I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 827: Look more

But because of this, I like you!

Liu Quanjun said in his heart.

Unfortunately, Deng Yifei couldn't hear what she was saying.

Within the Sting Bee organization, although Liu Quanjun is not comparable to individual genius warriors, he can also rank in the top ten in terms of talent and talent, and his appearance can also rank in the top three in the same age group. He is an out-and-out beauty.

In addition to her martial arts talent, her management ability has been appreciated by many seniors, and she has always been very popular in the headquarters.

More than ten years ago, Liang Pingguo suffered major changes and was annexed by the three big countries. Her aunt had to come to Caiguo to re-development. She was raised by her aunt. Of course, it is impossible for her aunt Liu Hansu to come to Caiguo alone.

So she followed Liu Hansu to Cai Guo, starting from Liu Hansu's deputy, step by step helped aunt to establish the entire Cai Guo intelligence system.

Liu Quanjun has always been arrogant. After setting up Cai Guo's intelligence system, her aunt also worried about her marriage, but Liu Quanjun always felt that Cai Guo did not have anyone she admired.

Until Liu Quanjun met Deng Yifei in Cai Guo... This boy who was talented in martial arts and beat her in all directions, looks extremely handsome, looks cold and ruthless, and is full of kindness in his heart!

To be honest, as long as it is a woman, it is hard not to be tempted by Deng Yifei.

At least, Liu Quanjun thinks so.

Liu Quanjun asked: "Then we are still the same as before? We will provide you with the information. Are you on the edge of the organization?"

"Yes, that's it. It's best that we keep a certain distance from each other!"

"Why, do you want to keep a distance from me?"

Liu Quanjun slowly approached Deng Yifei, Deng Yifei stepped back slightly, and did not move anymore, still being hugged by Liu Quanjun.

Since that incident before the arrest of Old Qin, Deng Yifei, who has always been ruthless, has become increasingly unable to withstand Liu Quanjun's closeness.

It is said that men chase women, the mountain is separated, women chase men, and the yarn is separated!

Especially in the case of Deng Yifei, a teenager who was directly put in the car first and had no emotional experience... Except for his own principles, in other respects, he was almost eaten to death by Liu Quanjun.

Fortunately, Liu Quanjun is also a sensible woman, she is even more sensible than Deng Yifei, and she is also sincere to Deng Yifei.

Can really help Deng Yifei in many ways.

Leaning gently in Deng Yifei's arms, Liu Quanjun could hear the other party's heart beating violently, and she smiled somewhat satisfied: "I went to your place to find you last night, why can't I find your person?"

Deng Yifei took a deep breath: "I was practicing yesterday!"

"You are an excuse!" Liu Quanjun gave Deng Yifei a white look, "Do you think I will believe it?"

"I still think we should keep a distance!"

"I feel, what are you afraid of?"

"Yes! I am indeed afraid!" Deng Yifei admitted very bachelor.

"afraid of what?"

Deng Yifei lowered his head and said nothing.

He actually didn't know what he was afraid of.

These days, the shadow of Liu Quanjun was all in his mind, and all he was thinking about was the events of those nights... He couldn't calm down to cultivate!

There is a mess in his head, there is always an urge to go to Liu Quanjun and hold her in his arms!

In his chest, there is always a hot feeling surging!

Like hot magma, it will erupt at any time.

This kind of strong feelings made Deng Yifei extremely upset and at a loss, because he had never encountered it before!

He is more accustomed to keeping his heart in a cold, dead, and firm state!

He asked the Holy Sword Sword Spirit, but the always serious Master Sword Spirit actually replied a very slanderous sentence: "Spring is here, and it's the season of mating of all things..."

Is this an explanation?

"Afraid of that feeling!" Deng Yifei whispered, "I am an orphan. When I was thirteen years old, my parents were killed by bandits. At that time, I swore to kill all geniuses and villains for three years. Later, I became a martial artist of the innate realm and killed the bandits cleanly. From then on, I lived to kill the villains..."

Liu Quanjun looked at Deng Yifei and encouraged him to continue speaking with his eyes.

"With you, I am really a little scared. I am used to being alone, accustomed to being alone, and accustomed to being company only with red blood!"

Deng Yifei patted Scarlet Blood in his hands, with a trusting expression. If Scarlet Blood were human, Liu Quanjun would definitely be jealous.

"Don't you feel happy with me? Don't you feel happy?"

"Really happy! Really happy!" Deng Yifei admitted, "but I am afraid of this feeling..."

After a long time, Deng Yifei sighed faintly again: "I think, I might be... afraid of losing!"

Liu Quanjun whispered: "Afraid of losing?"

"Yes, I'm afraid of losing!" Deng Yifei looked at the starlight outside the window with a low voice, "From the time I decided to kill the villains, I was doomed to be alone, and most of the warriors in the world were destined to be enemies... People who rely on, I am destined to be unable to give you anything, I am destined to fail you... And you, can you understand?"

Liu Quanjun suddenly felt a pressure: "Are you an enemy of most warriors?"

"It's not that I want to be an enemy of the vast majority of warriors in this world, but that the vast majority of warriors want to be an enemy of me. Either they change their minds, or they are wiped out, or I fall halfway through!"

"Why persist?"

"This is my martial arts!"

The dazzling white light on Deng Yifei's body irritated Liu Quanjun's eyes to tears.

She hugged Deng Yifei tightly, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear.

"I will help you!"

Deng Yifei smiled and said, "Why do you want to help me? Don't you think it's naive and ridiculous that my idea persists?"

"It may be a little naive, but it's not ridiculous!" Liu Quanjun whispered, "I admit that after becoming a warrior, my mentality is indeed out of balance. I am indeed the same as other warriors. For a while, I swelled up and thought I was true. I'm on the top... your appearance reminds me of my mother, she is a commoner!"

"Is she okay now?"

"She is dead..."

"How did you die?"

"Because it is a commoner!" Liu Quanjun thought for a while, and continued, "My mother gave birth to me unmarried. She relied on her work to reluctantly raise me. When I was five years old, she was framed and stolen from the town's big family. She wanted to leave with other people's things, but was stopped by the warrior guards. They stripped her away and humiliated her severely... My mother passed away not long after returning home!"

"Why? It won't happen for no reason, right?"

"Later, my aunt showed up. She found me and helped me get revenge!" Liu Quanjun stroked her ears and said, "I asked the guards and they said that it was the request of the mistress of the big family. , Because that master looked at my mother a few more times!"

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