I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 857: She said panicked

Perhaps Deng Yifei could not even dream of it. After he escaped from the disaster, the first person to deal with him was not the military of Xu Guo, but the military of Cai who indirectly helped a lot.

After the army of Cai State had no pressure from the black wolf army of Xu, the first target he wanted to deal with was his hero who destroyed the black wolf army.

When Deng Yifei and Liu Quanjun returned to Xikou City, a new notice was posted at the gate of Xikou City, indicating that the neighborhood was crowded with people watching the excitement.

Xikou City also sent a notice commentator to explain the text on the notice.

After all, low-level civilians, with very few literacy, directly posted notices. Those civilians, except for looking at the portraits, actually don't know the text at all, which is not convenient for the spread of news.

Most of the refugees who escaped because of the war can only stay outside the city of Xikou, while Deng Yifei and Liu Quanjun can easily get in.

Just walked to the gate of the city, Deng Yifei passed by the crowd watching the notice, and couldn't help but take a look.

Deng Yifei often kills the wanted criminals. When passing the city gates, he likes to look at the notices and wanted orders at the gates of major cities.

As mentioned earlier, Deng Yifei's figure is considered tall among martial artists.

The group of civilians, although they surrounded the notice, they couldn't stop him from seeing the notice posted at the gate of the city.

Deng Yifei only glanced at it, and his heart stopped abruptly.

Even Chen Hao was shocked when he noticed the notice.

On the notice, it was clearly a portrait of Liu Quanjun, and a line of small prints was recorded next to the portrait. The small prints mainly described a murder case committed by Liu Quanjun seven years ago!

In the eyes of ordinary warriors, this murder case was actually so ordinary, not ordinary.

According to the above statement, Liu Quanjun coveted the secret method passed down in the Xujia Village in the northern part of the famous mountain city of Cai State Junyang County seven years ago, so he used extremely cruel means to ask the Xu family inherited secret method, and finally killed the Xu family after he succeeded. .

Cai Guo's official wanted Liu Quanjun suddenly, and Chen Hao always felt that there must be a conspiracy in it.

In any case, as the leader of the Sting Bee organization, Cai Guo could not deal with Liu Quanjun for no reason!

Chen Hao looked at Deng Yifei. He wanted to know what Deng Yifei would do next.

"This Lord Liu Quan is really vicious!"

"Yes, there is a good saying, the wasp's tail needle, the most poisonous lady's heart, this Liu Quanjun looks very beautiful, but he is a snake heart!"

"This kind of person should be Ling Chi!"


At this time, following Liu Quanjun next to Deng Yifei, he couldn't care about the notice.

She pursed her mouth and glanced at the notice pretendingly, her face calm.

But Chen Hao noticed that her heart suddenly beat violently!

Obviously, the matter on the notice was not what Cai Guo officially framed her, it was true.

Deng Yifei looked at the notice above, then glanced at Liu Quanjun, biting his lip, not knowing what to say, at the urging of the city guard, he took Liu Quanjun's hand and entered Xikou City.

Liu Quanjun also felt the depression of the atmosphere.

Walking slowly on the street, after a long time, before she could speak, Deng Yifei spoke first: "The thing written on the notice must be fake, right? It must be made up by the Cai Guo gang. ,right?"

When Deng Yifei spoke, he questioned the Cai official.

It can be seen that he is more willing to believe that Liu Quanjun can't do such cruel things.

Liu Quanjun hesitated for a moment, and then squeezed a smile from his face: "Why would you believe Cai Guo's nonsense? Those things are fabricated and fake. Cai Guo seems to want to deal with me. I suspect it is mine. Identity leaked!"

Deng Yifei stared at Liu Quanjun with scorching eyes, even after Liu Quanjun denied that, the look on his face still did not relax.

Chen Hao was even able to accept that Deng Yifei's right hand holding the Scarlet Blood Sword began to tremble slightly.

Things are getting worse!

Deng Yifei seemed to be a little unsure whether what Liu Quanjun said was true or false. He began to ask Chen Hao for his opinion: "Master Sword Spirit, do you think Quan Jun is telling the truth?"

Of course Chen Hao knew that the woman Liu Quanjun was talking to deceive Deng Yifei. On Cai Guo's official wanted order, the reason Liu Quanjun was wanted is absolutely true. She really killed those people.

Therefore, Chen Hao did not hesitate, and directly replied: "I believe Liu Quanjun's words. After all, there are not many good people in the official state of Cai, and even you are wanted. How credible do you think their wanted warrants are?"

Chen Hao knew that Liu Quanjun could not have an accident for the time being.

She now firmly occupies a very important position in Deng Yifei's heart.

Once she had an accident, in Deng Yifei's current state of mind, he estimated that he would suffer a heavy blow!

That's right, what Chen Hao is most worried about now is that if Deng Yifei knows that Liu Quanjun is a "villain", he might attack Liu Quanjun!

Of course Chen Hao wouldn't care about Liu Quanjun's life and death.

Even if Liu Quanjun is pregnant now.

What Chen Hao worried about was Deng Yifei, because once Liu Quanjun was classified as a "villain", no matter whether Deng Yifei shot her or not... Deng Yifei might face a terrible crisis!

"Master Sword Spirit thinks Sister Quan Jun is credible?"

"Yes, at least I believe in Liu Quanjun more than going to Cai Guo!"

Some words, Chen Hao dare not say too much.

He actually seldom does things to deceive the sword master.

Deng Yifei raised his head and looked at the foggy sky. The sky began to gloomy, and the dark clouds pressed on the top of his head, giving people an extremely depressed feeling.

He stared at the returning bird flying quickly under the dark clouds, and said to Chen Hao with his mind: "But, why do I think she said she was panicked..."

Hearing Deng Yifei's words, Chen Hao felt the pressure in the air more and more.

"How do you know that she spoke?"

"She has a little habit!" Deng Yifei continued, "Every time she speaks, her eyes will float to the left. There are almost no exceptions. I have noticed her habit a long time ago. Master Sword Spirit did not teach it before. Me, some simple ways to tell if the other person is speaking?"

Chen Hao was a little embarrassed.

He did teach Deng Yifei a little bit about this before.

But he did not expect that Deng Yifei would use this knowledge to observe Liu Quanjun!

Chen Hao asked in a low voice: "There are some things, don't you think it is better to be confused?"

Deng Yifei did not answer Chen Hao's words, but clenched tightly, firmly grasped Liu Quanjun's arm, and walked towards the stronghold of Sting Bee in Xikou City.

He walked faster and faster, without saying a word, Liu Quanjun quickly noticed something wrong with Deng Yifei!

She stared at the man's face in front of her, and finally sighed and was dragged away obediently by him.

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