Chapter 43: The tearful creators (seeking rewards and collections)

You know, this story, told from Yang Jian’s perspective, is extremely cruel, the kind that breaks one’s heart. And how would the creative staff feel when they read such a story without any knowledge of the situation?

Never mind. It’s not important.

Li Qi has already started thinking about how to write. The character analysis of”Life is Long and Hateful, and the River Flows East” is faithful to the original work. If you have to say what is wrong, it is just amplifying some emotions, like torture for the sake of torture, but overall it is good, and Jiao Yingjun’s grasp of the role also follows this pattern.

Including Li Qi, they also agree with the logic of this character

So that night, Li Qi typed out”Life is Long and Hateful, Rivers Flow East” as the title in his computer document.

To be honest, I can’t remember the plot of”Life is Long and Hateful, Rivers Flow East”, but it doesn’t prevent Li Qi from writing this story from Yang Jian’s perspective. It doesn’t have to follow the original version. After all, Li Qi understands this character from another perspective.

Therefore, he wrote very smoothly.

Li Qi spent a few days at home to complete the manuscript of”Life is Long and Hateful, and the River Flows East”. Of course, it is different from the original version. After all, he wrote about the characters rather than the true story, so the number of words is much less.

Send the edited manuscript to the director’s email

Li Qi breathed a sigh of relief. It was the first time for him to write a biography in the form of a story. It was a very novel thing for him. He thought that he could do the same thing when he met interesting people in the future.

Central Office Building

A staff member knocked on the door and handed him a copy of the manuscript that Director Yu Minsheng had just given him to print.

Yu Mingsheng said to several colleagues in the office who were also the main creators of”The Lotus Lantern”:”Everyone, please continue your conversation. I will take a look at the manuscript that Li Qi sent me.”

“Oh, it’s quite thick.”He added

Zhao Jian on the side said with a smile:”Look, let’s sort out the clues first and write down the important ones in advance.”

Time passes by……

When a group of people were talking and discussing, Yu Minsheng, who had just finished watching”Life is Long and Hateful, Rivers Flow East”, suddenly stood up and said in a nasal voice:”You guys chat first, I’m going to the toilet to smoke a cigarette.””

“What happened?”Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

Zhao Jian even saw Yu Minsheng’s eyes reddened when he left the house. For some reason, his eyes could not help but fall on the manuscript. The big words on the cover made people quite puzzled:

Why is it called this name?

Picking up the manuscript on the table, Zhao Jian coughed and said,”Did Director Yu cry just now? What’s going on?”

“Did you cry after reading that manuscript just now?” said a colleague next to him

“Hey…, interesting! Let’s all take a look at what kind of script could make our great director Yu cry.”Zhao Jian said

Everyone gathered together and started reading the manuscript of”Life is Long and Hateful, and the River Flows East”


The sound of turning pages of paper could be heard in the room

The light in the office was gradually dimming. The intern came in to add tea and water, then turned on the light. However, he found that during his work, the group of people in the office did not look up at him from beginning to end. They just huddled together and looked down at the manuscript.

“What’s going on?”

The staff member left the room in confusion. He didn’t know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little weird. This weird atmosphere was really uncomfortable.

I don’t know how long it took

Finally someone in the office looked up. It was the assistant director of the”Lotus Lantern” crew. He rubbed his sore eyes, stood up and said,”I’m going to the toilet to smoke a cigarette too.””

No one answered

The assistant director was not surprised. He pushed the door open and walked out by himself. Walking in the corridor, he couldn’t help rubbing his eyes. Sure enough, looking at things for too long without taking a break would make the eyes uncomfortable.

“I’m going to smoke a cigarette too.”

Soon, the second main creator stood up and spoke. Still no one responded. The rest of the people still looked down at the manuscript. This person smiled bitterly, said no more, and turned to leave.

Another ten minutes passed.

This time it was the producer:”Go to the bathroom”

As if in a chain reaction, the remaining creative staff also stood up one after another, all heading to the toilet, because smoking is prohibited in the office.

The bathroom on the second floor of the Central Bank Office Building

The air was filled with smoke, and it looked a bit gloomy. A group of middle-aged men gathered together and smoked in silence. I don’t know who said in a hoarse voice:”Why don’t we revise the script of The Lotus Lantern?””



“I think so too”

I’m really addicted to cigarettes today

The bathroom is a bit crowded.

Director Yu Minsheng, who was the first to finish watching”Life is Long and Hateful, Rivers Flow East” and came over to smoke, said:”Send the manuscript to Jiu Nian as well. He is the screenwriter, maybe he can come up with a good idea.””



“that’s all”

Another series of hoarse answers

Stimulated by”Life is Long and Hateful, Rivers Flow East”, Jiu Nian’s ideas flowed like a spring and his inspiration was like diabetic diabetic. In less than a week, he completed the revision of the script of”The Lotus Lantern”!

After the revision was completed, Jiu Nian sent the script to the main creative staff including the director for review, and finally got the conclusion that it was passed. The revised script was also quickly sent to the actors.……

Li Qi was surprised when he got the script

But after Li Qi finished reading this new version of the script in the company, his face became strange. Isn’t this so-called new script just a combination of the original plot of”The Lotus Lantern” and some essential parts of”Life Is Long and Hateful, and the River Flows East” to make the character of Yang Jian more three-dimensional?

The screenwriter is too real.

After watching”Life is Long and Hateful, Rivers Flow East”, I actually had no pride as a screenwriter and decisively copied it. The key point is that this guy copied the biography of the actor Li Qi, making it seem as if Li Qi was the one who created Yang Jian.……

But this writer still has some sense

Not long after Li Qi finished reading the script, he received a call from someone who called himself Jiu Nian, the screenwriter of The Lotus Lantern. During the call, the other party said that he liked the interpretation of Yang Jian in Life Is Long and Hateful, and the River Flows East very much, so the new version of the script borrowed from Li Qi’s character biography to a certain extent.……

This is a greeting.

Li Qi smiled and said that he didn’t care. The script modification was beneficial to him, so no matter from which angle he looked at it, he would not blame the screenwriter for this matter. Screenwriter Jiu Nian obviously thought so too. After talking with Li Qi for a while, the other party smiled and said,”Our play will officially start shooting at the end of the month. We will see you then.””


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