The civil war in Daxia attracted the attention of people all over the world

"Daxia...this is about to start a fight again!"

"Not long after the Seven-Nation Alliance retreated, fighting broke out in their own country! In the past two years, Daxia has been really troubled! The name of a dynasty is empty, but there is no reality of a dynasty!"

"The prince of Daxia, Xia Qiong, only has 200,000 soldiers and horses, but he has to resist a million coalition troops. I find it difficult to see!"

"Yes, Prince Daxia is too impatient! He has a hidden power. If it develops slowly, there may be a chance for a comeback! However, he killed everyone in the capital and offended everyone, and there was no way to save him!"

"After this war is over, even if Daxia is saved, its national power will decline!"

"A prosperous dynasty has come to an end!"


Many people are watching, but there are even more people looking for opportunities to profit from it.

For example, the six small countries that previously joined forces with Dawu.

In the past, due to the uneven distribution of spoils, these countries had frequent frictions and conflicts, and they might start fighting again at any time.

But seeing the civil war in Daxia, I seemed to have smelled an excellent opportunity again, and I was ready to take action.

"During the Great Xia Civil War, our opportunity has come again!"

"The harder they fight, the more we profit!"

"The expansion of territory is just around the corner!"


They did not act on their own initiative.

Even if there is a civil war in Daxia, it is still a hard nut that small countries like them cannot crack.

So, they contacted Lin Beifan from Dawu.

I hope that like before, Lin Beifan will be the commander-in-chief and lead a million coalition troops to invade Daxia.

After all, with Da Wu taking the lead and Lin Beifan leading the troops, there is only one word: stability!

However, Lin Beifan shook his head and refused:"My lords, thank you for your kindness! However, I and Your Majesty are getting married soon. This is a festive day and it is not suitable to see blood! Therefore, we Dawu will not participate in this matter!"

The representatives from the six countries were stunned. Lin Beifan would actually refuse?

Everyone started to talk to each other.

"Prime Minister Lin, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"During the Great Xia Civil War, we can once again form a coalition to attack cities and seize fertile lands!"

"You have a large army, strong horses, and plenty of food. If you don't take action now, how long will it take?"

"Prime Minister Lin, as long as you lead the troops, we can let you take the majority of the troops!"


Lin Beifan shook his head again:"My lords, I accept your good intentions, but we Dawu really don't want to get involved in this matter! It's getting late, everyone, please go back! I wish you success and return in triumph!"

Lin Beifan said politely They invited him out.

These representatives left with depressed faces and looked at each other.

"What should we do now? Dawu doesn't want to fight, but we can't miss this opportunity!"

"Yes, although the opportunity is rare, it would be a pity to miss it!"

"Since Dawu doesn't want to fight, then ignore him and form a coalition ourselves! I don’t believe it anymore. Without Dawu’s participation, we still wouldn’t be able to defeat the torn-together Daxia!"

"Yes, we can form a coalition of our own and divide the territory we have conquered into a larger portion!"


So they went back to discuss it.

On the other side, Lin Beifan walked into the imperial study room with a smile.

The empress admired the newly designed Fengguanxia match and asked with a smile:"Ai Qing, did you send them all away? Are we really not going to participate in this battle to defeat Xia?"

Lin Beifan shook his head and said:" This battle isn't that easy, you might fall in if you're not careful!"

"How can you see it?"The empress raised her head and asked

"Based on my understanding of Prince Daxia!"Lin Beifan smiled.

The empress stared at her again, waiting for Lin Beifan's next words.

Lin Beifan continued:"It is true that after Xia Qiong, the prince of Daxia, returned, he did many cruel things, killing Chang Chang from the inside out. Once again, it was full of murderousness, causing Daxia to become even more chaotic! However, based on my understanding of Prince Daxia, he is not a reckless person, and he must have a deep meaning in doing so!

The empress asked:"What's the deep meaning?""

"Needless to say, he wants to end the civil strife quickly and restore Daxia to integrity! However, Daxia is internally torn apart, and powerful enemies are eyeing it from the outside. The longer time passes, the more serious the decline in Daxia's national power will be!"

"Therefore, he wanted to use this method of cutting the knot with a sharp knife and scraping the bones to heal the wounds to save Daxia! As long as all the rebellious officials and traitors in Daxia are killed and only his voice is left, then the country will naturally be unified and complete!

The empress asked:"Doesn't he consider the consequences?" You see now, there are coalition forces of princes inside to attack the prince, and there are coalition forces of countries outside, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to invade Daxia! To be honest, I have never seen such a chaotic situation! Lin

Beifan smiled and said:"Of course he knows the consequences, but he still does it, which proves that he has a way to solve this crisis!" He must have a huge trump card in his hand! Your Majesty, just watch. If it goes as expected, this civil war in the Great Xia will soon end, and the coalition of countries will quickly disintegrate! It would be wisest for us not to get involved in this matter!

