Haiyuan calendar year 1520.

Calm belt.

Scorching sun.

On an unknown island, a few coconut trees, and a small cave.

Ye Feng completed today's training.

500 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 500 frog jumps, 10 kilometers of running.

10,000 punches, 10,000 kicks, 1,000 dodges.

Simple and casual training completed.

Lying in the cave, Ye Feng poked open a coconut with one finger.

Three years of hard training just waiting for today



「Initial achievement of the Supreme Achievement System - Training Master: Unlocked」

「The system functions are fully enabled, and new achievements can be triggered at any time」

「Host: Ye Feng」

「Master of Training——Unlocking conditions: Simple practice, ultimate enjoyment, please open the system interface to watch for details」

「Achievement Rewards - Newbie Gift Pack」

「Is it enabled?」

"Don't open it, wait until I die."

Ye Feng had just started drinking coconut milk when the system quickly issued a pleasant reminder sound.


「New achievement unlocked - The King of Hard Talk」

「Master of Hard Mouth - Unlocking conditions: Love in heart, deny in mouth; drool, deny in mouth, need to deny once with both heart and mouth」

「Achievement Reward: Talent: Iron Teeth and Bronze Fangs」

「The speed of tooth regeneration and attack power increased to 10 times that of the top fishmen.

Ye Feng gritted his teeth.

He felt that he could chew on stones without any problem.

What a good set of teeth!

"Thank you, Tongzi!

Open the novice gift pack!

As soon as possible, right now!"

Ye Feng paused when he spoke.

If he hadn't been entangled by this system, he wouldn't have been stared at by more than 30 large trucks at the intersection!


「New achievement unlocked - Smiling Face Hiding Dagger」

「Smiling Face Hiding a Dagger——Unlocking Condition: Smile more when you are full of hatred」

「Achievement Reward - Physical Skills - Iron Block」

「"Iron Block is the most basic technique of Armament Haki. With hard work, porcelain teeth can also be armed."

Ye Feng did not speak.

Only silence.

A moment of comfort appeared on the surface of his body.

The experience and skills of Iron Block also appeared in his mind.

「Newbie gift pack has been opened」

「1 devil fruit, 1 random talent, 1 random physical skill, 1 random secret skill, 1 mid-level gift pack"

Ye Feng pointed at the gift pack interface.

The random talent was extracted.

The bubbles merged into himself, and his physique also transformed.

「Talent: Eating Raw Materials and Drinking Blood」

「Good teeth and a good appetite.

Even if you eat raw meat, you won't have a stomachache.

The energy conversion speed is 10 times that of the giants."

It sounds good.

In the future, I can hold the sea kings and eat them raw.

Ye Feng thinks his talent is not bad, and he can also use it with"Iron Teeth and Copper Teeth".

The second time, he chose a random physical skill.

A bubble emerged, and what was integrated into the body was experience, and what was transformed was the physique.

「Physical Exercises: Moon Step」

「If you step on your right foot with your left foot, you will definitely be able to fly. If you can't fly, you are not in the second dimension."

Ye Feng did not comment.

The novice gift package obtained after more than a thousand days of hard training must be collected no matter what.

It's better not to stay in the novice village alone!

The third one is the secret.

After clicking, the whole body began to transform.

Ye Feng felt as if any part of his body could contain vitality

「Secret: Life Return」

「I haven't learned all six styles of the navy yet, but I've already mastered the secrets. That's amazing!

Store more energy to avoid being killed.」

"Eat the devil fruit first."

Ye Feng took out the devil fruit.

A line of small words immediately appeared.

「Item Description」

「Animal type·Human-Human Fruit·Mythical Beast·Nezha form」

「This devil fruit is also a special natural type」

「Also known as the natural series Lianlian Fruit-Sensen Fruit Superior Fruit」

「This devil fruit is actually a special superhuman type」

「Legend has it that the"Superhuman Devil Fruit - Weapon Fruit Superior Fruit" will never end?

