A snake body that is more than two meters long and as thick as an adult's middle finger is coiled up leisurely in a corner of the cave.

The small snake head rests beautifully on the snake body.

From time to time, it spits out its forked scarlet snake tongue, collecting and distinguishing the odor factors in the air.

Yes, Zhu Jiuyin traveled through time and space and became a snake.

To be precise, it is a snake that can grow into the Zhulong in ancient legends.

A slight rustling sound suddenly floated in from outside the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly opened his eyes.

In his eye sockets, a pair of inverted snake pupils were as red as blood.

Through the collection and identification of the snake's tongue, Zhu Jiuyin learned the identity information of the intruder.

"It's time for dinner again."

The dense red snake scales opened and closed, and the strong muscles pulled the long snake body, rolling over the cold and rough ground, hiding in the dense vines that covered the cave wall.

Hundreds of ancient vines, thick and twisted, hung many fruits the size of a baby's fist.

The fruits were filled with a faint fragrance and emitted a faint red light, flickering like blood-red eyeballs.

Not long after, a white-haired rat sneaked into the cave and carefully came to an ancient vine.

Two black and shiny pupils stared greedily at the fruit that was close at hand.

After a little preparation, the two slender hind legs suddenly exerted force and jumped into the air to bite the fruit.


From the deep gap in the vines, a long red shadow shot out.

It was Zhu Jiuyin.

The snake was in the air. , it had opened its bloody mouth, showing its sharp fangs.

With just one bite, it bit the white-haired rat's head.

Then it injected venom frantically.

The rat's vitality is very tenacious. In order to prevent it from being disemboweled after being swallowed, Zhu Jiuyin chose to take a two-pronged approach for safety reasons.

While injecting a large amount of snake venom, the more than two-meter-long snake body wrapped around the rat's body, exerting force bit by bit.

As time passed, the white-haired rat's bones cracked and broke, and the sound was heard.

After about an incense stick of time, the white-haired rat, which looked like a kitten, was strangled to death.

It may also be poisoned.

Zhu Jiuyin swallowed it whole.

He could clearly feel that his throat was filled and stretched by the giant object.

The body of the white-haired rat was pulled by the muscles little by little, through the throat, and"transported" all the way to the stomach.

"It feels so good to be full."

Zhu Jiuyin, whose snake body was bulging in the middle, slowly raised his head. His red vertical pupils looked at the fruits on the vines.

Zhu Jiuyin didn't know if these fruits were poisonous or not. Anyway, every day there would be many mice who would risk being killed by him to steal and eat them.

Zhu Jiuyin had thought about eating one, but he was worried that the fruit was poisonous, so he never took action.

The feeling of fullness brought him sleepiness, and Zhu Jiuyin slowly swam towards the entrance of the cave.

As he got closer and closer to the entrance of the cave, the vines behind Zhu Jiuyin, which were scattered all over the cave, slowly rose into the air, as if they were alive.

Hundreds and thousands of them The vines, like iron chains, were waving in the air.

When Zhu Jiuyin was only a few dozen centimeters away from the cave entrance.

Suddenly, with a whoosh, a vine like a whip, blew up the air, and shot towards Zhu Jiuyin.

Feeling the sound of breaking through the air behind him, Zhu Jiuyin stopped his snake body.

The sharp tip of the vine was only one centimeter away from the back of Zhu Jiuyin's head.

If he dared to move forward an inch, the snake's head would definitely be pierced.

Zhu Jiuyin was not panicked, but stretched out his snake body in the morning sun, lying flat like a person.

The snake's eyes narrowed slightly, and the red vertical pupils were full of comfort.

The vine behind the snake's head retreated silently.


Zhu Jiuyin, who was enjoying the warm spring sun, suddenly felt something in his mind.

The system panel immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

【Host: Zhu Jiuyin

Lifespan: Immortality (immortality)

True form: Zhulong (young snake stage)

Cultivation level: 2.1-meter young snake (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 1,000 meters)】

【Mentor-apprentice return system: Not yet enabled】

【Note 1: The host can improve his cultivation by consuming life energy, sun and moon essence, and heaven and earth spiritual energy.】

【Note 2: If you meet someone who is destined to be with you, the system will automatically activate the master-disciple return system and tailor a method for the disciple.】

【Note 3: When the host is detected to be suppressed forever, the system will give the host one day of free time per year, which can be accumulated. 】 With slightly narrowed vertical pupils, Zhu Jiuyin looked out at the early morning orioles flying outside the cave, and his mind was full of thoughts.

That day, Zhu Jiuyin, who was returning home from work, encountered a drunk man harassing a female student. Could he, a ninth-degree black belt in Taekwondo, tolerate this?

Zhu Jiuyin roared when he saw injustice, and then he turned into a snake.

The true body of the candle dragon, immortal, immortal, and a real immortal.

However, I don’t know which giant suppressed him forever in the deep cave under this mountain, and he has no memory of his original body, original owner, or original snake in his mind.

There is only the cultivation method of"Nine Yin Swallowing Heaven".

Later, the system was turned on and awakened the master-disciple return system.

Simply put, it is to accept disciples.

On the day when the disciple dies, his cultivation will be returned to Zhu Jiuyin by the system.

The most important point is that the system will give Zhu Jiuyin a day off every year, which is twelve hours.

"As of now, there is no holiday."

Zhu Jiuyin sighed.

No one, not even the snake, knew how much he wanted to see the outside world.


Time passed day by day.

Zhu Jiuyin's daily life as a snake was not boring, but it was very tedious.

During the day, he swallowed the essence of the scorching sun.

At night, he swallowed the essence of the bright moon.

He swallowed seven or eight white-haired mice a day.

He refined the essence of the sun and the moon with the life blood with the"Nine Yin Swallowing Heaven Technique" to increase his cultivation.

In his spare time, he lay at the entrance of the cave, basking in the sun while thinking about his snake life.

Before he knew it, it was midsummer in May.

On this day.

Zhu Jiuyin was lying in the depths of the cave to digest his food.

He had just swallowed a family of three white-haired mice who had sneaked into the cave and tried to steal fruit.

He was very full.

From time to time, he opened his snake mouth and burped with a strong smell of blood.


The snake's tongue suddenly collected a very strange fragrance.

The fragrance permeated every part of the snake's body, and even Zhu Jiuyin, a cold-blooded animal, felt a faint heat.

"This is... the same kind!"

"It's a female snake in estrus!"

With red vertical pupils, he stared at the entrance of the cave.

Not long after, a meter-long, extremely slender emerald green snake swam in.

The green snake did not notice Zhu Jiuyin at first.

Instead, it swam to an ancient vine.

It turned out that like those white-haired mice, it was attracted by the fragrance of the fruit.

Zhu Jiuyin did not choose to eat the green snake.

On the one hand, after all, they were of the same kind.

Zhu Jiuyin, who was transformed into a snake, still had human moral constraints in his heart.

For him, snakes eating snakes was no different from people eating people. He couldn't get over it for the time being.

On the second hand, he was very full now.

On the third hand, Zhu Jiuyin also wanted to know what would happen after swallowing the red fruit. He watched silently.

The green snake opened its mouth, wrapped its mouth around the fruit, bit it hard, and swallowed it whole.

The next second, the green snake's body suddenly burst into brilliant light, which pierced Zhu Jiuyin so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

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