After another two days of busy work, I finally finished the affairs of Doro Country.

Lin Beifan had two days of vacation.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and the wind was refreshing. Lin Beifan and Li Shishi went out for an outing in the city.

Sitting in two carriages, one carrying people and the other carrying food, they left the city leisurely.

The little princess also came.

It seems that since she met Lin Beifan, she has become Lin Beifan's little tail.

Wherever Lin Beifan went, she would follow.

Everyone chose a place with beautiful scenery, laid out a long banquet, placed snacks, wine and tea, and ate happily while admiring the beautiful scenery.

Lin Beifan and Li Shishi cuddled together, talking and laughing while admiring the scenery on the mountain.

Talented man and beautiful woman, a match made in heaven!

The little princess sat opposite, and she kept eating... and she couldn't stop talking with her little mouth!

Lin Beifan couldn't stand it any longer:"Little Princess, don't eat it! It's a rare occasion to come out, take a look at the surrounding scenery, relax your mind, don't just eat!" The little Princess said while eating melon:"There's nothing to see. Yeah, I’ve been watching it for more than ten years and I’m tired of it!"

"You have lived for more than ten years, why are you not tired of living?"

Little Princess:"……"

The little princess dropped the melon peel and glared at Lin Beifan fiercely:"Sister Shishi, look at Lin Beifan as a bastard. He is so angry when he talks! How did you fall in love with him in the first place?"

Li Shishi leaned on Lin Beifan's arms, Covering her mouth and smiling, she said:"Little princess, you don't understand, my husband is the best person in the world! I feel very happy and at ease when I am with him!"

Lin Beifan raised his head proudly.

"Little princess, stop talking about me, don’t you often come to play with my husband?

The little princess's eyes darkened:"Because I don't have many friends!" My status is high, but everyone is afraid of me and won't play with me! People of similar status are all playboys, and they can't play together!"

"In the past, my sister, the empress, played with me! But since she became the emperor, she has become busier and more majestic, and I have no friends!"

"In other words, Lin Beifan isn't afraid of me. If I don't play with him, I won't have any friends!"

At this time, the little princess's head was covered by a warm hand.

The little group leader raised his head and saw Lin Beifan's warm face.

Lin Beifan comforted her softly:"Little princess, don't think so much. In fact, I am very... I understand you, because I used to be lonely and had no friends! The little princess said:"

Ah?" You didn't have any friends before? why?"

"Because pretty boys are always lonely! Lin

Beifan sighed sadly:"I have endured a handsomeness that I should not bear at my age, so I am often isolated by others!"

The little princess burst out laughing:"You are so shameless!" How can anyone praise themselves like this?

Lin Beifan sighed again:"Don't persuade others to be generous without going through their suffering!" Little princess, if you haven’t experienced my life, you can’t understand how much trouble and misunderstanding this beautiful face has caused me! Only Dali did not dislike my handsomeness, stayed with me and encouraged me, so I had the courage to survive!"

The little princess and Master Li both chuckled.

While laughing, the little princess clenched her fist and hit Lin Beifan's arm:"You are so thick-skinned! The walls of the capital are not as thick-skinned as you! Bad guy, bad guy……"

Lin Beifan spread his hands:"Look, no matter what happens, just smile, right?"

"Um!"The little princess nodded vigorously.

Now that Lin Beifan has solved the problem, she is in a particularly good mood and feels warm at the same time!

This guy is really good! He always makes people happy every time they are unhappy!

His method is so different!

Good. Shameless!

Hee hee!

Lin Beifan continued to stroke the little head of the little group leader:"So, little princess, if you feel lonely in the future, come to me! If you are bored, you can come to me! I'll always be with you! Lin Beifan's face became serious:"

Please remember, you are not alone!"

The little princess's eyes were full of hope:"Is what you said true?"

Lin Beifan nodded vigorously:"Really, because you are a pig!""

Little Princess:"……"

The little princess went crazy:"Ah! Lin Beifan, you bastard, you called me a pig again! Do you want to make me angry to death before you stop?" As he said that, he snatched the delicious food in front of Lin Beifan and bit it down hard.

"Little princess, this is my favorite pig's trotters, don't want it!"

"I want it!"

"This is Dongpo meat, spit it out!"

"I want to eat it!"

"Little princess, you will regret it!"

"Fight to death without regrets!"

Looking at the little princess's stubborn look, Lin Beifan sighed:"We are from the same roots, so why are we in such a hurry?"

Little Princess:"……"

"ah! Lin Beifan, you bastard!"

At this time, two people, a man and a woman, appeared in the distance, riding a tall horse.

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