I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 828: Rush to the front

"Do you think that this reason is funny? In fact, I also thought at the time that things were too unbelievable. I couldn't even dream of it. My mother died because of the reason!" Liu Quanjun asked, "In the eyes of the sect of the family, you are always In the eyes of most warriors, there is a difference in the value of life. The stronger the talent and the deeper the background, the more expensive the life. Without strength, without background... You know, kill it!"


"So, I will help you!"

Liu Quanjun stretched out his right hand to Deng Yifei. Deng Yifei hesitated for a moment, and still held her hand tightly. It was more like a cooperation agreement between the two.

Liu Quanjun smiled. She knew that this represented the man's recognition of her.

After staying in the stronghold for ten days, just when Su Yang was about to leave, Liu Quanjun suddenly received information that Xu Guo and Cai Guo went to war!

It was not that Cai Guo was not on guard against Xu Guo, but Xu Guo assembled his army earlier than Cai Guo and was ready for war. In the face of Xu Guo's relatively sudden and large-scale offensive, Cai Guo was defeated and retreated overnight. Lost two border cities.

"Is there a war?"

After Deng Yifei received the news, his heart was extremely restless.

Liu Quanjun walked to Deng Yifei's side and leaned his head lightly on his neck: "What's wrong? You seem to be worried!"

"It's going to fight..."

"Do you want to go over and see?"

When Liu Quanjun heard Deng Yifei's tone, he knew what he wanted to do.

No way, after three years of getting along with each other, Liu Quanjun understood Deng Yifei's style very well.

"Huh!" Deng Yifei did not hide.

"It's better not to go!" Liu Quanjun said, "This involves two real top forces, Xu Guo and Cai Guo are both strong in the realm, although they will not use the strong in the realm until they are desperate. However, there are not many supernatural power level masters in the army at all."

"I just want to see it, not necessarily!"

"If you go, you will definitely do it, I know you!"


Liu Quanjun asked: "Have you ever experienced a war?"

"No, the most serious one I passed through was probably the drought in the Western Qin Dynasty!" Deng Yifei recalled. "At that time, I accepted the task issued by the Tianyun Sect and was sent to help defend the mob from harassing the village. I was deeply impressed by the drought. There were mobs and dead people everywhere, but I was powerless. I wanted to save more people, but I was too weak to control the overall situation... Then I felt it deeply for the first time What is weakness!"

Having said that, Deng Yifei remembered the parents who were vying to sell their children...

"To be honest, if the war lasts long enough, it will be much more terrifying than natural disasters. After all, people are still more terrifying!"

"I know that those refugees were wiped out!"

"Then you want to go?"

"I just want to go over and see if I can help!"

Liu Quanjun pursed his lips, but finally gave in.

Because she knew that Deng Yifei would pass no matter whether she gave in.

If this is the case, it is better to appear reasonable: "Well, you can go, but you have to bring Huo Sining, and she will contact the people of the Sting Bee organization over there and let them provide you with information and support... I will temporarily There is no way to leave here, Huo Sining is more reassuring!"

"Okay, thank you for understanding me!"

"Don't be impulsive, think twice!" Liu Quanjun flattened the folds on Deng Yifei's clothes and said, "Remember, you are the only Deng Yifei in this world. Don't die easily. Only by living can you kill more... ...The person you want to kill."

"I understand, I am not stupid!"

After Deng Yifei promised that he would not be impulsive, Liu Quanjun called Huo Sining. This resolute attitude of doing things was in line with Deng Yifei's appetite.

"Will you go now?"

Huo Sining followed Deng Yifei outside the stronghold.

"Yes, let's go now!" Deng Yifei was a little anxious, "How long might it take to get to the border of Cai State?"

"If I go by myself, it might take a month..."

"what about me?"

"Master Deng is now a master of the supernatural power realm, it should only take a few days!"

"Then I will take you there!"

Deng Yifei said, supporting Huo Sining with one hand, and flew high into the sky at a fast speed.


Huo Sining screamed, it happened too suddenly, she was a little uncomfortable with the terrible flying speed of this supernatural power master.

In midair, Huo Sining tightly grasped Deng Yifei’s arm and closed her eyes tightly. She didn’t even dare to breathe until she was too suffocated, so she slowly tried to breathe, and then she opened her eyes. .

Deng Yifei has shielded the resistance from the outside. Huo Sining is no longer affected by the high-speed flight. She looked down at the ground and quickly retreated, looking at the clouds under her feet, and sighed in a low voice: "Is this the height of the supernatural power realm master's flight? Really high! "

"Well, used to it?"

"much better!"

"That's good!"

Huo Sining looked at Deng Yifei, who was flying seriously, and asked quietly, "Master Deng, are you getting along with Captain Liu?"

Deng Yifei hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

But Huo Sining guessed whether something happened or not just from his expression.

As a facial paralysis who often has no superfluous expressions on his face, Deng Yifei still owes a lot of control over facial expressions. Once he has facial expressions, he is easily caught.

"I know, Captain Liu is interesting to you!"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

"I understand, I understand!" Huo Sining nodded repeatedly, "When the time comes, remember to invite me to a wedding wine!"

Seven days later, Deng Yifei took Huo Sining close to the border between Cai and Xu.

This kind of place where the two armies are facing each other is not suitable for flying!

Falling from the ground, what Deng Yifei saw were countless refugees who planned to leave their hometowns and escape the chaos of war.

Most of them dragged their homes with their heavy luggage and moved slowly along the official road.

Because there are too many people fleeing, even the broad official road is blocked!

Huo Sining went to inquire about it, and when he returned, he told Su Yang that the Black Wolf Army of the Xu State had already occupied at least five cities in the State of Cai.

"Where is the nearest city?"

"In Jiantong City, there are currently 30,000 Black Wolf Army besieging Jiantong City. These people who fled all escaped from Jiantong City before the arrival of the Wolffang Army!"

"how far?"

"Not far, just a hundred miles away!"

For Deng Yifei's martial artist, hundreds of miles are not far away, and it doesn't take much time.

"You show me the direction, I'll take you there, I'll see the situation over there!"

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