The black snake stretched out its palm in front of the green snake.

The green snake opened its mouth and swallowed the transformation fruit.

A blazing light burst out, and after more than ten breaths, the green snake turned into a human-shaped girl again.

The girl stretched out a white jade finger towards the black snake, first pointing at the red snake sleeping soundly on the fruit mountain, and then pointing at her own rosy thin lips.

The black snake understood.

Taking two steps forward, stretching out his arms, he held the nearly 4-meter-long, long and thick red snake on the fruit mountain in his arms.

Immediately, he handed the drooping head of the red snake to the mouth of the green snake.

A trace of anger appeared on the girl's white porcelain face.

She pointed at her mouth again, and then at the black snake.

She spoke in human language:" eat."

The black snake also spoke in human language, saying:"Okay...okay."

Slowly opened its bloody mouth.

Revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

The black snake aimed at the red snake's head.

Bit hard


The next second, amid the pleasant sound of metal clashing, sparks flew between the black snake's teeth and the red snake's scales.

With a muffled bang, the red snake fell to the ground.


With a miserable howl, the black snake staggered back and fell to the ground.

Its teeth were all broken and cracked.

Blood was dripping!

"Are you...are you...ok?"

The green snake rushed to the black snake and asked softly with concern.

"He... He... is awake!"

The black snake's face changed drastically, and he pointed tremblingly at the back of the green snake.


The exhaled gas sprayed on the back of the green snake.

It was visible to the naked eye.

The soft hairs and sweat hairs on the girl's skin stood up like needles.

With a click, the girl turned her head stiffly.

Reflected in the pair of lacquered pupils was a red snake standing upright like a person. The breathtakingly sturdy snake body, the dense scales shining with metallic luster, and the pair of red vertical pupils that seemed to be burning.

It was filled with ice-like coldness.

The red snake tilted its head, looking down at the girl from a high position.

The next second, it suddenly opened its bloody mouth.

With a click, it directly bit the girl's head off its body.


The muscles of the snake head exerted force.

The girl's head immediately exploded like a watermelon.

Blood sprayed.

The broken meat splattered everywhere.

It splashed all over the black snake's body and face, like a bloody man.

The headless body of the girl shook twice and fell down with a bang.

With a flash of divine light, it showed its original form.

A green snake without a snake head.

"Forgive me...I am willing to be your slave……"


Before the black snake could finish, Zhu Jiuyin bit off its head.

Crack, crack, swallowed it all, including blood, flesh, and bones.

The light flashed again, and the black snake showed its true form.

A black snake without a head, with a body length of about two meters.

"It's not your fault that you made love in front of me and stole my fruit."

"But it's wrong for you to eat me."

After saying that, Zhu Jiuyin opened his snake mouth and swallowed the green snake and the black snake as spicy snacks.

【Ding, the host has been detected to have devoured two ninth-grade rising creatures, gaining a large amount of life force and blood, and the snake body has grown by +1.5 meters.】

【Cultivation: 5.2m young snake (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 1000m)]

Suddenly, a warm current flowed to every part of the snake's body.

It was like soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.

It was visible to the naked eye that the snake's body had become thicker and longer.

"Ninth rank... rising being?!"

"Does it represent the birds and beasts that have awakened their spiritual intelligence and embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation?"

"I don’t know what rank I am now?"


Zhu Jiuyin burped with a pungent smell of blood.


After killing and eating the black snake and the green snake, Zhu Jiuyin's life returned to peace.

Day and night, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon. As the snake grew up, its appetite naturally grew.

Now it has to eat twenty to thirty white-haired mice a day.

I don't know what year it is in the cave.

Bask in the sun during the day.

Watch the stars at night.

Look at the mountains, trees, and grass.

Snakes, you have to find something to do for yourself.

There are two trees on the cliff outside the cave.

One is a peach tree.

The other is also a peach tree.

Zhu Jiuyin watched the peaches grow day by day.

He named the peach tree on the left Tao Da, and the one on the right Xiao San Er.

Tao Da has a total of 379 peaches.

Xiao San Er has 291 peaches.

It is late autumn.

The climate is no longer hot.

Zhu Jiuyin stared at the plump and plump peaches, one after another, falling from the branches.

No snake knows how much he wants to eat one.

Unconsciously, winter arrived.

Zhu Jiuyin was particularly sleepy.

He often slept for three to five days.

"Is this... the hibernation period of snakes?!"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was lying on the fruit mountain, looked around at the decreasing number of transformation fruits around him.

He couldn't help cursing:"These damn white-haired rats are taking advantage of the fire to rob."

After cursing, Zhu Jiuyin, who was drowsy, slowly closed his red vertical pupils.

One day.

A system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding, it is detected that the host has been suppressed for a year, and one day of free time is given, which can be accumulated】

【Free days: one day (12 hours)]

Zhu Jiuyin, who was in hibernation, suddenly opened his red vertical pupils.

As a cold-blooded animal, he couldn't help but feel his blood boiling at this moment.

"Finally...finally a holiday!"

Although it was only for one day.

Zhu Jiuyin suppressed his surging emotions and swam down the fruit mountain.

He quickly swam to the entrance of the cave.

"It's snowing!"

Outside, the vast mountains and rivers were covered in silver.

Taking a deep breath of the cold air,

Zhu Jiuyin swam out little by little.

In the cave, the hundreds of ancient vines that remained evergreen even in the dead of winter did not move at all, as if they were dead.

At the beginning of his journey, Zhu Jiuyin had forced himself to swim out of the cave.

As a result, he was beaten by the ancient vines until his skin was torn and blood was dripping.

In the end, dozens of vines wrapped around his body like iron chains and dragged him back to the depths of the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin was unwilling to experience the suffocating feeling of being strangled to death a second time.


One centimeter, one centimeter, and another centimeter.

Behind him, in the cave, hundreds of ancient vines were quiet.

Finally, after traveling through this world for a whole spring, summer, autumn and winter, Zhu Jiuyin swam out of the cave for the first time.

Layer upon layer, tightly fastened together, the red snake scales rolled over the thick soft snow. The five-meter-long sturdy snake body was like a blazing flame.

Zhu Jiuyin came to the edge of the cliff.

The snake head was raised high.

"Exotic scenery, thousands of miles of ice and snow"

"Looking around the mountains, there was only wilderness; the great rivers were no longer roaring."

The heavy snow fell on the head and body of the red snake.

His eyes were cold.

His heart was even colder.

He was a cold snake. He turned half a circle on the spot.

Zhu Jiuyin raised his head and looked at the mountain in front of him, which suppressed him forever.

The mountain was too majestic, like a crawling prehistoric beast, giving Zhu Jiuyin an extremely strong sense of oppression.

The highest point of the giant mountain was hidden in the clouds and mist, as if it was rising into the outer space.

"That is……"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was the Candle Dragon, had red vertical pupils like torches. He saw six large characters engraved on the cliff with a drop of hundreds of feet.

The large characters were faintly visible in the wind and snow.

"Morality, Yuanshi, Lingbao?!"

The six characters are not Chinese characters.

However, the mysterious power hidden deep in the Zhulong bloodline made Zhu Jiuyin recognize it.

"This is... the three great Taoist gods?!"


Zhu Jiuyin's expression became stern.

His pair of upside-down red pupils were shining with divine light, as if he could see through the past and present.

"That is... a person?!"

Through the wind, snow, clouds and mist, Zhu Jiuyin actually saw a tall figure standing on the top of the giant mountain.

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