I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 822: Sword spirit help me

Liu Quanjun opened his mouth and bit Deng Yifei's ear.

Chen Hao saw that Deng Yifei's white face began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye...

When Liu Quanjun noticed Deng Yifei's red face, she smiled happily!

"Have you tried it before?" Before Deng Yifei could reply, Liu Quanjun said to himself, "You probably haven't tried it before, I forgot, you are actually very young!"

"Liu Quanjun, what do you want to do?" Deng Yifei swallowed. He didn't feel the danger. Liu Quanjun didn't have the intent to kill. He wanted to guess what, but he was not sure.

Liu Quanjun smiled, his mouth pressed to his ear again, and he gently licked his earlobe, and whispered in a low voice: "Guess what, what do you want to do?"

Deng Yifei didn't know how to answer.

Liu Quanjun inserted a hand into his shirt and gently stroked his strong body. Her eyes were blurred under the dim light.

Then she took a deep breath and took off Deng Yifei's coat directly.

"Sister Liu, I think it's better for you to be calm!" Deng Yifei is still trying to reason with Liu Quanjun, "In fact, this is not necessary."

"No need?" Liu Quanjun tilted his head, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

"I will still help you!"

"Well, thank you!" Liu Quanjun suddenly put his head in Deng Yifei's arms, his cheek pressed against his chest, and lightly rubbed him, "I feel very at ease when I'm so close to you."

"Then you, can you let me go?"

"Do you really want to leave that way?"

Deng Yifei nodded hard: "Yeah!"

"But, your body... doesn't seem to want it!"

Liu Quanjun gently twisted in Deng Yifei's arms, Deng Yifei gritted his teeth tightly to prevent himself from screaming.

His face was flushed like a monkey butt, and it felt very hot!

"My mother once said that if you really like a man, you must take the initiative!"

Chen Hao felt that Liu Quanjun might have explained her mother's meaning.

In this situation, just take the initiative a little bit?

"I like you very much!" Liu Quanjun stroked Deng Yifei's face, his eyes were full of obsessiveness, "I used to admire you, like you, and didn't want to worry so much... But recently my aunt has disappeared, so I can rely on it. Only you, I did not expect that you would help me deal with Old Qin!"

Liu Quanjun hugged Deng Yifei, gently placed it on the bed in the bedroom, and removed the curtain to block the scene on the bed.

The light on the table goes out automatically.

"To be honest, you can help me, I am very grateful to you, but I like you better, I don't want my feelings for... not so pure!" Liu Quanjun pressed Deng Yifei, "So, I decided to deal with Qin before you Before getting old, give yourself to you!"

Chen Hao silently complained, this is not to hand himself over to you, but to just cram!

Deng Yifei was very entangled in his heart. He admitted that he had a good impression of Liu Quanjun, but he did not expect that they would come to this point: "Are you not afraid of me failing?"

"It's okay, I just like you!"

"You know, my enemies are all over the world, and there will only be more enemies in the future. Following me will not be good for you!"

"It's okay, I'm mentally prepared. When we set foot on the road of warriors, we should put life and death out of control!"

"Your kindness, I take it!" Deng Yifei tried to calm his mood and control his body, "but I really don't want to delay you!"

"What?" Liu Quanjun looked at Deng Yifei in amazement, "It's already the time, do you still think you can resist me? Our sting bee organization has a deep foundation, although you are now a master of the supernatural power realm, you want to resist It’s not easy to live with this kind of medicine! Actually, I still have some concerns about your physique, so I even increased the dose specifically for you!"

Chen Hao also looked at Deng Yifei curiously, wondering what other cards Deng Yifei hadn't shown!

As far as Chen Hao knew, Deng Yifei should be in a state where he could not struggle or resist.

"Master Sword Spirit...help me!"

Deng Yifei shouted at the Scarlet Sword with his mind!

Chen Hao was stunned when he heard what the sword master said.


That's it?

This is the hole card?

Did you think that the Scarlet Blood Sword was voice-activated?

Chen Hao stayed silently in the scabbard, and Deng Yifei glanced at the direction of the Scarlet Blood Sacred Sword with his light, anxious!

"Master Sword Spirit... come and help me!"

Chen Hao decided to play dead.

As a result, the Scarlet Blood Sword was not voice-controlled and had no obligation to help the sword master.

Secondly, seeing the sword master being overthrown by a woman, he also liked to see it.

After all, the sword master encountered this situation, he was the first to see it, so he should increase his experience and knowledge.

Thirdly, Chen Hao felt that Deng Yifei needed Liu Quanjun. To be precise, he needed the support of the Sting Bee intelligence organization behind Liu Quanjun!

Is there anything more suitable for binding than marriage?

At least Chen Hao can't think of a better way for the time being.

"Master Sword Spirit, help me!"

"Boy, Liu Quanjun is right. You are too careless, and I'm just a sword. I can't help you. Take it this time!"

This is the biggest reason why Chen Hao did not help Deng Yifei.

When Deng Yifei's family broke down, the Scarlet Blood Sword didn't help him.

At this time, it is better for him to continue to pretend to be dead, otherwise, Deng Yifei might have grievances in his heart.

Upon hearing Lord Sword Spirit's words, Deng Yifei was instantly discouraged.

If the Scarlet Blood Sword cannot help him, what else can he do?

"I like to look at your expression, it looks like a bully!"

The darkness must not be able to block Liu Quanjun's sight...

The next morning, as soon as his body was able to move, Deng Yifei sat up from the bed. He didn't close his eyes all night yesterday, and his mind was full of Liu Quanjun's shadow.

Men, in fact, are no different from women.

Deng Yifei had no first love, and he almost regarded Liu Quanjun as his first woman.

"Go to sleep!"

Liu Quanjun shrank under the bed and took his hand.

Deng Yifei fell back on the bed weakly, causing the bed to bang.

He looked at the pink bed curtains above his head, felt the slickness around him, and heard the breathing of people around him, his mind went blank.

He was a little happy, but also a little worried, and he was nervous and confused.

"What's wrong?" someone asked him.


"It's okay, I don't want you to be responsible!" Liu Quanjun said indifferently, "If you like me, I will be with you, if you don't like me, I can also leave... I know your character, I know your persistence , I won't force you!"

"Thank you!"

Liu Quanjun clung to the body of the man next to him and said seriously: "No, I should say thank you!"

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