I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 852: Fly west

Deng Yifei looked at Liu Quanjun, his blood-red eyes were a little moist.

The blood red in his eyes, which had never faded, also began to fade.

Deng Yifei vowed in his heart that for the rest of his life, he would take good care of this beautiful woman and make her the happiest person in the world!

He tried to run the true essence in his body, and found that he was in a better state now, and he could mobilize a part of the true essence, but he could only exert his strength in the initial stage of the world-breaking realm.

The two people who were extremely exhausted practiced for half an hour, and suddenly heard a rumbling sound, which was constantly approaching.

Liu Quanjun and Deng Yifei swept in that direction with their spiritual consciousness at the same time, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon after, a middle-aged man of about 30 years old, carrying a sleeping child of two or three years old, pushing a wheelbarrow, appeared in front of them along the path.

On the wheelbarrow, there was an old man sitting with a pile of luggage.

The middle-aged man and the little old man are ordinary people with no cultivation base.

The little old man was sitting on the wheelbarrow, his face full of discomfort, while he was smoking dry cigarettes, while scolding the middle-aged man in front of him.

"I said you, you obviously fled to Xikou City, why do you want to come back?"

"Father, don't I worry about you? When I get to Xikou City, I regret it and regret not taking you away!"

The little old man said stubbornly: "I don't want to, I still stay at home at home!"

The middle-aged man eloquently persuaded: "Jiantong City is not a place where people live. Maybe the Black Wolf Legion will want to slaughter the city again, then you will be dead. Deng Yifei can not save us every time. I heard Now even he can't protect himself."

"Anyway, I've lived so old, and it's worth it to die!" The little old man pointed to the child behind the middle-aged man and said, "As long as you can raise my little grandson and help him marry a virtuous wife, Spreading branches and leaves for our old grandson's family, I am dead, and I won't blame you."

"Father, I still said that. If you don't leave, I will stay with you in Jiantong City with my son. If you want to go back now, I will also follow you back!"

The little old man cursed: "Why are you like a donkey?"

The middle-aged man was about to reply, but when he looked up, he saw Deng Yifei and Liu Quanjun sitting in the open space not far from the roadside.

Deng Yifei's current state is really terrifying.

He was covered with clotted blood scabs, his eyes glowed red, and his face was slightly cleaner because the blood scabs on his face were peeling off.

But no matter how you look at it, both of them are powerful warriors.

Being so frightened, the wheelbarrow in the middle-aged man's hand was crooked, and the little old man sitting in the wheelbarrow fell directly on the side of the road with his luggage.

"Oh, you **** kid, do you want to kill me?"

"Father, don't talk!"

The middle-aged man motioned behind his father with his eyes.

The little old man turned around and shut up immediately after seeing Liu Quanjun and Deng Yifei!

"Hello two adults!"

The middle-aged man nodded and bowed.

Obviously, this is not the first time he has done this kind of action.

Liu Quanjun ignored them, but Deng Yifei, who was lying on the ground, sat up and gave them a kind smile.

This smile made the middle-aged man feel at ease a lot.

And the little old man lying on the ground looked at Deng Yifei's face in a daze.

"Father, get up, we should go now!"

"Oh oh oh, I see!" The little old man got up from the ground, still staring at Deng Yifei.

Deng Yifei asked in a weak voice: "Old man, what are you doing looking at me?"

Even Liu Quanjun looked at the two ordinary people in front of him.

"Are you Deng Yifei? Aurora Swordsman Deng Yifei?"

"you know me?"

The little old man said excitedly: "How can you not know you? Everyone who built Tongcheng knows you. We have all seen your wanted order. So my family has put your wanted order, or should I find my old friend and take pictures? Painted with a wanted order!"

Inside the Scarlet Blood Sword, Chen Hao couldn't help laughing.

"I wasn't sure at first, but I think you are very kind, and I think you are probably... I didn't expect it, I really guessed it!" The little old man whispered, "I heard that the Black Wolf Legion wanted to force you to appear. If you are there now, then you will definitely not go, that’s good, that’s good, I tell you, you must never go, the scum of the black wolf legion, there is nothing good, if you really go, Not only will they kill, but they will continue to slaughter the city. They just want to force you to go to their side and kill you... If you are alive, they might be restrained and will not kill people indiscriminately."

In a certain way, the old man's words still have some truth.

But the big master's pattern is obviously too small, he didn't know that if Deng Yifei did not go this time, the Black Wolf Army would not be restrained, they were bold!

Because Deng Yifei was not in his eyes.

"This is my son, Sun Hu!" The little old man introduced his son and shouted, "Little Tiger, this is Master Deng, come here, and kowtow to Master Deng. If it's not him, you kid, and your kid's old man Dad, I am already dead."


"What are you doing in a daze? Come here and kowtow. You know, we don’t know how many people in Jiantongcheng want to kowtow, but they can’t find a chance!"

Sun Hu didn't think much about it, he just knelt down, but he just bent his knees, but found that he couldn't kneel down.

"Why don't your kid kneel?"

Sun Hu said with a sad face, "Father, I can't kneel!"

The little head looked at Deng Yifei, and Deng Yifei said, "Forget it, you don't need to kneel, it's just a matter of effort! I just can't get used to the style of the Black Wolf Legion..."

Deng Yifei was about to continue speaking, when the Scarlet Blood Sword trembled violently.

"What's the matter, Lord Sword Spirit?"

"There is murderous aura against you, and the strength may have a realm!"

Just now, Chen Hao probed Deng Yifei's behind with the divine consciousness at the pinnacle of the supernatural power realm. Some experts in the realm realm entered his detection range.

Of course, because Chen Hao’s scope of investigation is a bit exaggerated, the domain-level expert has not found Deng Yifei and the others, but judging from the flight speed of the domain-level expert, if Deng Yifei and the others do not run, they will be less than four. Within a quarter of an hour, it was discovered by a strong domain.

Their time is tight!


Deng Yifei immediately jumped from the ground.

"What's wrong, Yi Fei?"

"Red blood warning, there should be a strong enemy about to chase, it is likely to be a strong domain!"

Deng Yifei can't tell a lot about some secrets, but he can still reveal a little to Liu Quanjun.

There are indeed some spirit swords that have a warning function, but the warning of the scarlet sword is slightly exaggerated and accurate.

"Then we go now!"

Liu Quanjun helped Deng Yifei, hesitated, and looked directly to the west.

It stands to reason that if you continue flying northward, you will be able to fly to Xikou City, the base camp of the Black Armored Corps, but to the west, it will still be on the border line, and will even be closer to Xu Guo.

Deng Yifei is not a fool. Liu Quanyun looked west and he understood the other party's intentions.

If they continue to the north, they are likely to be caught up by the domain masters halfway through. If they go to the west, it is not necessarily true. Even if the domain masters do not follow the direction, it is impossible to find them.

"To the west? There are our people in the western city!"

Deng Yifei agreed with Liu Quanjun's idea: "Yes!"

Liu Quanjun was about to take Deng Yi to fly away, but she looked back at the three civilians on the ground. A terrible murderous aura suddenly appeared on her body, and the frightened middle-aged man and the old man turned pale.

She just drew out the long sword, and there was green light on the long sword, but Deng Yifei was caught.

"Yifei, the matter is urgent, they have seen us!"

"I have my principles. Let's forget about it today. Moreover, the strong in the field fly very fast. They won't care about these civilians!" Deng Yifei turned to the two civilians and said, "Master, I hope we can have some time later. !"

After speaking, Deng Yifei didn't wait for the old man to answer, and took the reluctant Liu Quanjun into the sky and flew to the west.

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