Ye Feng has never heard of three types of devil fruits, which is even more outrageous than Nika.

He took a bite and it tasted indescribably bad. It still looked like a lotus.

I don't know if I ate a lotus with the taste of Ole Gei, or an Ole Gei in the shape of a lotus.

「New achievement unlocked - Evil Body」

「Evil Body - Unlocking conditions: You have a strange disease in which evil spirits have entered your body, such as not being able to eat fruit that touches sea water, or turning into a toy when touched by someone.」

「Achievement Reward——Talent: Righteousness」

「May the host have a good body and be immune to all kinds of evil spirits and strange diseases.

This talent is only for the battle of evil spirits.

An inexplicable breath floated from Ye Feng's body.

The demons in the devil fruit were expelled.

He immediately felt that it was perfectly matched with"Nezha Form·Lianlian Fruit·Magic Weapon Fruit".

After the perfect match.

The fruit awakening was immediately touched.

Ye Feng clicked on the"Middle Hand Gift Pack".

I have heard of masters and novices, but what is this middle hand?


「The middle-level gift package: The host needs to be promoted to"Achievement Silver" before it can be opened」

「Current achievement: Great Bronze (3/5)」

"Shouldn't it be bronze, silver, gold, platinum, master?"

Ye Feng felt that the level given to the host by this system was abnormal.


「New achievement unlocked - Learn from one example」

「Learn from one example and apply it to other cases - Unlock condition: The host has amazing comprehension and can always give examples that surpass human wisdom.」

「Achievement Reward - Talent: Brainstorming」

「Logical thinking and memory have been greatly improved, and combat IQ has also increased to 10 times that of ordinary people.

Ye Feng felt relieved. He felt that his brain could carry a lot more things at once.

The system achievement was nothing to be afraid of.

According to the normal time travel, he had just received a novice mission and opened the first novice reward.

Ye Feng had already obtained multiple physical skills, talents, and devil fruits that had their side effects removed by talents.

"Be content, take a break for a minute before working hard again"


「New achievement unlocked - Contentment is the key to happiness」

「Contentment is the key to happiness - unlocking condition: having a peaceful and calm heart is extremely difficult, and requires a moment of true contentment. Today, are you content?」

「Achievement Reward——Talent: Feast of Gluttony」

「There is nothing that cannot be eaten.

Grandma said that the system is to control everything and eat everything.

For the strong, being able to eat is a blessing."

The system has a grandmother?

Ye Feng suddenly realized.

Other systems issue a bunch of perverted tasks before giving rewards.

The Supreme Achievement System is to do everything possible and give rewards randomly! It looks like you want to complete the process as soon as possible, complete the performance and go home.

Iron teeth and copper teeth, eat raw meat and drink blood, full of righteousness, and a gluttonous feast.

These 4 talents are to form a physique that enjoys eating everything.

Completely solve Ye Feng's hunger problem on the sea


「New achievement level has been upgraded - Achievement Silver (0/10)」

「Unlock condition: Achievement Bronze (5/5)」

「Achievement Rewards - Winning Gift Pack」

「"Do you want to turn it on?"


Feng was a nobody before he crossed over.

He sat in the last row by the window in the class.

They say it's the hometown of the king.

He didn't become the king, but he almost became a ghost.

The only accident in his life was the awakening system. He was surrounded by trucks at the intersection.

As soon as he crossed over, he got a perverted training task.

It took him three years to complete it.

He roasted some coconuts, collected rainwater, and got some crabs and small fish to survive every day.

At this moment, this sudden happiness makes people a little overwhelmed.

"Turn on!"

「The distribution of the mid-level gift pack has been suspended. It has been detected that a large number of achievements have not been opened.」


Ye Feng knew that the real system task was about to begin.

「Lots of achievements coming soon」

""Gah, thank you for assembling a fleet!"

Ye Feng closed his eyes and listened to the system's violent storm.

The days next to the last row of trash cans were not in vain! He calmly accepted his life with a few billion points of luck.

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