"Director, help me."Yang Tian said to Yang Jinrong

"OK"At this moment, Yang Jinrong acted as an assistant, helping him lift the rectum and sigmoid colon to expose the ureters.

Yang Tian incised the retroperitoneum on both sides of the sigmoid mesocolon root on its inside, entered the retroperitoneal space behind the mesentery, and cut down along both sides of the rectum Incise the retroperitoneum to about 1cm above the peritoneal reflection in the anterior rectal fossa.

Pay attention to protect the hypogastric nerve.

Enter the presacral space on the sacral promontory.

Under direct vision, connect the pelvic fascia organs (deep rectal fascia) and the wall.

The presacral space is sharply separated between the fascia, and the rectum is pulled as far forward as possible with a deep S-shaped retractor to protect the integrity of the posterior rectopelvic fascia.

The sacrorectal fascia is cut downwards.

The separation of the posterior rectum should go beyond the tip of the coccyx to the pelvic floor.

Levator ani muscle plane.

This series of operations went smoothly without any sloppiness, as if it had been done thousands of times!

"This operation can definitely be performed by an experienced surgeon with more than 30 years of experience."

"I saw that there were no mistakes in his series of operations, and there was no major bleeding, just dots of blood. This level of control is simply unbelievable."

"Those thick fats, thick mesentery, thick intestines, thick lymphatic tissue...it seemed as if they didn't exist before his eyes. He can accurately guess the patient's structure at every step! It’s really unbelievable!"

At this moment, Yang Tian began to sharply separate the two sides of the rectum, cut off the lateral ligaments on both sides, and gently cut and picked, and the cut was good, and the roots did not hurt the blood vessels in the rectum on both sides.

"Is this a magic sword? When ten doctors did this, the blood vessels would bleed to some extent and the blood vessels would need to be ligated. However, he did not harm the blood vessels at all."

Yang Jinrong was amazed when he saw it.

Yang Tian made an incision in front of the rectum along the peritoneal reflection and entered between Denonvillier's fascia and the deep rectal fascia. After exposing the spermatic cord, he moved the spermatic cord to the dorsal side of the spermatic cord. Retract anteriorly and separate it downward along the deep rectal fascia to the level of the prostate.

Then, retain the left colonic vascular arch and ligate and cut off the branch vessels of the sigmoid colon respectively.

Use two deMarte1 forceps or non-injury to the intestine at the middle and lower 1/3 of the sigmoid colon branches.

The intestinal cavity is cut off with forceps.

The resected specimen can be removed from the vaginal incision.

After the specimen is removed, the pelvic cavity is flushed with disinfectant solution.

After tight hemostasis, a negative pressure drainage tube is left in the pelvic cavity and left iliac.

It can be dug out or led out from the lower end of the incision, or it can be led out through the inner side of the sigmoid tubercle, and then a small incision can be made through the upper 1/3 of the left lower abdomen to remove the proximal sigmoid colon, and then remove the round skin with a diameter of 2.


The sigmoid colon is led out through the muscle fiber separation incision of the rectus abdominis, and four needles are fixed around the peritoneum and intestinal wall.

The abdominal incision is sutured layer by layer.

The deMarte1 forceps or non-injurious right-angle intestinal forceps are removed, and the end of the colon and the skin are sutured with full-thickness interrupted sutures.

You can also make an end-type stoma through the upper end of the incision, which is equal to the plane 2 transverse fingers below the umbilicus.


"The operation was successful!"

"Oh My God!"

"Reaching the pinnacle. This is the first time I have seen an example of rectal cancer surgery being performed on a 300-pound fat man!"

"I actually watched the entire process, and I was very inspired."

"The surgeon's hands are simply amazing."

"It's so flexible, I want to go to Jiangbei Hospital to learn from him!"

"Haha, I have to accept you."

After the rectal cancer tumor was successfully removed, Yang Tian began to clean the abdominal cavity with normal saline, and then sutured.

There were also many challenges during the suturing.

Because of the thick mesentery, peritoneum, and fat, it was very difficult to Suturing.

But Yang Tian once again showed the people in the live broadcast room what master-level suturing is!

They were all amazed!

This time the operation took 1 hour, mainly because of the 300 pounds. Fatty's surgery was too difficult and complicated.

If it had been someone else's surgery, he could have done it in half an hour or even faster!

"Yang Tian, you succeeded!"Yang Jinrong was very excited after seeing Yang Tian suture the wound. At this moment, he completely believed that Yang Tian never told lies. He also firmly believed that the other party had the incredible ability to perform surgery after seeing it once. It was simply peerless. Monster

"It finally lived up to expectations."Yang Tian smiled slightly

"I think you are ready to start teaching! You can become a regular employee now."Yang Jinrong laughed.

He also had a bold guess. Maybe Yang Tian will become an all-round surgeon in the future!

Across several different types of surgical fields.

Not just general surgery, but also orthopedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and neurosurgery....

What they don’t know is that this live broadcast was watched by tens of thousands of people on the doctor forum and was even recorded. It is estimated that this surgery will set off a small storm in the field of rectal cancer because someone dares to perform this kind of surgery! , and the work was so perfect and impeccable.

When Yang Tian and Yang Jinrong came out of the operating room, Lin Weixiang's family members saw them coming out and quickly came over and asked:"Doctor, what happened to the operation?""

It only came out in an hour, which made them a little panicked. Could it be that they couldn't continue in the middle of the process?"

"The surgery was a success! However, it requires hospitalization for two weeks of observation. Yang Jinrong said

"Success? Great, really great!"Lin Weixiang's family members are all very excited.

"Doctors, you are amazing. It seems that Jiangbei First Hospital is indeed a famous hospital in the country. I feel that it is not inferior to Beijing First Hospital."

"That's it……"

Yang Tian, in particular, was invited to dinner by Lin Weixiang's family to express his gratitude, but he declined politely.

After saying goodbye to these people, Yang Tian went to the lounge to take a drink of water and check the progress of the mission (1/20)

"It seems that I will have to look for more tertiary surgeries in the coming days."Yang Tian secretly thought


Many doctors from the Modu Cancer Hospital, the No. 1 Hospital in Beijing, and the No. 1 Hospital in Modu also saw Yang Tian’s surgery video. When they saw Yang Tian's uncanny skill and extremely accurate way of judging the location, they were all shocked!

When did Jiangbei No. 1 Hospital produce such a bold and monstrous surgeon? _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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