I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 841: Absolutely crazy

The sting bee organization's level of inquiring about news is absolutely top-notch. Only two days later, Deng Yifei got news from Huo Sining. After he killed the 50,000 elites of the Black Wolf Legion, the general of the Black Wolf Legion was furious, and the majesty of the Black Wolf Legion was affected. Offended, directly ordered the massacre of three cities.

"What news have you not told me?" Deng Yifei looked at Huo Sining who was hesitant to speak, and it was obvious that she had nothing to say.

"This one……"

"Just tell me, what's the bad news? I can afford it!" Deng Yifei said with a gloomy expression. "More than 100,000 civilians in the three cities have died. What news can be worse than this?"

"There is also news from the Black Wolf Legion, saying that you are going to Jingdong City in ten days!"

Deng Yifei frowned and asked, "Why do they believe that I will go to Jingdong City?"

Jingdong City is the frontline military center of the Xu State, and it has a similar status to Xikou City. It is the current base camp of the Black Wolf Army.

Deng Yifei was crazy, so he went to Jingdong City to cast himself into the net.

Huo Sining pursed her lips: "Xu Tianfu has released the news. After ten days, if you don't go to Jingdong City, he will slaughter a city of Cai State every day!"


Deng Yifei finally couldn't sit still, and jumped up from the chair.

"you sure?"

"Of course it is!" Huo Sining nodded earnestly, "I have confirmed this news several times. Although the three cities have been slaughtered, the Black Wolf Legion still let go of a hundred lower-strength soldiers in each city. Martial artist, I should just want to bring you a letter, want to spread the news... The time I received the news should be about the same as the time when the Cai Guo Black Armored Corps received the news, they should also know, if they don’t release the news, Perhaps this news is known to most civilians in Xikou City, and it will take two or three days."

"You mean... the Black Armored Legion might also release the news?"

"Master Deng, don't you think that Cai's military will have a good impression of it?"

"I shouldn't offend them?"

"Uh... actually there is!"

"When? I didn't wait for them to do anything, did I?"

Huo Sining quickly replied: "Yes, first, you are Cai Guo's wanted criminal, and second, you eliminated Xu Guo's 50,000 black wolf army elite!"

"Well...Isn't it good for me to help them fight Xu Guo? The enemy's enemy is also a friend? At least so far!

"Since the start of the war, the Black Armored Legion has fallen on the ground everywhere. If the Black Armored Legion’s battle reports are not misrepresented, so far, the number of Black Wolf Legions that the Black Armored Legion has killed has not yet been a fifth of the number you have killed... Don't you think that you have rendered the Black Armored Legion very incompetent?"

Deng Yifei was silent for a while, then sighed: "So, in which direction is Jingdong City?"

"Master Deng really intends to go?"

"You can go!"

"Then can you wait a few more days." Seeing Deng Yifei's some doubts, Huo Sining said, "She didn't worry about you at first, and asked me to report your situation at all times. When I learned that you killed the fifty thousand black wolf army, I have already sent someone to pass the news to her, and she should be on the way here... I just received the news that Xu Tianfu forced you out, I sent someone to notify the leader as soon as possible, I think She is not far from Xikou City. After receiving this message from me, she should come sooner!"

"You are a little troublesome!"

"No way, she is my leader!" Huo Sining smiled carelessly. She knew that Deng Yifei would not be angry with her for such a trivial matter. "There are still nine days left, I don't think the son needs to be right now. Just go, if you really want to go, you can prepare first, and wait until you step on it."

"You want me to wait for Mr. Quan, right?"

"Yeah, after all, your relationship with the leader, making such a major decision, should you let her know? The leader likes you so much...you shouldn't be so ruthless? And it's not principled. It makes no difference whether you go early or late."

Huo Sining's words completely convinced Deng Yifei.

From the heart, Deng Yifei still likes Liu Quanjun.

Chen Hao saw Deng Yifei very clearly. He was a traditional straight man. The moment Liu Quanjun broke into his heart through his body, he had already regarded Liu Quanjun as his wife.


Seeing Deng Yifei agreed, Huo Sining felt relieved.

After he left, Chen Hao still spoke: "Are you really planning to go to Jingdong City?"

Deng Yifei took a deep breath and said, "I should go! If I don't go, I think I will regret it forever!"

"If you don't go, at least there will be a lifetime."


Facing the sharp persuasion of Jian Ling Chen Hao, Deng Yifei was at a loss for a while.

"You actually don't need to go. You can wait for a while, wait for your strength to increase, and after you are sure to take the Black Wolf Legion, let them pay the **** price!" Chen Hao persuaded, "The day the Black Wolf Legion said It's a joke to slaughter a city, they definitely can't do it..."

"I know they can't do it, but because of me, any city is gone, and tens of thousands of civilians have died because of me, I will feel uncomfortable!"

"Your weakness seems a bit too obvious!" Chen Hao said helplessly, "If anyone wants to deal with you in the future, it seems that they can use this method to force you out, or let you throw yourself into the net, if I were your enemy , I wake up with a smile in the middle of the night."

"If I go here, I will die, maybe I really won't go, really like Master Sword Spirit said, wait for a while, waiting for my strength to rise to a certain degree..." Deng Yifei looked at Scarlet Blood Sword Dao, "But, Master Sword Spirit, if I go, I am not bound to die! I have a way to save them, and there is a way to survive. If I don't go, I can't pass that hurdle in my heart!"

"To survive, how to survive? There is the base camp of the Black Wolf Legion, and there may be strong domain experts guarding it. When you arrive at Jingdong City, the other party will definitely set up a net of heaven and earth, and hundreds of thousands of Black Wolf Legion will stay there. The army souls they summoned are at least in the realm!" If Chen Hao has an entity, the saliva will spray on Deng Yifei’s face, "You are a little warrior in the early stage of the magical power realm. The military spirit or master of the army competes against each other? Has the rain stopped recently and the sky has cleared... I think I can do everything?"

Chen Hao really cares about this sword master.

Among the previous sword masters, only this sword master is the one who fits his mind the most.

Almost tirelessly, I believe in him as a sword spirit wholeheartedly.

The longer he lives, the more it fits the interests of Chen Hao, the salted fish sword spirit.

Therefore, Chen Hao does not want him to die too early...

"What if I open the Holy Sword Realm to the sixth, seventh, or even eighth level?"

"You are absolutely crazy!"

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