The empress smiled:"I have the same idea!" Let them call, we are now fully preparing for the wedding! After they both lose, we'll see if there's any chance to benefit from it!

Lin Beifan also smiled:"What your Majesty said is absolutely true!""

Next, Dawu actually stood aside and did not participate in this matter.

And those six small countries once again formed a million-strong coalition to attack Daxia.

However, what is ironic is that they formed a coalition with six marshals.

Because no one obeys anyone, each country sends a general as a marshal to command the troops of his country.

If there is a problem, discuss it.

If the discussion cannot be resolved, then vote, and the minority obeys the majority..

It seemed very beautiful, but Lin Beifan only saw 4 words from it: mob.

After the six-nation coalition was formed, they marched into Daxia in a mighty manner and once again attacked the city and captured the territory. The fight was very easy, and the journey was smooth. Basically No matter how they fight, they will have an illusion: It seems that they can do without Dawu!

They don’t know that the main forces in the cities of Daxia have been transferred by the princes into a million-strong coalition to attack the prince of Daxia, so there is no way They couldn't organize a strong resistance.

All this fell into the eyes of the people in the world, and they once again looked down on Daxia.

However, the Prince of Daxia who stayed in the capital showed a hint of joy on his indifferent face.

"Are you all here? Well done! I must spit out everything you have eaten with profit!"

Just as he was talking, the Prince of Daxia sent a letter.

Not long after, a gray-haired old man arrived quietly, looked at the Prince of Daxia and said coldly:"At the beginning, I was favored by your father and promised to help him do three things. One thing to offset the favor! One thing has been done, two more to go! Since you have my token in your hand, tell me your story!"

"Thank you, senior! The prince of Daxia was overjoyed:"Senior must have understood my current situation in Daxia!" Please also ask the seniors to take action and kill the coalition forces of the Daxia princes and the coalition forces of the Six Nations!

The gray-haired old man frowned:"Killing too many people will harm Tianhe!""

The Prince of Daxia explained:"Senior, we only need to kill their generals and innate masters, and I will deal with the rest of the troops!"

This old manHe relaxed his brows and nodded:"Yes!"

That day, the old man immediately broke into the millions of coalition forces of the princes as if he was in no one's land. In less than a cup of tea, he killed the prince and prince of the princes' coalition forces. , all the major generals and innate masters were killed, and then they floated away.

Without leadership in the coalition of princes, the war would not be fought at all.

The prince of Daxia took action, showed his affection and reason, and then collected the millions of coalition troops.

His own strength expanded rapidly.

Then, the Prince of Daxia personally led troops and horses, and a million troops to attack the six-nation coalition.

At this time, the Six Nations Allied Forces were still dreaming of opening up vast territories.

At this moment, a strange old man suddenly broke into the coalition army and killed officials and strong men on sight.

No matter whether it is an acquired strong person or an innate strong person, there is no enemy in his hands!

"Who are you? Why were the soldiers of the Six Nations killed?"Someone asked in horror

"Dead people don’t need to know that much!"

The old man waved his hand gently, and as soon as the strength flew out of his sleeves, he not only killed the man, but also cut out a huge trench a hundred feet long and seven feet deep.

Once again, he killed all the generals and masters After the light, the old man floated away without knowing his whereabouts.

But without the commander-in-chief, the millions of coalition troops were in complete chaos like headless flies.

"The marshal has been killed, let's run away!"

"All the generals have been killed. Why should we fight? Run away!"

"Yes, what if the murderer comes back?……"

"Stop talking and run away. If you don't run away, you will die!"


They threw away their helmets and fled in panic.

But at this time, the Prince of Daxia had already led an army of one million people to come here. Looking at the chaotic coalition of nations, his eyes were red, and he looked at him with hatred, and roared:"These are all intruders! Give them to me." Kill, leave no one behind!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"Everyone responded.

Daxia's soldiers and horses launched a bloody massacre.

This battle lasted for a day and a night.

Because the generals and generals of the coalition forces of various countries were wiped out, they were leaderless and had no morale. They could not organize a strong force at all. They resisted, but were finally killed by the Daxia soldiers and horses.

The battle quickly spread throughout the world, and people all over the world were shocked.

"The millions of coalition forces of the princes and the millions of coalition forces of the six countries were defeated like this?"

"These are 2 million soldiers and horses. How could they lose so quickly?"

"I heard that the Prince of Daxia invited a strong master. That grandmaster was so strong that he killed all the generals and strong men of the two coalition armies, which gave the Prince of Daxia an opportunity!"

"That’s it, no wonder!"

"I really underestimate the Prince of Daxia, it’s unfathomable! Daxia, don’t mess with me!"

"Those 6 countries are going to feel bad, so many soldiers and horses have been killed! Not only will the military strength be greatly damaged, but you also have to be careful about being settled by the Prince of Daxia!"

"It was a wise decision for Dawu not to participate in this battle against Xia!"


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