At noon the next day.

When Yang Tian came back from eating in the hospital cafeteria, he was informed by Zhang Zongrong that the director had asked him to perform a rectal cancer operation in the afternoon. Ask him to go to the ward now to make some pre-operative explanations to the patients and their families. Ever since Yang Tian underwent the extremely difficult rectal cancer surgery yesterday, Yang Jinrong was completely relieved about him. This time, he doesn’t need to be there to supervise the surgery.

"What is the director doing?"Yang Tian asked

"He just had an extended total pancreatectomy"

"Okay, I'll go right away."Yang Tian took the patient's medical record and examination report that Zhang Zongrong handed him, and walked towards the ward where the patient was.

Yang Tian took a look at the examination information. The patient was a male patient in his 30s, weighing 208. He has a fat body and is in the early stage of rectal cancer. Therefore, this surgery should be much easier than yesterday's. After all, yesterday's patient weighed nearly 300 pounds.

When Yang Tian came to the ward, he saw that the patient was on the bed in the middle of the ward..This person’s name is Zhou Jian

"Hello, Dr. Yang."At this time, Lin Weixiang, who was in the next hospital bed, saw Yang Tian and greeted Yang Tian enthusiastically. It can be said that Yang Tian saved his life. After he woke up from the operation, he knew that his operation was very successful.

"Are you in this ward too? how do you feel? Yang Tian asked with a smile.

"It's okay, but I can't move yet."Lin Weixiang, a big fat man, has a very optimistic attitude.


Then Yang Tian asked Zhou Jian in the middle bed:"You are Zhou Jian, right?""

"I am a doctor."Zhou Jian's face was a little pale. He must have been in severe pain these past few days.

"My name is Yang Tian, and I am the surgeon in charge of your surgery. I will now give you a pre-operative explanation and inquire about your condition. Are all your family members here?"

"It's all here, we all are."A middle-aged woman and an old man sitting next to the hospital bed should be the patient's father and wife.

"Very good, Zhou Jian, how are you feeling now?"

"Wait a minute, doctor, did you just say that you are my surgeon?"At this time, Zhou Jian reacted and stared at Yang Tian with a strange expression. First of all, Yang Tian was very young. It made him a little doubtful. Is it okay for such a young doctor to be his chief surgeon?

"Yes, it's me."Yang Tian nodded.

"Hey, are you an intern?"At this moment, Zhou Jian unexpectedly discovered that there was a work tag hanging on the front pocket of Yang Tian's clothes, which read: Intern Yang Tian!

An intern doctor performed an operation on himself! Is it too childish? Is this hospital too disrespectful of patients? Is life regarded as life?

"right."Yang Tian nodded. He was very observant of this patient.

He had a vague feeling that this operation would be difficult to perform.

Sure enough,

"The hospital asked you, an intern, to perform rectal cancer resection surgery on me? Cancer removal! Are you sure you can do it? What did your hospital do? Very unethical."Zhou Jian said with anger.

At this time, his two family members also reacted. They all glanced at Yang Tian's work badge, and their expressions changed drastically!

"That is, it is outrageous to ask an intern to perform surgery on my husband!"The woman also said angrily

"Ahem...I am capable of doing this surgery, so please don't worry."Yang Tian explained

"snort! What abilities can an intern have? How long have you been an intern? You must know that this is a major surgery. Can you do it as an intern? I don't dare to joke with my life! Call your director over, I want to discuss it with your director! Zhou Jian said loudly

"Yes, we asked for a replacement, at least the director performed the surgery on my husband."The woman also echoed.

Seeing the strong reaction of the patient and the patient's family, Yang Tian sighed. He knew that the patient's reaction was still normal. After all, if an intern performs surgery on you, it is more or less He can understand.

"Sorry, our director is doing surgery."Yang Tian paralyzed his hands.

"Then call your deputy director over! Let's talk to your deputy director! Zhou Jian sneered.

"This big brother, Dr. Yang is actually very good at medical skills."Lin Weixiang said from the bed next door.

However, Zhou Jian didn't hear it at all.

"What's up?"It happened that deputy director Li Hanshen was walking by here. When he saw the commotion inside, he walked in and asked

"The patient didn't want me to operate on him, so he asked me to call the director. However, the director was currently undergoing surgery and was unavailable. Oh, by the way, this is our deputy director."Yang Tian explained and introduced

"You are the deputy director, right? In your opinion, is it too childish for your hospital to ask an intern to perform surgery on me? I requested that someone at least be at the deputy director level perform the surgery on me. This doctor, you are the deputy director, right? Well, then you can do my surgery by me! Zhou Jian said with a serious face.

"this……"Liu Hanshen looked embarrassed. He knew about Yang Tian's surgery yesterday. To be honest, he was envious. Because he doesn't even dare to do it.

Now when I look at the patient in front of me, he is also a fat man with rectal cancer weighing more than 200 pounds. Although he is asked to do it, although it is not as exaggerated as 300 pounds, he is not very confident. Because he had never done it in the American hospital, and he had never done it on such a fat patient during the time he just came back.

But now the patient asked him to do it, which made him hesitate for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

"Brother Zhou, right? We are all fat. Let me tell you the truth, my surgery yesterday was performed by this intern Dr. Yang. His medical skills are so good! do you know? It is very difficult for obese people to undergo rectal cancer surgery. The director told me yesterday that he didn’t even dare to do it! even���Most hospitals in the country dare not do it. Unless you go to Modu Cancer Hospital……"Bala, bala, Lin Weixiang told what happened.

Then he added:"Look, the director doesn't dare to do my surgery, but Dr. Yang does. You see the deputy director hesitates and doesn't speak, so he probably doesn't dare to do your surgery either. So, yours Leaving the surgery to Dr. Yang is the best choice!"

Oh shit!

This guy is really an upright boy!

Don't you mean to slap deputy director Liu Hanshen in the face with what you said?

Doesn't it mean that Deputy Director Liu Hanshen is not as powerful as an intern?

Sure enough, Liu Han's face was as black as a pot of coal at this moment. He was shot even while lying down! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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