I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 853: One man and one woman

The little old man watched Deng Yifei take Liu Quanjun’s hand and disappeared into the sky, muttering in a low voice, "Son, this Deng Yifei is a good man! I have lived for most of my life, a kind-hearted warrior, I have seen many, but like Deng Yifei This is the first time I met!"

"Well, father is right!"

Deng Yifei is recognized as a good man in their construction of Tongcheng.

"He saved our family's lives!" The little old man took a deep breath and said, "It's a pity that we can't help them. We can only hope that he can escape!"

The middle-aged man said: "I think that if a good person is rewarded, he will be fine."

"Forget it, let's go quickly, this is definitely not a place to stay for long!"

"it is good!"

As the middle-aged man said, he bent down, picked up the luggage that had just fallen to the ground, and straightened the wheelbarrow. The little head veteran put the luggage on it. When he was about to sit on it, a gust of wind blew by, and a white-haired old man suddenly Appeared beside them.

The white-haired old man just stood there, saying nothing, so that they could not breathe. They didn't even have the courage to look directly at the man.

The white-haired old man glanced at the three civilians and was about to begin, but he suddenly turned his head and looked at the overwhelmed grass not far away, which fell into a clear human form.

With a wave of his hand, a few crimson blood scabs appeared in his hand!

"Yes, the time for the formation of the blood scab, two days ago, it should have been Deng Yifei!" The white-haired old man observed the grass and muttered, "Moreover, they shouldn't have been away for long."

"I ask you, have you ever seen a man and a woman, two warriors passing by here?"

"No..." the little old man said tremblingly.

The white-haired old man asked angrily: "Are you sure?"

The little old man was so frightened that he immediately changed his words: "Of course it is impossible not to see it. We saw it. We saw a man and a woman, two warriors!"

"They ran over there?"

"Over there!" The little old man pointed to the direction of Cai Guo.

As soon as the little old man finished speaking, the white-haired old man disappeared without a trace!

"Ouch, my dad!"

The middle-aged man slapped his thigh fiercely, and his entire face was wrinkled. Obviously, he couldn't understand at all, why his father wanted to deceive the warrior who seemed to be very troublesome!

The little old man put his index finger up to his lips and motioned him not to speak

The little old man glanced at the grandson behind the middle-aged man, and shook his head helplessly. He pointed to the road leading to Jiantong City and Xu Guo and said, "Go in that direction, if you continue to go north. , Maybe I met that master, Deng Yifei is not weak in strength, and someone who can chase him desperately and escape is definitely not weak!"

"But, old man!"

"It's nothing, you quickly take my grandson and go as far as possible. I can't follow you. If I run with you, it will definitely slow down your speed. I stay here and give the master Spread his anger, maybe he will go straight back as soon as he is out of anger!" The little old man took a breath of dry smoke and exhaled a circle of eyes and said, "Anyway, I won't live long anyway. Before I die, I can help Deng Yifei. Yes, but you are different, you are still young, hurry up!"

"Then... Then I'm leaving!"

The middle-aged man looked at the north, the direction where the master disappeared.

"Hurry up and let me go, don't mother-in-law, like a woman!"

The little old man kicked the middle-aged man's calf like he was driving a donkey.

In the Scarlet Blood Sword, Chen Hao saw everything in his eyes, but made no sound.

It is still in the escape stage, and it is no longer appropriate to let Deng Yifei be distracted. Even if you need to tell him, you can wait until Deng Yifei is safe.

At least, that little old man definitely helped Deng Yifei.

Only half an hour later, the expert in the realm of Xu's royal family reappeared in the same place again, and he saw the little old man leaning against the tree and smoking a dry cigarette.

Experts in the realm realm come and go like wind, as long as they don't want to, even the masters of the supernatural power realm can't detect their approach.

The little old man leaned on the tree trunk, with a relief smile on his face, and he was smoking dry cigarettes happily.

When his son first left, he was still a little nervous, but after waiting for a long time, he still couldn't wait for the master who chased and killed Deng Yifei to return. He felt that it was not a way to stay nervous, so he became like this. appearance.

"You lied to me just now?"

The realm is strong and hard working to suppress anger and murderous aura.

He was afraid of accidentally killing the old man in front of him!

"Lied to you? No, I didn't lie to you. The man and woman just now fled to the north to see with their own eyes!" The little old man was still talking, but it was a pity that his eyes were twitching facial muscles. , And his trembling arm betrayed him.

The reason why this domain expert was deceived just now was because he had never expected that he would be deceived.

It was completely unexpected that ordinary people would dare to speak in front of him!

"Damn trash, you'll die for me!" The realm-level expert slapped hard, and patted the nasty old man in front of him into mud, he flew directly into the air, searched it earnestly, and said with a grin. "Damn trash, do you think I don't know who to ask if you don't tell me?"

In just a few breaths, this domain expert blocked the path of the little old man's son and grandson.

The neighborhood was originally a remote path, crossing the mountains and ridges, and the ordinary middle-aged man who was the son of the betrayer, for half an hour, did not escape the sense of the realm strong person's consciousness.

When the middle-aged man saw the white-haired strong man, his legs trembled in fright, and he knelt down, and the two or three-year-old children behind him also looked at the white-haired old man in fear.

Xu Tianlun stared at the father and son in front of him and asked, "Tell me, where did the man and the woman go!"

Just now, he ran for two quarters of the North, but he could not find any trace of Deng Yifei.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the seriously injured Deng Yifei and his accomplices to fly over him, so he became suspicious of the little old man!

Killing that little old man was not enough to make Xu Tianlun vent his anger.

Xu Tianlun's goal has always been Deng Yifei.

He wants Deng Yifei to die!

"They, they actually ran eastward!" The middle-aged man crawled on the ground, and the child was crying on his back. He had probably guessed what his father was going to do, and the warrior in front of him absolutely never let him go. Father, he swallowed and said in a flustered manner, "Yes, that man and woman ran eastward. You must be looking for Deng Yifei? Deng Yifei once saved my father's life by accident, so I The old man was very grateful to them, so he misled the seniors!"

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