The desert country is okay, and it still knows its shame and sends people with sound limbs over.

In other countries, even disabled people are not spared.

Looking around, there are people who are either missing arms or legs, or who are deaf or blind. Some are not only blind but also have two broken legs. They are pushed by others. Can such people win the battle?

It’s not easy to walk, so I have no choice but to die!

It’s really outrageous!

Because of this false pretense, the combined military strength of these six small countries reached an astonishing 3 million!

Among them, 1 million regular troops were able to stand up to the sky!

A total of 2 million yuan was injected!

Seeing that Lin Beifan was very angry, he had to hold a meeting to streamline the army and kick out those who were incompetent to serve as logistics personnel for the army.

As a result, the military strength of these six countries has been reduced to 2 million, but there is still a lot of water.

Lin Beifan is too lazy to bother. Since you insist on using them to make up for the loss, so disregarding the life and death of the people in your country, don't blame me when the war is delayed.

After getting ready, Lin BeifanLeading an army of 2.5 million people, they set off in a mighty manner!

At this time, the whole world was paying attention to this battle.

On the Daxia side, they also urgently mobilized troops and generals. A total of 500,000 troops were mobilized to resist on the border front.

However, when the marshal of Daxia saw the dense army approaching, he immediately despaired!

How can we fight against an army of 2.5 million?

Their military strength in Daxia is only this number!

However, it is impossible to send all the border fortresses to resist foreign enemies and guard the major cities to prevent civil unrest.

Seeing Alliance Marshal Lin Beifan again made me even more desperate!

This guy is the best at fighting, especially in battles in which the weak defeat the strong and the few defeat the many. He has fought several battles for more than a year and has never lost a single one. It is not an exaggeration to call him a military god!

They, Daxia, were once defeated by this person!

This time they actually brought an army of 2.5 million people, which was five times their strength. How could they fight?

Marshal Daxia sighed silently.

You have to fight even if you can't beat him, and you have to bear it even if you die!

Because Daxia's rear was in chaos, and the courts were all working on their own affairs, it was impossible to organize a strong resistance.

If the alliance forces break through the border, they will march straight in and fight all the way to the White Tiger Mountains, and millions of acres of land will change hands!

Marshal Daxia loudly said:"Where is Lin Beifan, the Allied Army Marshal?"

"The king is here!"Lin Beifan walked out on a big white horse.

At this time, he was wearing a silver-white exquisite armor, which was bright under the sunlight. This man looked heroic and majestic.

It is worth mentioning that this One piece of armor is called the Rizhao Holy Armor, and it was specially chosen for him by the Empress. It is relatively light to wear, has average defensive power, and its biggest use is that it looks good. Marshal Daxia said angrily:"Lin Beifan, what do you mean? Are you bringing troops from the Seven Kingdoms here to invade our territory? This is a war of aggression! It's an unjust war! Fortunately, you are still a person who has read the books of sages. You do not take it as your duty to protect the people of the world and the country, but you actively trigger wars and trap the people in fire and water. The people are in dire straits and their lives are in ruins! Lin Beifan, what crime do you deserve?"

"Lin Beifan, what crime do you deserve?" Daxia soldiers and horses shouted one after another.

Lin Beifan sneered and scolded:"Don't do this! Everyone else is qualified to say this, but you Daxia are not qualified! Last year, our Dawu didn't provoke you, but you didn't take the initiative to fight? At that time, have you ever considered the common people and the country, have you ever considered the common people?"

Marshal Daxia looked ugly and couldn't speak.

"This king clearly remembers that he captured 600,000 Daxia soldiers and horses back then! Lin Beifan glanced at the soldiers on the city wall and continued to sneer:"At just one glance, I found many familiar faces!" Why, you forgot so quickly? When the scar heals, you forget the pain. After only one year, you forget what you have done?"

The Daxia soldiers on the city wall were ashamed.

"Now, we are just repaying him with his way! Lin

Beifan walked out slowly on horseback and continued to scold:"When it comes to being unruly, you Daxia are the real unruly!" After experiencing natural disasters, the people suffered heavy casualties. Not only did you, Daxia, fail to comfort the people and victims, but you suppressed them forcefully!"

"In order to refine the elixir of immortality, you, the Emperor of Great Xia, ignored the government affairs, ignored the lives of the people, and devoted the whole country to collecting geniuses and treasures, causing the people to boil with resentment!"

"Now, the Emperor of Daxia has passed away, and his body is still cold. For the supreme throne, your Daxia court is fighting for power and profit, fighting against each other, causing the people of Daxia to be displaced and complaining! Lin

Beifan clicked his tongue and shook his head:"To be honest, the harm you have caused to the people of Daxia is much more serious than us!" You are the real beginning of turmoil and the source of disaster! Therefore, we have to hold high the banner, save the people of Daxia, and restore peace to the world! We are fighting against the unjust, upholding justice for heaven, and fighting for justice!"

"We do justice for God!"

"We do justice for God!"


The alliance army shouted loudly, and the sound came like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Daxia's soldiers and horses are a little weak.

