I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 823: See old Qin

"Old Qin himself has the mid-stage cultivation base of the supernatural power realm. He once killed two masters of the same level with one enemy and two. The strength cannot be underestimated! There are four early supernatural power realm masters beside Qin old man. Of course, those supernatural power realm masters are just It belongs to Mr. Qin, not his confidant, and often performs tasks outside!" After saying this, Liu Quanjun glanced at Deng Yifei, "Are you listening?"

"Oh! I'm listening!" Deng Yifei immediately woke up from a trance.

When Liu Quanjun was talking just now, Deng Yifei looked at her and saw her intent.

He is not obsessed with Liu Quanjun's appearance, even if Liu Quanjun is indeed a great beauty!

What confused him was Liu Quanjun’s temperament and performance...

The current Liu Quanjun wears a black self-cultivation warrior uniform and a jacket. With a slightly frowned brow and a serious expression, the whole body is shrouded in the kind of high-level majesty and fierce killer aura...This is the same as Liu Quanjun. The impression left to him last night was totally inconsistent!

In his mind, Liu Quanjun last night and Liu Quanjun now are entangled endlessly!

He even had some doubts, suspecting that the Liu Quanjun last night and the current Liu Quanjun were not alone!

Yesterday Liu Quanjun's walking posture was not so natural!

This is also completely impossible.

Deng Yifei is completely an idiot in emotion.

Suddenly a woman broke into his life, and he was a little hard to adapt, because he didn't understand women and he had a lot of doubts.

"Then be serious, things are very important, I don't want any accidents!" Liu Quanjun continued, "Old Qin, there should be a confidant who protects him for many years. Old Qin calls him Jiao Li, Jiao Li No one knows what he looks like. I am very good at hiding and sneaking attacks. My aunt once told me that Jiao Li is in the early stage of the supernatural power realm, but has the ability to attack and kill the middle-term super master!"

"Si Ning said, you want to take a shot against Qin Lao, but if you go to Qin Lao and Jiao Li, are you sure?"


"how many?"

"One hundred percent!" Deng Yifei closed his eyes. "One hundred percent can kill. If they are strong enough, I might have to pay some price."

"Is the price serious?"

Deng Yifei raised his head and saw the flickering worry in Liu Quanjun's eyes...Thankfully, he could finally connect this woman with that woman last night.

"For me, it's not too serious!" Deng Yifei smiled, "At most I go to Huagu to plant flowers."

"Yeah!" Liu Quanjun said seriously, "Well, you rest here for ten days. After ten days, I will take you to see Mr. Qin. It's best to destroy him. If it is too dangerous, you can kill him. I You can consider integrating the sting bee before investigating my aunt's whereabouts."

"it is good!"

For these ten days, Deng Yifei was offered delicious food and drink. Liu Quanjun appeared in front of him every day, but she was the same as before. She was neither close to Deng Yifei nor alienated, just like a normal colleague relationship. .

This makes Deng Yifei feel like a cat scratching!

He felt that if this continued, he would suspect that it was actually a dream that night.

Finally, on the afternoon of the seventh day, Liu Quanjun personally delivered food to Deng Yifei. Deng Yifei finally made up his mind when he saw the one of that woman!

"Quan Jun!"

"Yeah!" Liu Quanjun raised his head and looked at Deng Yifei.

Deng Yifei hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand to grab Liu Quanjun's small hand, and then stared at the other party tightly, trying to see all the subtle expressions on his face.

When Chen Hao saw Deng Yifei's expression, he knew that this kid was planted!

At least with regard to his feelings for Liu Quanjun.

Chen Hao felt that this person was cheap.

A few days ago, some people still yelled no, help, help, but after only being cold for a few days, he couldn't help it and started to take the initiative!

But because it was Liu Quanjun, Chen Hao was not too disgusted.

In his eyes, there are only useful people and useless people, and Liu Quanjun is lucky enough to be classified into the ranks of useful people.

Liu Quanjun stood where he was, letting him hold his hands, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, as if he was satisfied with Deng Yifei's initiative to touch her.

Noting that Liu Quanjun did not break free of his hand, Deng Yifei was a little relieved in his heart. This proved that they still had feelings between them, and that everything was true and credible in the past few days.

In his opinion, it is enough to know the other person's mind and let the other person know his own mind.

He relaxed Liu Quanjun's hand and sat down on the chair with ease.

"Sometimes, wait until you come back!" Liu Quanjun's face was still serious, "Now you just need to rest well and recharge your energy!"

It can be seen that Liu Quanjun is extremely cautious about dealing with Qin Lao in a few days.

Three days later, with the help of Huo Sining, Deng Yifei changed his appearance and followed her as Jun Liu Quan.

There was originally Liu Ya, a supernatural power realm master beside Liu Quanjun, who was not strong in combat power, and was better at physical fitness, just enough to make Deng Yifei look like him.

Fifteen days later, Liu Quanjun took Huo Sining and Deng Yifei to an ordinary manor near Caidu.

After entering and saying a few words to the gatekeeper of the manor, Liu Quanjun led the two into the manor. Under the leadership of an old farmer, he walked through the lobby and entered the back garden. Then, at the rockery, he entered a darkened area. After walking through the cave for some distance, they came to a spacious hall, and in the blazing fire, they saw the legendary Qin Lao.

It is said that Qin is old, but he is not old at all, and he looks like a middle-aged person.

Most magical power realm masters can live for at least five hundred years. They come with the lifespan of ordinary people. They are already old, but in the eyes of magical power realm warriors, they may be in their prime.

Old Qin squinted and sat on the chair. After they came in, he slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of sharp eyes, like a falcon.

He first looked at Liu Quanjun: "Little girl, what you said, but to be honest, is Deng Yifei really the one who stabbed us?"

Yes, it is not easy to see Old Qin.

Liu Quanjun happened to be a relative of Qin's predecessor. He was always watched by Qin, and was naturally jealous of Qin. Without some breaking news, people might not agree to meet Liu Quanjun.

It just so happened that the most sensational news recently was that Deng Yifei had undoubtedly killed several early masters of the supernatural power realm in succession!

After Liu Quanjun passed the news that Deng Yifei was a member of the sting bee organization to Lao Qin through a secret method, Lao Qin quickly agreed to see her.

"What I said is true!" Liu Quanjun replied in a low voice.

"No wonder, no wonder, I always felt that some days ago, why we sting bees always found Deng Yifei's whereabouts. At that time, I thought that some of our sting bees lurked to Deng Yifei's side. It turned out that Deng Yifei was ours." Old Qin sighed. Said, "Unexpectedly, Liu Hansu still did a good deed that contributed to the organization."

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