Therefore, under Lin Beifan's organization, the reparations were re-drawn.

Doro Country does not need to pay a penny in compensation.

However, the Doro country must open its border ports and allow Dawu merchants to enter and do business. The legitimate interests of Dawu merchants must be protected, and the tariffs and commercial taxes collected cannot be too high.

In addition, Dawu scholars were allowed to enter the country to open schools, preach and teach, etc.

Prince Hamu was overjoyed when he learned the news.

Unexpectedly, Lin Beifan really accomplished this matter!

And you don’t have to pay a penny!

As for the requirements of opening border ports, allowing Dawu merchants to enter the country to do business, and allowing Dawu scholars to enter the country to open schools, they don't care much about it.

Because no matter whether they are doing business or teaching, they pose no threat to their rule, as long as the army does not come.

There is even some joy in my heart.

Because when Dawu merchants do business, they can promote their country's commerce and improve the lives of ordinary people.

Scholars from Dawu came to open schools, where they could educate the people and improve their intelligence.

It was too late for them to thank me.

All these achievements are inseparable from one person!

In order to express their gratitude, they once again solemnly invited Lin Beifan

"Mr. Lin, I’d like to toast you!"Prince Hamu held the wine glass in both hands, his face glowing.

He couldn't believe that the negotiations had achieved such outstanding results.

After he goes back, his father will definitely praise him greatly, and the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty will definitely support him, and the people of the country will definitely support him. His heart will definitely fall in love with him, and his position as prince is secure.

When he thinks of his bright future, he is so happy that he almost flies away!

"Your Highness, you're welcome! And everyone, please!"Lin Beifan toasted in return.

"Mr. Lin also invites you!"The envoys picked up the wine glasses one after another and were very happy.

They can't escape from this achievement. After they go back, they will be heavily rewarded and promoted to nobility!

After drinking a few more glasses of wine, Lin Beifan held the wine glass and said meaningfully. He smiled and said:"Prince Hamu, I have already settled the matter for you, please don't forget our agreement! A total of 3.5 million, don’t miss a penny! Otherwise, I can overthrow the previous indemnity treaty and re-establish it!"

"Don't dare……"

Prince Hamu was happy and distressed at the same time. 3.5 million taels is not a small amount!

It’s equivalent to half a year’s treasury income!

But compared to having to spend more than 3 million to compensate Dawu every year, this situation is already very good!

Moreover, he did not dare to offend Lin Beifan now.

The compensation was almost settled, but he was still able to overthrow the court. This shows that the other party has the ability to influence the Dawu court. Such a person must not be offended.

"Mr. Lin, 3.5 million is too much! We only have about 300,000 left, so we’ll give it all to you now! I will report the rest to my father when I go back and make up for it! Don't worry, I, Hamu, promise in the name of the prince that I will never default! Prince Hamu said with confidence.

Lin Beifan squinted his eyes and smiled:"I believe you, Prince Hamu!" Let's keep drinking!"

"OK OK! Let's keep drinking!"

"I won’t come home until I’m drunk today!"


Everyone exchanged glasses and it was very lively.

After drinking until midnight, the party ended.

Lin Beifan went back with about 300,000 yuan in jewelry.

At this time, the night was already deep and Master Li had already fallen asleep.

Lin Beifan smelled of alcohol and couldn't bear to disturb the other party, so he planned to change rooms and sleep there for the night.

But before going to bed, he planned to upgrade himself

"System, settle the bill for me!"

"Ding! The host embezzled 700,000 taels of gold and silver jewelry, a huge amount, and was rewarded with the fusion of Xiao Li Tanhua (late stage) template!"

A powerful force was integrated into Lin Beifan's body.

This is the internal power of Xiao Li Tanhua!

Then, a huge memory was integrated into his body.

This is Xiao Li Tanhua's lifelong martial arts experience!

It also includes him Literary talent!

After all, people who can be the most beautiful girl in high school are not in vain!

In a short time, all the good fortune of Xiao Li's most beautiful girl were absorbed by Lin Beifan.

He has the peak acquired strength (if it is innate, he will not have it) Tuberculosis), internal strength, Qinggong, etc. are all relatively ordinary, but he possesses a terrifying secret skill that no one can ignore!

Xiao Li's flying knife!!!

Xiao Li's flying knife is a good example!

This is a bug-level ability that is always on target.!

A sword that gathers all the energy and energy in the whole body!

It’s so fast that it’s unimaginable!

Everyone who sees the sword is dead!

And combined with Xiao Li’s ability in the later stage of Tanhua, Lin Beifan can make everything in the world become a sword! With the knife in his hand! Objects can kill people!

"This ability is good!"Lin Beifan smiled from ear to ear.

Although it didn't improve his cultivation level, it improved his combat power a lot!

"When the money from Dora comes, I can further improve my cultivation!"

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