I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 860: Going out of control

It is not unfounded that Deng Yifei may die soon.

Ordinary sword masters might be able to flop twice before death and hold on for a while.

Deng Yifei, he has never been bothered by the demons.

He lacks the ability to resist the inner demon, and has no experience in fighting the inner demon. Once the inner demon is stronger, he may immediately collapse.

It was as if he quickly fell under Liu Quanjun's pomegranate skirt.

Chen Hao felt that Deng Yifei could save it again: "But you just died like this, is it really good? Have you forgotten how many villains are there?"

"Master Sword Spirit, I think it's you who I am ashamed of, and I have let down your expectations of me!"

"If you don't want to betray you, you can kill Liu Quanjun with the sword!"

What Chen Hao said was Deng Yifei's silence.

"I really like her. I swear in my heart that I will treat her well forever. I can't do anything. Rather than do it to her, I might as well let me die here!" Deng Yifei said sullenly, "The only pity The thing is, she failed to find a suitable sword master for Lord Sword Spirit. Quan Jun did not have the heart of justice and was not qualified to be the master of the holy sword."

Deng Yifei's martial arts heart has collapsed, and he has decided to go.

Inside him, the dazzling "Aurora" in the past has become a candle in the wind.

The demon, like the white light, was increasing crazily.

The heart of martial arts collapsed, and it would be strange if the heart demon didn't take this opportunity to expand wildly.

Deng Yifei's

Just as Deng Yifei was suffering in the room, Liu Quanjun had already seen Huo Sining.

"Chief, it seems that you and Dengzi are a little unhappy!"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!" Liu Quanjun said with a cold face, "Help me check, why did Cai Guo put my wanted warrant on the city wall? We didn't contact Cai Guo about Qin Lao last time. , Did they get their understanding? Why did they post my portrait this time?"

Huo Sining said directly: "No need to check, I know that this matter was ordered by Liu Zhiguo, General of the Black Armored Legion. I wanted to tell you this before, but I haven't been able to contact you!"

"Liu Zhiguo?" Liu Quanjun pursed his lips. "Collect the evil deeds of the Black Armored Legion first, especially Liu Zhiguo. Since he dares to divide by one, I dare to do fifteen!"

"Is this really good?"

Huo Sining looked at the room where Deng Yifei was a little hesitant.

"It's okay, I will ask for his opinion." At this point, Liu Quanjun said again, "However, you should ask for his opinion at that time!"

"Why? The chief had a conflict with Deng Gongzi?"

"Hey!" Liu Quanjun sighed heavily, "He saw the notice on the wanted order!"

"Ah!" Huo Sining asked, "that leader just admitted it?"

"Admit it?"

"Can't you lie to him? Make up a lie?"

"I tried it, but he saw it through!" Liu Quanjun whispered, "I wanted to continue to lie, but after thinking about it, I gave up. If I lied to him once, it won’t be easy to lie to him a second time. If you continue to deceive, he will still be suspicious. Deng Yifei is the kind of persistent and suspicious person. He is likely to use that sword against me, and the ending may be worse at that time. It might as well be more open!"

Huo Sining asked in a low voice: "Deng Gongzi never thought of doing it to you?"

"I thought about it, but he still let me go!" Liu Quanjun said with a headache, "He was very angry at the time and made me go away. For a while, I think I can't show up in front of him."

"My lord, Lord Deng has always taken it as his duty to punish the villains. He let you go so easily this time. Will it cause any trouble?"

"Actually... I'm also more worried!" Liu Quanjun hesitated for a long time before telling the truth. "When I left, I also found that his state was not quite right, but what he said at the time was really annoying, and I am not suitable to appear in front of him now...I want you to see it for me."


Huo Sining nodded, and then went into the backyard. Just after he opened the door, a horrible blood-red murderous intent was easily liquid and gushing from the door.

With a murderous face, Huo Sining's hairs stood up.

"Master Deng, I am Huo Sining!"

Huo Sining shouted.

While shouting, carefully followed Liu Quanjun's instructions and entered the room.

She only saw a figure creeping in the inner corner of the room. From the back, it should be Deng Yifei.

Huo Sining approached Deng Yifei step by step, and with every step she took, she felt the temperature drop by one point.

When she walked to Deng Yifei's side, her calves were shaking!

She took a breath of white mist and lightly patted Deng Yifei's shoulder with one hand.

"Master Deng!"

At this moment, the person lying on the ground suddenly turned his head, a pair of blood-red eyes startled Huo Sining!

"Master Deng?"


"Your eyes!" Huo Sining swallowed.

"It's okay, just a little tired!"

"Your voice……"

Deng Yifei's voice was low and hoarse, completely different from his normal voice.

"It's okay, let me ask you, is Liu Quanjun still there?"

Huo Sining hesitated, and then replied: "She is gone, she seems to be very angry!"

"Oh, that's good, that's good!" Deng Yifei nodded to himself, then looked at Huo Sining with a pair of blood red eyes, "Then I will fly directly from Xikou City now, will it affect your branch?"

"Better not!" Huo Sining said hastily, "People from the Black Armored Legion are stabbing the bees against us recently."

Deng Yifei held his forehead and stood up swayingly: "Then my current state is a bit troublesome, you send someone to send me out!"

"Why go out?"

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid I will lose control!"

Deng Yifei was unsteady and leaned directly on Huo Sining's shoulder.

"What? Out of control?"

Huo Sining held Deng Yifei in a hand, and then Deng Yifei's words kept tumbling in her mind.

Deng Yifei is about to lose control?

It is impossible for ordinary warriors to lose control.

In general, the warriors who are out of control are the warriors who have lost control.

"Master Deng, don't scare me!"

Huo Si would rather be the one who had seen Deng Yifei shot.

If Deng Yifei is out of control in Xikou City, if there are no strong domains, I am afraid that the entire Xikou City will have no one to survive!

"I didn't scare you, take me out of Xikou City!" Deng Yifei swallowed, trying to keep himself awake, "I don't want to cause trouble with anyone, I want to find a remote place with no one..."

"Then wait a minute, I'll get someone to prepare!"

Huo Sining left Deng Yifei and Sa Yazi ran out.

Deng Yifei was about to lose her time, she had to tell Liu Quanjun about this.

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