I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 858: Die if you don't leave

Liu Quanjun also realized that something was wrong!

When the Sting Bee’s stronghold in Xikou City, Huo Sining’s familiar human skin mask appeared in front of the two of them, what she got was full, but Deng Yifei’s cold eyes.

"Find us a room, I have something and need to talk to her!"

Huo Sining looked at Deng Yifei and then at Liu Quanjun, telling her intuitively that there must be something wrong between Liu Quanjun and Deng Yifei!

But she did not dare to ask.

Needless to say, Liu Quanjun is her senior superior.

And Deng Yifei, who had just witnessed the destruction of the 200,000 Black Wolf Legion outside Jingdong City, Huo Sining was still very shocked, and some did not dare to approach.

No way, Deng Yifei is too cruel!

"Follow what he said, find a room, a little more quiet."

At this time Liu Quanjun also spoke.


Came to the backyard of the inn and entered a dark room.

The room was relatively clean, but it was a bit damp, but it was a bit damp. When the two of them were coming, it was just the minutiae and nobody cared.

"come in!"

Liu Quanjun was the first to walk in. After entering, she walked directly to the corner of the room.

Deng Yifei also followed in. After entering the room, Deng Yi closed the door to the room, and the whole room suddenly became dark!

Both of them knew where the window of the room was, but no one pushed it open.

Liu Quanjun took a deep breath and leaned against the wall. She looked at Deng Yifei in the dark with big beautiful eyes: "You all know?"

"I know, what the notice says should be true!"

Liu Quanjun asked, "I want to say it is fake, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

"You already have your own judgment... don't you?"

Deng Yifei gritted his teeth and said: "...but I still want to hear you deny those things!"

Liu Quanjun sighed and said, "I think too... So when you asked me about it, my first reaction was to deny it, but I didn't expect that you actually noticed that I was lying... Actually, I think about it now. Denial, but is this useful? I know your character very well. If I continue to deny, the doubt in your heart will not be dispelled. You will definitely continue to investigate. I have no certainty to escape the hypnotic ability of your blood. ."

When Chen Hao heard Liu Quanjun's words, he felt that this woman might be a little clever.

If she was really hypnotized by the Scarlet Blood Sword, Chen Hao would probably protect her for the sake of the overall situation.

You know, Chen Hao has always had no lower limit on discipline.

"Is there anything else I want to say?"

"No, there is nothing I want to say!" Liu Quanjun shook his head, "Martial artist, how could there be few lives on my hands? As a member of the sting bee, it is impossible for me to clean my hands, but I did not expect that I would be Cai Guo’s people dug it out. In recent years, as the sting bee has stabilized, I have seldom come forward to do tasks in person. It seems that it should be the clues left before and was caught."

Liu Quanjun's plain tone was a bit unrepentant.

Deng Yifei placed his hand on the hilt of the Scarlet Blood Sword, but did not draw the sword.

In fact, he had already guessed that Liu Quanjun's hands were not very clean.

He himself, at first, didn't want to organize with the sting bee, too close to Liu Quanjun and others. What he always wanted to maintain was a cooperative relationship!

However, the relationship between Deng Yifei and Liu Quanjun developed too quickly!

So fast that Deng Yifei, the youngster, couldn't hold back his measure.

Deng Yifei didn't think about Liu Quanjun's past, but he didn't dare to ask.

During the time with Liu Quanjun, Deng Yifei also had an ostrich mentality.

"Actually, I have long been worried that such a day will come, and now Cai Guo took the initiative to shake things out, but I feel a little relieved, at least I don't have to worry about it anymore!" Liu Quanjun slowly approached Deng Yifei, almost with his face Close to her face, her eyes carefully looked at the face of her beloved man, then she lightly opened her lips, and asked in a low voice, "Why, are you planning to do something against me? It's like dealing with those villains."

Deng Yifei held the Scarlet Blood Sword tightly in his hand, his eyes flickered but did not move.

Chen Hao knew that fine beads of perspiration appeared on Deng Yifei's forehead, and his breathing had already stopped.

He was hesitating.


From birth to now, this is the most difficult choice in his life.

To let Liu Quanjun go against the martial art that Deng Yifei has always insisted on!

Asking him to kill Liu Quanjun, he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart again.

Deng Yifei did not forget that Liu Quanjun mentioned to him that she was pregnant and pregnant with his child.

I don't know why, Chen Hao suddenly remembered the problem of the mother and wife falling into the water at the same time in the previous life.

"Master Sword Spirit, how do you think I should choose?" When he was undecided, he asked Sword Spirit. In Deng Yifei's eyes, Chen Hao was like an elder mentor.

But in this case, Chen Hao has no choice.

He could not help Deng Yifei to make a choice.

Encountered this kind of problem, Chen Hao is absolutely impossible to take action.

If Chen Hao told Deng Yifei, it would be easier to kill Liu Quanjun, but if Deng Yifei regretted it later, he might blame Chen Hao...

Even if Chen Hao believed in Deng Yifei's character, he still had to guard against it.

So Chen Hao's answer is: "You ask your own heart, it's up to you to decide!"

"Do I decide for myself?"

Deng Yifei slowly pulled out the Scarlet Blood Sword, and Xueliang's long sword was placed on Liu Quanjun's white neck.

Liu Quanjun did not resist, only those big talking eyes kept looking at Deng Yifei.

But Liu Quanjun was not as calm as she appeared on the surface. It didn't take long for her eyes to be filled with tears.

"Deng Yifei, do you have the heart?"

"I... can't bear it!"

Deng Yifei put down the scarlet sword slumped, leaned against the wall, and then slid to the ground.

When Deng Yifei put down the long sword, Chen Hao saw the fleeting joy in Liu Quanjun's eyes!

This stupid woman seemed to be very happy when Deng Yifei chose not to act on her.

Chen Hao estimated that Liu Quanjun might still be happy.

She thought that she used Deng Yifei's feelings for her to defeat Deng Yifei's own principles!

For Deng Yifei, this is definitely a huge concession!

"You go!"

Deng Yifei sat on the ground with his head down. No one could see his eyes. He seemed to have made up his mind.

Determined to let Liu Quanjun leave.

Chen Hao noticed that the weak aurora supernatural powers in his body suddenly churn, and his demons were about to move.


"I said, let you go!" Deng Yifei roared suddenly hysterically, "I mean, let you go, the farther you go, the better, and never show up in front of me again."

"Deng Yifei, what do you mean? You let me go now? You didn't tell me not long ago that you like me and hope I can give birth to a child? Why are you changing your mind for no reason now?" Liu Quanjun angrily said, "You have forgiven me. Why do you want me to leave?"

"If you don't leave, I will kill you right away!"

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