced various natural and man-made disasters and suffered heavy sacrifices in the past year, the heritage of a dynasty still exists, and their foundation is still there!" We also took advantage of the country's internal chaos and disintegration to bite off a piece of flesh from his body! Once he recovers, he will definitely take revenge and regain the lost ground!"

"If we can defend our territory, can other small countries do so? It is difficult to conquer a country, but even harder to defend it! If we can't hold on, the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed! So what if we give them more territory? Just making a wedding veil!"

"So that’s it, the marshal is still smart, the general will understand!"Zhao Kuo suddenly realized.

Lin Beifan shook his head:"No, you don't fully understand yet!"

"ah?"Zhao Kuo was puzzled.

"When Daxia recovers, I can send troops to conquer these small countries and regain the lost territory. This is my chance again! Lin Beifan said excitedly:"

At that time, these small countries were all dealt with by the Great Xia, their strength was greatly reduced, and their national power declined. But we have basically digested the Far East. We have strong soldiers and horses, strong strength, and can continue." Wouldn't it be nice to expand our territory and take advantage of the opportunity to defeat them?"

Zhao Kuo looked at Lin Beifan with a completely different look! His eyes were full of deep reverence!

Good guy, he just thought of how to carve up the greatest benefits from Daxia through this battle. The marshal has already thought of a few years later, It has annexed all other countries.

It works step by step and is linked to each other, and it plots against all countries.

It is really too strong!!!

"And the fourth! Lin

Beifan smiled proudly:"Now, I am the marshal-in-chief of the alliance. All soldiers and horses must obey my orders. The entire army is under my control!" In this way, wouldn't our Dawu be able to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain more benefits?"

"The marshal is wise, and I will finally bow down to you!"Zhao Kuo said with admiration.

Next, the news that the seven countries formed a military alliance to jointly conquer Daxia spread quickly throughout the world.

People all over the world were shocked!

"Good guy, the seven-nation coalition forces are working together to defeat Xia, and Daxia may be in danger!"

"yes! The Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces have at least a terrifying million soldiers and horses! But now, Daxia is torn into pieces and the war is in chaos. It is impossible to organize a strong resistance. It's over!"

"Especially, this time the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is Lin Beifan! This guy is the best at marching and fighting. He often defeats the many with less, the weak defeats the strong, and wins every battle. He is recognized as the god of war in the contemporary era! This time, he led a million-strong army to fight. No country can withstand it, including Daxia!"

"Daxia is really going to end this time!!!"


The disparity in strength between the two sides is so great that no one is optimistic about Daxia.

Not only is everyone not optimistic about it, but even the people of Daxia are not optimistic about it.

As a result, they ran away one after another, either to other countries or into the mountains and forests to avoid the war.

Daxia's army was not very optimistic either, and many people became deserters.

Therefore, Daxia became even more chaotic.

At this time, Lin Beifan did not care about external public opinion and was busy mobilizing troops and generals.

Lin Beifan attached great importance to this war and planned to mobilize 500,000 troops to conquer Xia. This is the maximum number of troops that can be mobilized without affecting Dawu's national defense.

Lin Beifan originally thought that he had mobilized enough soldiers and horses, but it was not until soldiers and horses from other countries gathered that he realized that there was another mountain higher than the other.

For example, the Desert Country adjacent to Dawu, a small country with a population of less than 10 million, has a daily military strength of about 500,000, but it actually sent 600,000 troops.

"General Liu, you sent so many troops from the desert, 100,000 more than our Dawu army!"Lin Beifan looked at the army sent by the desert country and said with tut.

General Liu is the general sent by the desert country to command the desert troops.

General Liu of the desert immediately reported to Lin Beifan:"Marshal Qi, this expedition to Xia is a just act. War, so we in the desert mobilized the whole country to participate, so the number of people is naturally larger!"

"That’s what happened! Lin Beifan pointed at a group of veterans and said with a half-smile:"General Liu, are these your soldiers and horses from the desert?" They look to be in their fifties or sixties, with gray hair and half of their bodies buried in the ground. Can they fight?

General Liu said seriously:"Marshal, don't underestimate them!" As the saying goes: An old man is always ambitious, but a martyr is still ambitious in his old age! They are all veterans of Xiao Yong who are good at fighting in the desert. They can fight one against ten! When they heard about this summer expedition, they all signed up enthusiastically! The general didn't want to let them down, so he recruited them all!"

At this moment, the veterans who were praised by General Liu in Haikou were walking forward tremblingly.

One of them stepped on a pit and fell down. With a click, his bones were broken, and the screams resounded throughout the army.

"Oops, my bones are broken, who will save me?"

Lin Beifan:"……"

General Liu:"……"

General Liu sweated profusely and argued:"Marshal, listen to me, this is just an accident!"

Lin Beifan nodded:"It's really surprising. Just such a pit can actually break his bones! Fortunately, it's just a bone Break it off, or you will die before you leave the army!" General

Liu was sweating profusely and his face was red.

"So what happened to these people? Lin Beifan pointed at a few other people with rouge auras:"You can just recruit the old man to come in, but they look like they are women. Is it okay to fight?" General Liu once again argued:"

Marshal, don't underestimate them!" You know, women hold up half the sky!"

At this moment, a woman with a rather large belly suddenly sat down holding her belly and shouted in pain:"Oh, the little guy in my belly is disobedient, I'm going to give birth! Call the midwife quickly……"

Lin Beifan:"……"

General Liu:"……"

Lin Beifan sneered:"It can indeed hold up half the sky! If nothing happens, she should give birth to a son, and he can join the army again! General Liu, don't you think so?" General Liu was sweating profusely and shy, and wanted to find a son. Place to bury your head.

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