Because as Lin Beifan said, the harm they caused to the people of Daxia in their country was much more serious than that of other countries!

The country was in chaos, and the chaos was so great that it gave other countries an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Otherwise, a year ago, how would they have dared to fight?

At this time, Lin Beifan continued to speak loudly:"When you protect Daxia, you are protecting sins. The sins are serious! I advise you to open the city gate quickly and let us in to rescue the people of Daxia and reduce the sins on you! Otherwise, even if If we don't accept you, God will accept you too!"

Marshal Daxia said angrily:"That's nonsense! Don't listen to him! If the city gate is opened, the people behind us will be plunged into fire and water, and the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed. In front of us! So we must guard the city gate and never give the Alliance forces an opportunity!"

At this moment, both sides have finished their harsh words, and it's time to start fighting.

The war maniacs around Lin Beifan were gearing up and eager to try.

"Marshal, please give us instructions on how to fight this battle!"

"Let's leave this first battle to the general! The last general is the best at attacking cities. With only 500,000 soldiers and horses, he is guaranteed to be captured!"

"This is a reckless act on your part and is not advisable! The marshal has always used his troops like a god, so he must have a clever plan!"

"Marshal, what's your plan? Speak up and I will listen to you!"

"Marshal, please give the order!"


Lin Beifan glanced at the more than 50 innates and the army of more than 2 million around him, smiled slightly and said:"In this battle, there is no need for any clever strategies? Let's just push through! All the innate experts come out!"

All the innate experts Immediately stood up, raised their hands and said in unison:"Marshal, please give me orders!"

Lin Beifan shouted loudly:"You all go out together to break down the gate of Daxia City! When the city was broken, 500,000 powerful troops followed closely and entered the city. Occupy key areas! Soldiers and horses from other countries are suppressing them, and destroy the remaining soldiers and horses of Daxia!"

"Yes, Marshal!"The whole army said in unison.

After giving the order, more than 50 innates screamed and killed each other with great momentum.

Marshal Daxia only took one look, and his eyes were filled with despair:"It's over!"

You know, the total number of talents in their entire army is only about 10. How can they stop more than 50 talents?

One against two, it is barely feasible.

But one against five, even 9 lives are not enough.!

Marshal Daxia is like this, let alone others?

"More than 50 innates, we are finished!"

"I simply can’t bear it!"

"Let's run away quickly, leaving the green hills behind without fear of running out of firewood!"


Marshal Daxia shouted loudly:"You are not allowed to escape! As a soldier, you can only die standing, not kneeling! Let me pick up the weapons. Even if we die, we will die here!""

"So Xiantian came out, all the warriors came out, let me stop them!"

The strong men of Daxia also came out, fighting with the hope of death!

However, when they met the innate strong men of the alliance, they were like an egg against a stone, an egg against a stone, and they were completely unable to resist!

In just a moment, All the warriors of Daxia were slaughtered!

The city walls were covered with corpses, with their eyes open to death, and the strong smell of blood assaulted their nostrils.

This was simply a massacre!

A massacre without any suspense!

The Marshal of Daxia turned pale with fear. Turning pale:"It's over! It’s really over!"

He had long guessed that he would lose this battle, but he didn't expect to lose so quickly and completely. He turned his head and looked behind him with great difficulty, glanced at the magnificent mountains and rivers of Daxia with nostalgia, and then raised his hands. With his sword, he killed the 50 innates.

"I... will never surrender! All the sons of Daxia, follow me and kill them!!!"

The Great Xia Marshal fought back hard, but was unable to hold up a lone tree, and finally died under the siege of 50 innates, and his bones were beaten to pieces.

Lin Beifan stood in awe:"Although each one is his own master, this This old general's spirit of disregarding death and his patriotic sentiment make me admire him very much! This is a hero and he must be buried with dignity!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Then, more than 50 Xiantian jumped onto the city tower and continued to slaughter, but there was no one left.

With a bang, the city gate opened.

Lin Beifan raised his arms and shouted:"The city gate has been opened, the whole army will follow me into Daxia!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Under the leadership of Lin Beifan, the alliance troops marched into Daxia in a mighty manner.

This battle quickly spread throughout the world, and the whole world was shocked.

"The gates of Daxia City were broken, and they couldn't hold it for only one day!"

"It’s actually very normal! Daxia only has 500,000 troops and about 10 innates! However, the Alliance Army has 2.5 million troops and more than 50 innates. With the military god Lin Beifan commanding the battle, it will be a matter of time before the city of Daxia is defeated!"

"Now, the alliance has entered the hinterland of Daxia! Without the barrier, the Alliance army can march all the way to the White Tiger Mountains, and the entire Far East will fall!"

"If Daxia cannot organize a strong resistance, it will be doomed!"

"Daxia is so chaotic right now, and everyone is doing their own thing, I'm so worried!"

"Who would have thought that only one year later, Daxia would be reduced to this? How pathetic!"

"God’s will is ethereal, God’s heart is unpredictable!"


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