The old man was very happy.

Bai Zhen nodded. He really wanted to leave Qingqiu and go out to relax. After all, he had been practicing in Qingqiu for a long time and was a little tired of such a boring life!

Moreover, Qingqiu no longer had any tools to help Bai Zhen train his body. If he stayed in Qingqiu, it would be difficult to improve his cultivation and body.

In addition, Bai Meng and Bai Mei's cultivation was almost as good as Bai Zhen's, which meant that the cultivation of other innate gods and demons in the prehistoric world was almost on par with Bai Zhen. At that time, when fighting with other innate gods and demons, Bai Zhen would not be able to take advantage of his cultivation!

This made Bai Zhen, who had always been far ahead of other innate gods and demons, feel very insecure. Therefore, in order to ensure that his cultivation was far superior to other innate gods and demons, leaving Qingqiu and going to Zhoushan to use Pangu's pressure to improve the level of his physical body was the most correct choice.

"Why do you know that I am leaving Qingqiu?"

"Brother, as your sister, how can I not understand you? You should know that you are a person who can't sit still. It is a rare thing to be able to stay in Qingqiu for such a long time!"

"So that's the case. I thought you could see my inner thoughts. In fact, to be honest, I don't really want to leave Qingqiu. After all, Qingqiu is also a rare paradise.

Unfortunately, under the dual pressure of the Great Dao and Pangu's will, it is difficult for me to improve my cultivation again. At present, I can only improve my understanding of the laws and the improvement of my physical body.

The conditions in Qingqiu are limited, and I am very familiar with every plant and tree in Qingqiu, so it is difficult for me to understand from the nature of Qingqiu. Law. As for my physical body, it has reached the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian. Qingqiu has nothing to help me improve the level of my physical body. If I stay in Qingqiu, it will be difficult for my physical body to be improved.

Honghuang is a world where the strong prey on the weak. If you don’t have enough cultivation, you can’t protect everything you want to protect. Therefore, in order to protect Qingqiu, I can’t improve my cultivation slowly. For various reasons, I decided to leave Qingqiu again! "

"Brother, I know! Bai Mei and I will protect Qingqiu!"

"By the way, I don’t know when I can come back after leaving, so I decided to leave some of the resources needed for cultivation!"

After saying this, Bai Zhen didn’t care about Bai Meng’s reaction, and directly took out most of the resources on his body. Seeing the mountains of resources, Bai Meng was also stunned. After all, she never thought that Bai Zhen could take out so many resources from her body, and the quality looked pretty good.

"Brother, these are..."

"These are the resources I collected for the tribe. You can collect the golden pills and put them in the Spiritual Pill Pavilion. This is the Pure World Divine Mud. You and Bai Mei can use it to condense the earth element. This is a one-yuan heavy water bead. Let the tribe use it to condense the water element.

This is the fire spirit bead I found before. You can also put it away. Whoever needs it can use it. These gourds are filled with Ganges water, which can help people understand the laws of the soul. These boxes contain golden apples, which can be used to condense the gold element. Don't eat these apples too quickly. Don't eat them too quickly..."

Bai Zhen talked a lot. After Bai Zhen finished explaining the uses and taboos, Bai Meng collected all the resources.

"Brother, when are you going to leave?"

"Wait a little longer. I plan to preach to the tribesmen again before I leave."

"Okay! I'll arrange it now!"

"No need!"

After Bai Zhen finished speaking, Bai Zhen spoke again: "I am Bai Zhen. Five thousand years later, I will preach the Tao in the center of Qingqiu!"

Because Bai Zhen used his own magic power, all the intelligent creatures in Qingqiu heard Bai Zhen's announcement. When they heard that Bai Zhen was going to preach again, the whole Qingqiu became lively.

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