It's snowing again.

The sky and earth are covered in white.

A young man walks through the snow with difficulty, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Looking up, the towering mountains in the distance are like giants standing tall.


A puff of white air blew out of the young man's mouth and quickly disappeared in the north wind.

""Half a month~" the young man muttered, his angular face under the cotton hat was cut red by the broken snow.

The young man was called Chen Yanshi, and he went into the mountains to hunt.

The harvest this year was good, and Chen Yanshi tightened his belt, barely enough to survive this harsh winter.

However, at the beginning of the year, Chen Yanshi married a wife.

After the fall, his wife became pregnant.

On the one hand, there was not enough food.

On the other hand, Chen Yanshi himself could not eat meat all year round, but he could not bear to see his wife and unborn child suffer.

Unfortunately, after more than ten days in the mountains, not to mention the harvest, even the shadow of the mountain rabbit and the wild Kun was not seen.

"How can I face my wife if I return empty-handed?!"

Tightening his tattered cotton jacket, Chen Yanshi walked towards the distant mountains step by step.


Two hours later,

Chen Yanshi arrived at the foot of the mountain.

With just one glance, he saw the cave at the bottom of the mountain.

The entrance to the cave was so big that it looked like the bloody mouth of a wild beast.

"There may be something in the cave."

"Even if there is none, it is a great temporary residence to avoid the wind and snow and rest."

After a moment's hesitation, Chen Yanshi entered the cave cautiously.

After unloading the axe, ox-horn bow, quiver and other equipment.

Chen Yanshi sat cross-legged facing outside and took out the hard-as-iron pancakes and the yellow water hyacinth from his bag.

Chen Yanshi, who had not eaten for a whole day, did not wolf them down immediately.

Instead, he stuffed the pancakes made by his wife into his cotton-padded jacket and pressed them against his chest.

He said with gentle eyes,"Ling'er, I will definitely bring back many mountain rabbits and pheasants."

After warming up the pancakes, Chen Yanshi began to bite them in big mouthfuls.

After eating and drinking, Chen Yanshi was about to go out to find some firewood.

Suddenly, wisps of strange fragrance drifted past his nose and drifted to the outside of the cave.

"What is that? It smells so good!"

Chen Yanshi turned around and looked into the depths of the cave.

His eyes flickered for a moment.

Chen Yanshi carried his quiver, held an ox horn bow in his left hand, and an axe in his right hand, and walked quietly into the depths of the cave.


The jagged rocks and dense vines.

Chen Yanshi concentrated his attention and did not dare to be careless.

The cave was too big and too deep.

He walked for a long time, but still could not see the end.

In the dark and gloomy environment, Chen Yanshi could only hear the sound of his own pounding heart and the unusually heavy breathing.


Chen Yanshi suddenly stopped.

The road ahead was emitting a faint red light.

"What is glowing?!"

Curious, Chen Yanshi quickened his pace.

After turning a corner, the road ahead suddenly opened up.

Looking at the piles of countless fruits the size of a baby's fist, emitting a strong fragrance and shining red, Chen Yanshi was shocked.

"Is this... a fairy fruit?!"

Chen Yanshi was stunned for a while.

After reacting, he rushed to the fruit mountain.

He grabbed a fruit with one hand and stuffed it into his mouth. The chewing sound was very loud.

""Smells so good, tastes so good... So delicious!"

The juice splashed, and Chen Yanshi ate with great pleasure.

The fruit pulp went into his throat, and his stiff body, which was soaked by the cold air, suddenly became warm.

One by one, Chen Yanshi seemed to have no idea whether he was hungry or full.

"What Mr. Qi said is true. There are indeed immortal traces and immortal fate in the world."

"This is my destiny!"

Chen Yanshi, with puffy cheeks, suddenly took dozens of fruits into his arms.

It was this action that shook the foundation of the fruit mountain.

On one side of the fruit mountain, countless fruits rolled down like a mountain torrent.

