I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 840: Xu Guo Demonstration

"By the way, according to you, Cai Guo should be stronger than Xu. Why did Cai Guo lose several cities in a row when facing Xu Guo's attack!"

"It's because of a sudden attack!" Huo Sining explained, "In the past hundred years, Cai Guo has always taken advantage. They may have underestimated Xu Guo. The Xu Guo wolf army has hundreds of thousands of elites, divided into eight branches, and attacked the border. The major cities on the line, without the Black Armored Army garrison, soon fell. Some of the Black Armored Army is stationed in a small number of cities, still not spared!"

"So it is!"

Huo Sining was a little bit wry smile: "Yes, speaking of it, Xu Guo has been so smooth in the early stage, and we have part of the sting bee organization!"

Deng Yifei knew what she meant. When Mr. Qin was in power, he sold a lot of Cai Guo's confidential information to Xu Guo, including the soldiers stationed in the border city of Cai State.

"Then build Tongcheng, is there a large number of black armies stationed?"

"not much!"

"Then why did the fifty thousand black wolf army attack for so long?"

"Isn't it all because of you, Master Deng?" Huo Sining asked, "If I remember correctly, the day we just separated last time, you should have fought against Xu Sheng and killed the supernatural power realm master beside him? Since returning to the barracks that day, Xu Sheng has been hiding in the army for a long time...should be done by Deng Gongzi?"

"Almost! He seems to have used a secret method and escaped from my sword!"

Huo Sining said: "Then everything makes sense!"


"Then Master Deng, do you have any ideas next?"

"Actually, I don't have any ideas, I just want to stop them...or stop this war!"

"Unless Master Deng can persuade Xu Guo and Cai Guo to stop the war at the same time and let go of their grievances!"

"is it possible?"

"It's impossible now, unless Master Deng becomes a realm strong, unless Deng can easily suppress all Xu and Cai realm strong...At that time, they will definitely listen to you."


Deng Yifei also wants to become a domain powerhouse!

This he knows, it is very difficult to become a domain powerhouse.

Anyone who can become a domain realm powerhouse is the proud one among the tens of millions and hundreds of millions of human beings. Even if Deng Yifei has a holy sword in his hand, it would be extremely difficult for him to break into the realm realm.

Just as he showed his strength in the initial stage of the magical power realm, and wanted to break through to the middle stage of the magical power realm, even if he killed all the villains in the magical power realm, he would need to kill 20 people!

That is to say, when Deng Yifei's strength reaches the peak of the supernatural power realm, he needs to kill 20 early realm realm powers...more than a hundred of the same strength super power realm peak masters.

Deng Yifei rubbed his forehead with a headache. He was afraid that he would go crazy if he thought about it again: "I'd better take a rest!"

Recently, he has no time to rest well.

"Then I will arrange a room for you!"

"If there is anything important, you can tell me directly!"

Deng Yifei said to Huo Sining before going to rest.

"Okay, rest assured!"

Lying on the soft bed with a quilt, Deng Yifei quickly fell asleep.

After sleeping for about two or three hours, Deng Yifei heard the sound of someone pushing them away. Just by listening to the sound, he knew that the person who came was Huo Sining.

He slowly opened his eyes, lifted the quilt, and sat up from the bed: "Is there anything important?"

Huo Sining hesitated for a while, still said: "Just got the news that the Black Wolf Legion has slaughtered the city again!"

Deng Yifei asked with a cold face, "When did it happen?"

"One city the day before yesterday, two cities yesterday, and the city the day before yesterday was one of the first cities that Xu Guo broke through."

"...Are they deliberate? Are they demonstrating to me?"

"It should be. I will send someone to inquire about the accurate news. Our branches in those three cities are almost all finished..."

"I'm the one who made those three cities..."

Deng Yifei gritted his teeth, a hint of water flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Master Deng doesn't have to blame himself, I know you don't want this."

Deng Yifei's face was cold, and his expression returned to coldness.

The temperature in the entire room suddenly dropped to the freezing point, a blood-red breath poured out from him, and the entire room was stained red.

This is the breath of killing!

Huo Sining had been with Deng Yifei for two or three years, and it was the first time that she saw this terrible killing intent on Deng Yifei with her own eyes.

In the past, Deng Yifei's killing intent was completely covered by the aurora.

This was the first time she saw the murderous breath exposed from Deng Yifei.

This strong murderous intent is the most terrifying killing intent Huo Sining has ever seen in her life.

She was cold all over and couldn't help shivering.

In fact, she had been mentally prepared for a long time, Deng Yifei's hands were stained with blood, and the warriors who died under his sword were far surpassed those old monsters who had lived for three or four hundred years, and far surpassed the villains he had killed!

Just when the murderous aura was about to exceed Huo Sining's endurance limit, the blood red aura in the room was stirred, and Deng Yifei was inhaled into his body.

The pressure disappeared, the suffocation disappeared, as if it was an illusion just now.

Huo Sining was breathing heavily. If it weren't for the sweat on her forehead, she felt that the world was a little illusory.

She finally understood the pressure of being an enemy of Deng Yifei.

"Sorry, I was excited just now!"

"it's okay no problem!"

Deng Yifei's apology was a bit unbearable for Huo Sining.

"In addition to helping me look up Xu Guo's intentions, but also helping me look up those troops who slaughtered the city!"

"I understand!"

After Huo Sining left, Deng Yifei took out the new booklet and recorded the name of Xu Tianfu of the Black Wolf Legion.

Xu Tianfu, a sideline of the Xu family, the great general of the Black Wolf Legion, the peak strength of the supernatural power realm, the right arm of the Emperor Xu, everyone knows this.

Deng Yifei believed that Xu Tianfu would definitely bear the greatest responsibility when the Black Wolf Army slaughtered the city.

After writing Xu Tianfu's name, Deng Yifei took out five thick booklets from the space ring, and then began to read the oldest booklet.

The oldest booklet recorded the names of many warriors and forces, most of which were crossed out by him.

Whenever he felt upset, Deng Yifei would take out these brochures, and then read them carefully, keeping in mind the names of the warriors or forces that had not been marked.

Of course, his greatest pleasure is not to record the names of others, but to cross out the names of others from the booklet!

But no matter how he crossed it out, there were always more names written on it than it was crossed out.

Deng Yifei estimated that if his cultivation level could really reach the realm, there shouldn't be such a problem again.

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