The dense red snake scales rolled over the snow, and the five-meter-long sturdy snake body left a deep gully in the snow.

Zhu Jiuyin was going up the mountain.

He was going to see the man standing on the top of the mountain up close.

His eternal suppression might have something to do with this man.

An hour later.

Zhu Jiuyin cruised to the middle of the giant mountain.

There were no plants around him, only rugged rocks.

The north wind carried the broken snow, like a knife cutting on his body.


The red scales rubbed against the rocks, and sparks flew out from time to time.

After nearly three hours,

Zhu Jiuyin finally swam to the top of the mountain.

"This is……"

A flash of surprise flashed across his red vertical pupils.

At this moment, a stone statue stood ten feet in front of Zhu Jiuyin.

The weathered stone statue, more than two meters tall, was a young man. He had sword-like eyebrows and a handsome face.

The young man lowered his head slightly, as if he was looking down at the world, or as if he was looking at Zhu Jiuyin.

In his right hand, the young man held a scabbard.

There was nothing in the scabbard.

For no reason, Zhu Jiuyin suddenly felt a strong sense of familiarity and a strong sense of disgust.

""Could it be this boy who will suppress me forever?!"

Zhu Jiuyin murmured, his eyes passing over the boy and looking behind the stone statue.

On the edge of the mountain cliff stood a towering tree that was more than ten feet high.

The ancient tree was gray all over, as if drawn with a pencil, with a color of death and despair. The bark was cracked. The treetops blocked out the sun.

In the howling north wind, the gray leaves on the tree rustled.

The collision made a clanging sound of metal clashing.

"This is a... iron tree?!"

The leaves clanged, and the trunk was filled with a cold metallic luster.

Zhu Jiuyin couldn't believe his eyes for a moment, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

He exerted all his muscles, and his snake body bypassed the young stone statue and swam under the iron tree.

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his snake tail and gently moved the leaves.

The gray leaves jingled, like a blade, scratching the red snake scales.

Strands of blazing sparks burst out.

""A cycad tree that never loses its leaves!"

Zhu Jiuyin was amazed.

He stared at the cycad tree inch by inch without blinking.


Zhu Jiuyin was suddenly stunned.

He saw four things among the dense leaves that were almost empty.

An ancient stone sword, a red sky knife, a mottled black bell, and a nine-story small tower.

The knife, sword, bell, and tower were hung by four branches of the iron tree, hidden among the millions of leaves.

"The six-character mantra of morality, origin and Lingbao"

"There is also a stone statue of a young boy, this iron tree"

"The four magic weapons: knife, sword, bell and tower"

"Could it be that they are all trying to suppress me forever?!"

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his pupils slightly.

Before he traveled through time, what kind of things did the candle dragon do that angered the heaven and the people?! The thick snake body wrapped around the iron tree trunk, and Zhu Jiuyin first swam in front of the ancient sword. The ancient stone sword was about three feet long.

The sword body was covered with fine cracks, as if it would fall apart with a slight touch.

It looked like a mountain rock or grass, ordinary, without the slightest magical feature.

"These are... two words!"

Zhu Jiuyin poked his snake head out slightly.

He saw two ancient characters engraved on the junction of the hilt and the blade of the stone sword.

They were"Hundred Forbearances".’

"A hundred patience... a hundred patience……"

""Zhang Bairen?!"

Zhu Jiuyin turned his head sharply, his red eyes fixed on the stone statue of a young man not far away.

The stone sword was the sword worn by the young man.

And the young man was most likely called Zhang Bairen.

In ancient legends, the Jade Emperor, the ruler of the world and the leader of the gods, who ruled the three realms,

"The Three Great Celestial Beings of Taoism!"

"Jade Emperor!"

"Why do these supreme gods want to suppress me forever?"

After pondering for a long time, Zhu Jiuyin still couldn't figure it out.

The snake pupils narrowed slightly.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly stretched out his snake tail and approached the stone sword little by little.

He wanted to try whether the stone sword without the owner's urging could exert its power.



The snake's tail touched the stone sword lightly.

Before Zhu Jiuyin could react, the next moment, there was a loud rumble, and the sky collapsed and the earth split.

It was like a wild ancient beast that wanted to roar and shatter the stars.

The stone sword trembled slightly, and the sky was filled with murderous intent.

It was as if a nuclear bomb was detonated.

The rolling sword energy was surging.

The terrifying sword energy instantly lifted Zhu Jiuyin away. The indestructible red snake scales were scraped off layer by layer, and with the clanging sound, sparks flew in the millions.

