Although Bai Meng and Bai Mei usually manage Qingqiu, all the creatures in Qingqiu know that the most powerful creature in Qingqiu, the real master of Qingqiu, and the leader of the fox clan is Bai Zhen, who is unknown. Bai Zhen is preparing to give a sermon at this time. For them, it is a great opportunity. How could the creatures of Qingqiu miss it! Time passed, and soon it was time for the sermon. Before Bai Zhen appeared, the place where Bai Zhen preached was crowded with people, and the tribesmen who were born with Bai Zhen also arrived at the scene early to maintain order there. Other people in Qingqiu also arrived at the scene in advance. Because as time went by, there were more and more creatures in Qingqiu, and eventually the creatures in Qingqiu came to the preaching site and found that there were too many creatures, and the preaching site was crowded.

Although the creatures who came to listen to the preaching respected Bai Zhen very much, the desire of the prehistoric creatures for the Tao had reached a crazy state. For them, hearing the Tao in the morning and dying in the evening was fine. Therefore, in order to fight for a good position to listen to the Tao, one by one, they were fighting with red faces and thick necks. If Bai Meng had not arranged people to maintain order at the preaching site in advance, they might have fought!

Finally, after some discussion, the creatures who listened to the Tao decided to allocate the position of listening to the Tao according to the level of cultivation. The higher the cultivation and the stronger the strength, the better the position of listening to the Tao, and the closer to Bai Zhen.

Bai Zhen realized that the time was almost up, so he came to the place of preaching, and then, Bai Zhen began his preaching journey. Bai Zhen discovered that the strength of the creatures who came to listen to the teachings this time was strong and weak. The strongest ones had the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian, and the weakest ones had just started practicing. In order to ensure that all creatures could gain something from his teachings, Bai Zhen quickly decided to start with the earthly immortals.

As Bai Zhen's content became more and more complicated, many creatures gradually fell behind and could not understand what Bai Zhen was talking about. In order to prevent being infected by the great Dao that Bai Zhen was talking about, the creatures themselves directly transformed into the Dao. Therefore, after the creatures completely could not understand the great Dao that Bai Zhen was talking about, the body's defense mechanism would automatically start, and they would automatically close their six senses and isolate themselves from the great Dao that Bai Zhen was talking about.

Bai Zhen did not say much about these creatures. After all, the blessings of each creature were different. They could not hear Bai Zhen's complete teachings, which could only be said to be insufficient.

At the same time, Bai Zhen was very clear that if he ignored these creatures whose six senses were forced to be closed, they would be in a state of closed six senses during the second half of his teachings, and it would take at least 30,000 years for them to return to normal after Bai Zhen's teachings were over.

Although the prehistoric world does not count years, and the prehistoric creatures do not care about the passage of time, Bai Zhen does not want them to waste time on such meaningless things. Therefore, when Bai Zhen feels that the creatures cannot bear it, he will directly drive the creatures out of the place where Bai Zhen preaches.

Because Bai Zhen teleported out in time, except for a few creatures who fell into the state of enlightenment, the other creatures woke up quickly.

Although they were a little unwilling to be teleported by Bai Zhen, they knew very well that they were not strong enough and would not gain anything even if they continued to listen.

So instead of staying there, it is better to go back to their caves first, sort out what they have learned from listening, digest and absorb these insights, and transform them into their own strength. After all, they don’t want to have similar opportunities in the future, but they can’t grasp them because of their lack of strength!

But before they left, they would bow deeply towards the place where Bai Zhen was preaching, and at the same time, they would say, "Thank you, Immortal Bai Zhen, for your preaching!"

As time passed, Bai Zhen had already talked about Taiyi Jinxian unconsciously. After talking about the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian, Bai Zhen did not continue to talk about it. To be honest, after talking about how to break through Taiyi Jinxian, Bai Zhen did not want to talk about it anymore. After all, Bai Zhen himself had not cultivated the realm of Taiyi Jinxian to the extreme. If he told others about it, it would be a sheer misleading!

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