I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 861: His choice

"What, you can't hear it wrong, do you?"

"I did not hear it wrong, absolutely I did not hear it wrong, how could I hear it wrong?" Huo Sining said with certainty, "Master Deng said that he might be out of control. Let me take him out of Xikou City."

Liu Quanjun thought, this is really Deng Yifei's style of doing things.

During the days in the cave, Liu Quanjun knew that Deng Yifei had been unstable recently because of a battle in Jingdong City.

"Why would he lose control otherwise? Is it because of me?"

"It should be because of you, the leader!" Huo Sining said affirmatively.

"Why do you say that?"

"The first sentence of his opening was to ask me, where have you been? I said that you left Xikou City, so he let me take him away!" Huo Sining guessed, "You have been together for so long, and the leader still Don't you know the martial arts he insists on?"

"Hmm! I know! I just don't want to admit it!" Liu Quanjun turned his head away, not wanting to look at Huo Sining.

People are greedy for life and fear of death.

Liu Quanjun didn't want to die either.

Liu Quanjun could guess that Deng Yifei might be hit by his own affairs.

But she didn't expect that her influence on Deng Yifei would be so great.

It would put him in danger of losing control.

After all, in the past three years, Deng Yifei has seen so many villains, and he has not done anything to them, but Deng Yifei has always been fine!

Why did something happen to her?

What is the reason for this?

Liu Quanjun has five flavors in his heart.

Thinking that Deng Yifei would let her go in the face of the crisis of confusion, she was a little sweet...but more, still sad.

She stroked her slightly cupped belly, not knowing what to do.

"Huo Sining, how long do you think Yifei can hold on? Can he hold on for a few months?"

"Leader, are you kidding me?" Huo Sining shook his head, "I think Deng Yifei can only hold on for half an hour at most. If he can hold on for longer, he won't rush to ask me if he can fly out. Up!"

"How do you think Deng Yifei can be cured?"

Huo Sining glanced at Liu Quanjun, hesitated, and shook his head: "This, I think we still have to respect his choice!"

Huo Sining knew that Liu Quanjun was pregnant, and she came to Liu Quanjun's side.

"His choice?"

Liu Quanjun closed his eyes, thinking of the dazzling white light outside Jingdong City, thinking of Deng Yifei's handsome eyebrows, thinking of his shy expression... thinking of the scene where Deng Yifei yelled at her in that room just now.

There was a faint sad smile on her face, then she touched her belly and slowly closed her eyes.

"Si Ning, leave this to you first!"

A token fell into Huo Sining's hands. As soon as Huo Sining saw the token, he jumped up as if he had received a hot potato: "Leader, what are you doing to me!"

"This is just in case. If I really can't get out, you can give it to Senior Liu Ya. In the Cai Guo Sting Bee branch, Senior Liu Ya is actually better than me as the leader."

"My lord, please think twice!"

"Stop talking, I just go in and take a look!"

Liu Quanjun stood up, walked to the backyard, and opened the door.

"Sining, are you ready? Take me away!"

As soon as he entered the room, Liu Quanjun heard Deng Yifei's anxious words, and his mouth felt a little hot.

And Liu Quanjun also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Huo Sining did not exaggerate, Deng Yifei may really be out of control.

If the matter was not serious, it would be impossible for Deng Yifei to recognize her immediately.

"It's me, not Huo Sining!"

Liu Quanjun looked at Deng Yifei. Deng Yifei's eyes were red, and his gaze was lost, as if he had just stepped down from the battlefield in Jingdong City.

No, the situation should be worse than then!

At least at that time, Liu Quanjun did not wear a mask, and Deng Yifei could recognize her at a glance.

At least at that time, Liu Quanjun could still see the spirit, the faith, and the persistence in Deng Yifei's eyes!

But now, in Deng Yifei's eyes, it seemed that there was nothing left.

"You...Quan Jun? Why are you here? Huo Sining? Where is she? She dare to lie to me, I want to kill her..."

"You calm down!" Liu Quanjun grabbed Deng Yifei's arm and shouted loudly.


Deng Yifei looked at Liu Quanjun with blood-red eyes, and with a "sharp", the Scarlet Blood Sword was directly unsheathed, and the sharp and cold blade was attached to her neck.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Deng Yifei pushed hard and pushed Liu Quanjun to the door: "Didn't I let you go? Why are you back again?"

Liu Quanjun was not surprised by Deng Yifei's tone, or frightened by the terrible murderous intent on Deng Yifei's body. She went straight to Deng Yifei. Deng Yifei was very tough at first, but as the other party approached, he started to retreat, and finally he retreated directly to the corner.

He looks like a kid forced to a corner by bad guys.

Deng Yifei was not afraid of Liu Quanjun, but he was afraid of taking action against Liu Quanjun.

Ever since Liu Quanjun appeared, Deng Yifei's mind has been thinking like this:

Kill Liu Quanjun!

Killing Liu Quanjun he can continue to live!

He can stay awake by killing Liu Quanjun!

Kill Liu Quanjun, he can reshape martial arts!

Killing Liu Quanjun, the aurora supernatural power is likely to be restored again!


"Don't come near me, I'm afraid of hurting you!"

Deng Yifei finally spoke.

Still didn't make a move, he would rather die by himself!

In Deng Yifei's view, even though he was ashamed of the Scarlet Blood Sacred Sword and Lord Sword Spirit in his actions, there could be many Sword Masters in this world, but Liu Quanjun had only one.

If you can't do it, you can't do it!

Liu Quanjun gently tore off his mask, then hugged Deng Yifei tightly and pressed his ear to his chest.

Deng Yifei raised his hands, as if surrendering.

"Tell me, do you kill me and you will be fine?"

Deng Yifei closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, bowed his head tightly, and said nothing.

Liu Quanjun already has the answer.

"Can you wait a few more months?"

In the narrow room, Liu Quanjun felt suffocated with murderous intent.

Deng Yifei's eyes gradually lost his sense.

The presence of Liu Quanjun made him slide faster into the abyss of loss of control.

Deng Yifei found the last point of reason, slapped the roof open with a palm, and wanted to fly away directly, but he didn't fly too high before he found himself being held by Liu Quanjun.

For a time, his heart was murderous!

Almost all the killing intent in his heart was aimed at Liu Quanjun.

Deng Yifei's martial arts will, aurora magical powers, and killing magical powers all told him that only by killing Liu Quanjun can he survive, but Deng Yifei is desperately stopping his impulse.

"Quan Jun, go quickly, I can't help myself!"

Deng Yifei severely broke Liu Quanjun off his body. God can testify. This requires too much perseverance. Because Liu Quanjun is by his side, he needs to resist the killing intent all the time! ,

Liu Quanjun glanced at this man one last time, feeling moved and helpless.

She didn't even know why things were causing such trouble.

She held Deng Yifei tightly and whispered in his ear:

"If you kill me and really restore your sanity, then you can do it!"

"It doesn't matter if Nanyu has me or not, but I think Nanyu can't do without you!"

"Leave you, you can still help me take revenge, if you die, I can do nothing about your enemies!"

"Yi Fei, if you can wait a few more months, that would be great..."

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