Half of a huge snake head was buried deep under the fruit mountain.


Chen Yanshi sucked in a breath of cold air, and instantly fled from the fruit mountain like a frightened bird.

After running a long distance, the young man collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

His arms were leaning on the ground, shaking uncontrollably. He felt a slight heat in his crotch, and he was actually losing control of his bladder. It took a long time for Chen Yanshi to recover.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with lingering fear:"What a big python!"

After thinking for a while.

Chen Yanshi did not run away, but turned back and came to the fruit mountain again.

The fruit mountain collapsed, revealing the intact snake head of the giant python.

Every part was covered with dense red snake scales, which looked like a flame from a distance.

""It's so big!" Chen

Yanshi estimated that the python must be at least eight or nine meters long.

"Every part of the snake is a great tonic for my wife."

"Kill him, and my family will no longer be afraid of the cold winter wind and snow"

"Even if you eat meat for two meals a day, it will take two or three months to finish it."

Chen Yanshi was tempted.

"This python should be in hibernation, and its threat has dropped sharply."

Instead of aimlessly chasing after mountain rabbits and pheasants like a headless fly, it is better to take risks and do something big. Without courage, there is no production.

Swallowing his saliva, Chen Yanshi picked up the axe on the ground. He walked to the snake head lightly.

After searching for a while, he raised his arms high, aimed at the python's vital point, and chopped it down fiercely.


With the crisp sound of metal colliding, the snake scales and the axe blade collided, and blazing sparks flew. With a whoosh, the axe blade was directly broken, and a piece of the broken blade flew out with a sharp sound of breaking through the air and embedded into the cave wall.

The axe fell out of his hand.

Half of Chen Yanshi's body was numb from the shock, and his feet were unstable, and he rolled straight down the fruit mountain.


Chen Yanshi climbed up with difficulty and rubbed his wrist which was stinging.

"Really... so hard!"

Looking up, Chen Yanshi's eyes suddenly widened.

The two dark pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

The python, which was originally in hibernation, woke up at some point.

The two blood-red, vertical pupils looked down at the young man from above.

However, they just looked at him without any offensive moves.

"Chen Yanshi, have seen the Python Immortal!"


"The Immortal Python?"


"Silly snake?"


Looking at the motionless red python, Chen Yanshi breathed a sigh of relief.

I think the python should still be in hibernation.

In layman's terms, it is just sleeping soundly.

"Snake scales are so hard that they can't be broken at all"

"But the eyes must be a weakness."

Chen Yanshi picked up the ox horn bow and took out an arrow from the quiver behind him.

The next moment, he drew the bow like a full moon and aimed at the red vertical pupil of the python.


In an instant, the arrow flew away with a sharp wind, like a lightning across the night sky.


The sharp arrow tip forged and tempered with iron collided with the red pupil of the python.

In the face of Chen Yanshi's incredulous look, the arrow tip actually broke directly!

The next moment, the fruit mountain shook, as if a volcano erupted.

Countless fruits emitting red light splashed everywhere, like fireworks blooming in the night sky.

Under the fruit mountain, a thick snake tail swept out.

The tip of the tail hit Chen Yanshi.

In an instant, the young man's body was like a cannonball.

With a snap, he hit the wall of the cave, like a fly that was slapped to death.

The internal organs and every inch of bone in the body were completely shattered.

The whole body became a pool of bloody meat mud, slowly sliding down the wall of the cave to the ground.

【Ding, it is detected that the destined person has been killed by the host, and the master-disciple return system has been closed】

【Please wait for the next destined one. 】

Feeling very tired.

Zhu Jiuyin inserted the snake head into the fruit mountain.

Continue hibernation


I don't know how long I slept.

In a daze, Zhu Jiuyin vaguely heard a burst of dense footsteps floating in from outside the cave.

"Today, I must chop off the head of that stinking snake."

"They skinned it and pulled out its tendons, ate its flesh, drank its blood, and chewed its bones."

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