Everyone was talking about it.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the Crown Prince of Daxia was hasty and acted on his own impulse, so he committed a frenzied massacre, which once again caused civil war and pushed Daxia into the abyss!

Now it seems like this is so sloppy.

He clearly has a trump card and a plan in mind.

In the past few days, all the crises in Daxia have been resolved, with just one word!

Everyone re-examined this prince of Daxia. He was worthy of being the candidate for the crown prince that everyone had hoped for. It was indeed remarkable!

If Daxia is left in the hands of this person, it will definitely not fall, and maybe it will rise again.

Lin Beifan was naturally paying attention to Daxia's situation, and nothing was beyond his expectation.

The prince of Daxia has a trump card, so he dares to act so arbitrarily.

It's just something that Lin Beifan didn't expect. His trump card seems to be a bit big.

"There are rumors from the outside world that the mysterious old man who was driven by the Daxia Prince is a grand master! But in my opinion, that old man may have reached the level of a grand master!"Lin BeifanTalking to himself.

Judging from the information collected by the court, the mysterious old man killed the innate master with a single swing and indeed had the strength of a grandmaster, so he was recognized as a grandmaster.

However, Lin Beifan speculated through the collected information and was 80% certain that the other party was a great master and one of the few strong men in the world.

Because even if you are a Grandmaster, it is not that easy to break into an army of millions and kill the innate strong ones.

The other party did it easily, so it was very likely that he was a great master.

Although the Prince of Daxia had a great master to help him, Lin Beifan was not panicked at all.

You have a great master and I am a great master, who is afraid of whom?

The fight is at most half a pound, what can you do to me?

And soon, he will no longer be the Grand Master!

But above the Grand Master... the Supreme Grand Master!!!

Besides that woman who is like a god and a devil, who else in the world is his rival?

Therefore, Lin Beifan remained unmoved and stayed in the palace of the capital, quietly watching the winds and clouds of the Great Summer and the changes in the world.

At this time, in Daxia, after the Prince of Daxia defeated the six-nation coalition, his morale was greatly shaken, and he continued to lead an army of one million people to pursue the victory and regain the lost land.

The Allied Forces of the Six Nations had just been defeated. The soldiers and horses stationed in Daxia from the Six Nations were so frightened that they ran away before they could fight.

As a result, the occupied land was quickly taken back by the Prince of Daxia.

The monarchs of the Six Kingdoms were extremely distressed. The land they had finally seized was taken back before they could even hold it back.

Moreover, they also lost many soldiers and horses, offending Daxia again.

It’s like a loss to grandma’s house.

If I had known earlier, I would have learned martial arts and not sent out troops.

At this time, the Prince of Daxia continued to pursue the victory and regain the land. He fought all the way to the White Tiger Mountains in the far east before stopping.

Millions of soldiers and horses, flags fluttering, morale high, but they did not take another step forward.

A general next to him was puzzled and asked:"Your Highness, why don't you continue? The soldiers are now high in fighting spirit and ready to go. With our great momentum, we will definitely be able to penetrate the White Tiger Mountains and conquer the Far East." Recover the land!"

The Prince of Daxia shook his head:"I also want to, but now is not the time!"

"Your Highness, why?"

"Because the land in the far east has fallen into Dawu's hands! The prince of Daxia said helplessly:"Dawu is not inferior to our dynasty of Daxia, with strong soldiers and horses, and a powerful military!""

"During the heyday of our dynasty, what could he do? Now, Dawu is prosperous and its national power is growing day by day. However, our country, Daxia, has experienced a once-in-a-century ice disaster and endless civil strife. The country is no longer what it used to be. How can we be Dawu's opponent?"

"So if we continue to fight, we will definitely suffer heavy losses! Even if we win, it will be a miserable victory!"

The Prince of Daxia sighed:"But we still have many internal and external troubles that have not been resolved, and the country is still in turmoil. If we lose a lot of troops, it will definitely make things worse and add fuel to the fire! Therefore, the fight cannot continue!"

"What His Royal Highness the Prince said is absolutely true!"The general nodded.

"The most terrifying thing is that if Lin Beifan is offended because of this, then we will lose more than we gain! The

Prince of Daxia looked solemn:"He is a terrible person. He can fight on horseback and govern a country on horseback. He is proficient in literature, Taoism and martial arts. He is the most terrifying opponent I have ever seen!" I once lost to him! If we anger Lin Beifan and lead troops to fight again, the advantage we finally gained may be destroyed in an instant!"

The general nodded with lingering fear.

As a general who marches and fights, no one knows Lin Beifan.

Because this person is so terrible!

Although he is a civil servant, he is especially good at fighting.

In the past two years, he has fought seven or eight battles. As a result, every battle was completely won at a low cost!

It is not an exaggeration to be called the God of War!

As a general, he was eager to confront Lin Beifan, but also afraid of fighting him.

Because it was difficult to find a confidant, and the opponent was also hard to find. It is hard to find. Being able to fight Lin Beifan, the god of war, is what every general longs for!

But he is afraid of fighting him because the probability of losing is very high!

Once he loses, the consequences will be……

"I don’t want to lose for the second time! If you lose this time, you will be doomed! The Prince of Daxia smiled bitterly:"So, before we have a complete plan, I will not attack the White Tiger Mountains and regain the Far East!""

"What His Highness said is absolutely true, I will finally learn from you!"The general said loudly.

The Prince of Daxia glanced at the White Tiger Mountains not far away and turned around unwillingly.

"Let's go back! In the future, when I come here again, I will definitely take back the Far East...!"

The mighty army of one million people turned around and went back.

After returning to the capital of Daxia, the prince of Daxia organized his affairs internally, deployed troops and horses outside, and then prepared for his enthronement and ascended the throne as the emperor.

This was something that attracted the attention of the whole world. Big event.

Every emperor who ascends the throne likes to send letters to various countries, inviting him to buy and witness this historical moment.

Dawu naturally received the invitation and invited Lin Beifan to participate by name. Lin Beifan refused.

This prince Lin Beifan knew exactly what he was planning.

He had been plotting against him and wanted him to be used by him. If he was not used, he would be destroyed.

If he went there, he might not be able to come back.

Therefore, Lin Beifan designated a person A minister asked him to attend on behalf of Dawu.

While he was handling court affairs, he continued to prepare for the wedding with the empress.

At this time, the Dayan Dynasty wanted to refine the elixir of life again, and spent 10 million taels to purchase some from him. Keel.

After the money was put into his account, Lin Beifan was shocked to find that it was time for him to upgrade!

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