The flesh and bones melted quickly in the sword energy.

Zhu Jiuyin was broken into several pieces.

The bloody snake head flew away for an unknown distance.

The sky spun for a long time before it fell into the snow with a bang.


【Free days: Countdown 03:25:47]

There is only a little more than an hour and a half left in the vacation.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly woke up.

At this moment, the wind and snow stopped.

The surroundings were quiet.

The moon was at its zenith, and the velvet black curtain was embroidered with bright stars.

"I was unconscious for more than six hours!"

Zhu Jiuyin slightly moved the bloody snake head.


The intense pain made Zhu Jiuyin gasp in surprise.

"Only a tattered snake head is left, how can I go back?!"

Fortunately, Zhu Long's true body is immortal, otherwise Zhu Jiuyin would have been killed by the sword energy.

"It is worthy of being the Emperor's Sword. Even without a master to urge it, it is still so terrifying!"

"I think the other three magical weapons, the Heavenly Sword, the Black Bell and the Small Tower, are as terrifying as the Stone Sword!"

"Am I... destined to be suppressed forever?!"

"I really can't accept this!"

With red vertical pupils, he looked at the brilliant starry sky that spanned the night.

Zhu Jiuyin sighed softly, barely audible.


【Free Days: Countdown 00:01:51]

Only two minutes left in the holiday.

Zhu Jiuyin thought for a while, then opened his snake mouth with difficulty.

He swallowed a big mouthful of snow viciously.



At the moment when the countdown ended,

Zhu Jiuyin suddenly felt an incomparable and terrifying suction force coming from behind him.

The bloody snake head retreated like a stream of light. Everything between heaven and earth, even the stars in the night sky, were pulled into thin strips of light.

Two or three breaths later, there was a muffled bang.

The snake head fell to the ground.

Zhu Jiuyin screamed and vomited all over the floor.

The dizziness was stronger than ever before.

After calming down for a long time, Zhu Jiuyin looked around.

The familiar ancient vine.

It was still the same cave.


Time flies, cherries turn red, bananas turn green.

Unconsciously, spring is here, and everything is revived.

Zhu Jiuyin, whose snake body has recovered to about one meter long, lies at the entrance of the cave, lazily basking in the sun.

The transformation fruit that he had bitten and picked clean last year has sprouted again on the ancient vine.

Time passed day by day.

Summer is here.

Zhu Jiuyin, as always, lies at the entrance of the cave, counting how many leaves there are on Tao Da.

Two months later.

Zhu Jiuyin has counted them all.

Tao Da has a total of 8691 leaves.

Next, he starts counting Xiao San'er.


Zhu Jiuyin did not count how many leaves Xiao Saner had.

It was not because he had lost his patience, but because autumn had arrived and the leaves began to fall.

This year, Zhu Jiuyin still could not eat the peaches produced by Tao Da and Xiao Saner.

In a trance, winter had arrived.

Zhu Jiuyin had picked all the transformed fruits in the cave until they were all gone.

The fruits were piled up into a mountain.

He recovered his snake body to more than three meters long, coiled on the fruit mountain, and fell into a deep sleep.

In a daze, the cold mechanical sound of the system rang in his mind.

【Ding, it is detected that the host has been suppressed for a year, and one day of free time is given, which can be accumulated】

【Free days: one day (12 hours)]

Zhu Jiuyin no longer had the joy he had when he had his first holiday.

His heart was like the Dead Sea, without any ripples.

He chose to continue hibernation.


In the third year after traveling to this world, Zhu Jiuyin's daily life was the same as always, boring and uninteresting. His body, which was seriously injured by the stone sword, had long since recovered.

In the fourth year, Zhu Jiuyin still looked at the mountains and rivers during the day and counted the stars at night.

This year, his snake body grew to six meters.


In the eighth year, the snake's body grew to eight meters.

The red snake scales looked like a blazing flame.

The thickest part of the snake's body was almost as big as a bowl.

It could be called a python. In the ninth year, due to the annual sweep, the transformation fruits were piled up into a mountain.

Zhu Jiuyin guarded it strictly and would not allow the white-haired rat to steal even one.

In the tenth year, in winter, on this day,

Zhu Jiuyin, who was in hibernation, suddenly heard the system voice in his mind.

【Ding, a destined person has been detected, the master-disciple return system has been activated】

【Ding, the destined person is detected approaching the host, please wait patiently】

【The destined one has come near, please accept me as your disciple immediately. 】

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