Chapter 44: New drama starts filming

Li Qi was dressed in ancient costume at this time, with a handsome figure, wielding a three-pointed, two-edged sword. Within five steps of the painting, smoke and dust seemed to rise up, and the sharp tip of the sword seemed to emit cold light.

He danced faster and faster, more and more fiercely, like a violent storm, chopping, stirring, rushing, stabbing, teasing, tapping, and collapsing, full of murderous intent. clang!

The last stab, there was a dragon roar

That’s right, Li Qi was now in the Tiandi Wuji system, using his points to exchange for Erlang Sanjian Double-edged Sword Skills. With the help of the system, he practiced several times in the virtual space and mastered it.

Soon, Yang Xue brought the relevant signed documents for the acquisition of Happy Times and informed Li Qi that the crew of”The Lotus Lantern” had asked the actors to gather in Hengdian.……

After finishing his business, Li Qi went to Hengdian again.

When he arrived in Hengdian, people from the”The Lotus Lantern” crew were responsible for his reception, and arrangements had also been made for the hotel. In this drama, he was the second male lead!

“Start tomorrow”

“The director required all the actors of”The Lotus Lantern” to participate in a one-week script reading. No actor was allowed to be absent for any reason during this process. The filming officially started after a week of script reading.”

Yang Xue and Li Qi discussed the arrangements

Li Qi showed a hint of surprise, he didn’t expect that the crew of”The Lotus Lantern” actually arranged a script reading session. You should know that more than 80% of the crews in China do not arrange script readings. Korean dramas have always done better in this aspect. Script readings by actors are an indispensable part of Korean film and television drama creation!

“OK, I understand”

Li Qi supports the crew’s decision

Because he believes that script reading is the only opportunity in the entire creative process for the entire crew to get together and discuss the entire film from beginning to end!

This is indeed the case.

After the TV series starts filming, it is unrealistic to gather everyone together for a meeting after a day of shooting. It is also quite troublesome to find problems after the start of filming and then ask the screenwriter to adjust the script.

This will easily lead to flaws in the script.

So, in theory, if a film or TV work wants to be good, the most thorough preparation is to have a script reading with all the staff participating before the filming starts. For the screenwriter, the script reading leaves room for script modification and allows the screenwriter to have direct contact with the actors. Sometimes the screenwriter will adjust the lines according to the actors’ own characteristics and performance style, or even add some plot points.

The screenwriter’s script may not be perfect

Instead of discovering problems during the filming process, the role of the script read-along before filming is very obvious, especially when the quality of some scripts is not good enough.

Once the script is read-along, everyone can find problems here or there in the script.

The screenwriter can then make changes according to the director’s requirements, or according to the actors’ current condition.

If the effect is good, a read-along may raise a script that originally scored 80 points to 90 points!

“I’m thinking about how to make suggestions.……”

Li Qi didn’t know whether the script reading of”The Lotus Lantern” in the previous life was held. Anyway, he regarded the script reading as a very good opportunity. You should know that Li Qi is a very imaginative actor. He is keen on script adjustment, that is, changing the play. If outsiders heard it, he would definitely be nicknamed a drama tyrant.

Yang Xue felt that Li Qi’s expression was a little scary:”You better be careful and don’t offend the screenwriter. Even if you have any opinions about the plot, don’t be too direct.……”

“I know”

Li Qi smiled

The screenwriter is Jiu Nian. After reading”Life is Long and Hateful, Rivers Flow East”, Jiu Nian took the initiative to modify the original script, which shows that he is not opposed to other ideas infiltrating his own script. For such a screenwriter, reading the script is a good thing. I believe Jiu Nian also thinks so. after all……

This is the only chance to ensure that every crew member has carefully read the script. Imagine a crew starting filming without reading the script. This is sad for the screenwriter. You can’t even be sure whether the work you wrote with great effort has been read.

But on the other hand

Script reading is also a test of the screenwriter’s ability. If a script cannot stand up to scrutiny, everyone will burst into laughter while reading it at the reading session, or someone will directly ask: Is this plot too formulaic? Can we have a more advanced way of expression?

That’s good.

This can force screenwriters to produce scripts that are absolutely excellent and can stand up to scrutiny. If there are stupid plots or lines in a screenwriter’s script, the screenwriter will really have to blush and listen to everyone laughing. How is it possible that there are so many stupid scripts and they are made into film and television works?

What a pity! Domestic actors have scheduling issues, or the main creative staff of the crew often ignore this link to save trouble. the next day

Li Qi appeared in a round table meeting room, and with him appeared a group of main creators of”The Lotus Lantern”. Obviously, everyone came for today’s script reading. Before the script reading, the actors simply greeted each other.

“Mr. Li Qi”

A man with artistic bangs stepped forward and introduced himself with a smile:”I’m Jiu Nian. We’ve been in touch once before. Nice to meet you.””

“Hello, Teacher Jiu Nian”

Li Qi politely shook hands with him, and then greeted the director and others.

The script reading was hosted by director Yu Minsheng

Everyone recited their lines, familiarized themselves with their respective characters, and discussed the plot with each other. The unfamiliar atmosphere at the beginning gradually improved, and some actors who had never met before could even occasionally make harmless jokes.……

As the reading deepened

Li Qi also began to make some suggestions for the plot. Because of the relationship between”Life is Long and Hateful, and the River Flows East”, Jiu Nian took Li Qi’s opinions seriously and soon brought more actors into the discussion.……

The script reading took three days.

Three days later, the crew of”The Lotus Lantern” officially started filming in Hengdian. The scale of the filming was very large, and reporters from major media were present. At this time, Li Qi was still a newcomer and a new face, and the media asked him a few questions politely. Then, the mainland veteran actress who played the role of the Queen Mother in the play, the very controversial actress Liu Daqing,……

After the ceremony of burning incense and worshipping the gods, the filming of”The Lotus Lantern” was officially launched.

In fact, the crew of”Baolian Lantern”

The lead actor Cao Xiaojun is not a complete newcomer. He is an artist who debuted as a child star and has starred in the ancient myth”Lotus Boy Nezha” and”Nine-Year-Old County Magistrate”. Unfortunately, because he has grown up in the past few years and his appearance has changed, the audience has no idea that these roles were played by one person.

It is also because of this reason

He gave many people the impression that he was a newcomer.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with calling child stars with special circumstances like these newcomers. For Cao Xiaojun, apart from some acting experience, there is not much left from his previous works, not to mention that there is a very popular figure in the crew – Liu Daqing!

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