At this moment, the ministers and the empress were all thinking about the feasibility of this method.

Conquer by force!

Take control financially!

Domesticate the mind!

Through three aspects, firmly control the Dora Kingdom!

In this way, without going to war or hurting public opinion, we can merge Duoluo into Dawu and achieve the goal of expanding our territory!

This idea is so great, the more I think about it, the more feasible it becomes!

To be honest, if these three aspects are achieved, they won't be able to win Doro if they don't believe it!

After a long time.

The empress finally spoke:"Dear ladies, what do you think of me?"

"Your Majesty, I think this method is feasible! If the three aspects of force, economy and ideology are in place, Wei Chen will not believe that he will not be able to win the little Doro Kingdom!"

"However, these are the most ideal conditions! In actual implementation, you will definitely encounter various problems!"

"For example, in terms of economy, how to subtly control their people's livelihood is a huge project that requires careful consideration! There is also ideological taming, which is not easy. Changing a person's thinking is the most difficult.……"

"In addition, during the implementation process, we must avoid alerting the Doro King royal family!"

"Therefore, Wei Chen believes that we should take a long-term approach!"


All officials expressed their opinions.

Lin Beifan nodded and smiled:"My lords, what you said is absolutely true! Therefore, I wrote a plan and outline overnight, and it is all in this memorial! Your Majesty, please take a closer look!" The empress said urgently:"Submit it quickly!"

When the memorial was presented When she came up, the empress opened it eagerly.

It was only a few thousand words long, but the empress read it very slowly, not even taking a stick of incense to finish it.

After reading it, the empress clapped her hands and applauded.

He was overjoyed and said:"Okay, okay! This method is excellent and very detailed! If you follow the program, you will see results within three months! In less than three years, Doro Country will be able to be merged into Dawu! Haha!……"

The civil and military officials below were itching to watch.

"Your Majesty, what is written in the memorial?"

"Can I let you have a look?"


The empress smiled and shook her head.

She can't be trusted by hundreds of officials.

There are all kinds of interests involved behind these officials. For their own benefit, they have done many things that harm the public and enrich themselves!

What if they knew the plan and were profiting from it?

What should I do if I even betray my country?

This involves her great cause of expanding the territory, so nothing can happen!

Moreover, if this plan is really implemented, not only can Dorothy be included in the Dawu territory, but her strength can also be quickly enhanced!

This is too important to her, and there is no room for sloppiness!

"The previous compensation plan is abolished and Lin Aiqing’s plan will be implemented!"The empress said

"Your Majesty, can you please consider it again?"A minister said cautiously.

The empress waved her hand:"No need, I really can't think of a better way than this! Doro can be annexed without fighting! I will name this plan...Swallowing the Python!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"All officials said in unison

"In addition, this plan must not be leaked! The empress' eyes were sharp:"Otherwise, if you are discovered by me, no matter what your status is or what your achievements are, I will definitely take off your head and implicate the three clans!""

"I don’t dare!"All the officials were frightened.

Some officials looked pale and sweat was dripping down their faces. She even said such cruel words to the three clans involved. It seemed that the empress was very serious.

Some people put away their little thoughts.

"All in all, please be honest with me!"The empress threatened again.

"Lin Aiqing, where is she?"

"I'm here!"Lin Beifan stood up.

The empress looked at Lin Beifan with a smile and admiration in her eyes.

This guy gave her another surprise!

He can even think of such a clever plan, what a talent!

"The python-eating strategy offered by Lin Aiqing not only avoided war, but also laid the foundation for our great cause of expanding our territory with great force! If this comes to pass, my dear, you have made a great contribution! My dear, how should I reward you? Lin

Beifan was horrified:"Serving His Majesty is my duty. I don't dare to ask for rewards!"

The empress said loudly:"There should be rewards for meritorious service. Lin Aiqing stepped forward to receive the award!""

"I'm here!"Lin Beifan clasped his hands

"Reward ten thousand taels of silver!"

"A pair of gold, jade and jade!"

"10 longan pearls!"


He is as arrogant as ever, throwing away money for free!

The eyes of all the civil and military officials turned red with envy!

But this time, they could find no reason to object.

If this thing is really done, there will be a chance to be promoted to the third rank, not to mention just giving some property?

After reciting the reward with unfinished thoughts, the empress smiled and said:"This is just an early reward! Once the plan is implemented, if it shows results, I will give you an official title!""

"Thank you Lord for your grace!"Lin Beifan said loudly.

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