The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly opened his red vertical pupils and spit out scarlet snake tongues.

By collecting and distinguishing the smell, he learned the identity information of the intruder.

A 10-meter-long thick snake body swam out of the fruit mountain.

Then, like a burning flame, it stood in front of the fruit mountain.

After doing all this, Zhu Jiuyin lay on the ground and slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, dozens of figures came to the red snake... the red python.

They stood three feet away.

There were dozens of men and women, old and young, all naked, without a single piece of clothing.

These people were all white-haired rats who had swallowed the transformation fruit, opened their spiritual wisdom, and turned into human forms.

They were rat spirits.

In the hands of each white-haired rat spirit, there were tools that only humans could forge.

There were heavy machetes, cold and shining swords, kitchen knives, sickles, and axes.

There were even white-haired rat spirits carrying hoes, shovels, and pickaxes on their shoulders.

There were two people leading the group.

One was a white-haired old man.

The other was a young man with a sharp face and monkey cheeks.

The old man pointed at the sleeping red python and said to the young people behind him,"It was this stinking snake that swallowed my wife alive, your grandmother."

"Let's start fighting soon, great-grandchildren, chop it to death!"

The young man followed suit and said to the young people,"It was this stinky snake that swallowed my grandmother alive, your mother"

"Let's start fighting soon, kids, don't stop until blood is drawn!"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was pretending to be asleep, heard everything clearly.

His mind was a little confused, and he really couldn't figure out the family relationship of this group of white-haired rat spirits.

The young people were as confused as Zhu Jiuyin.

A little boy who looked about six or seven years old and was delicate and graceful looked at the young man and asked curiously:"Daddy, why do you call mom grandma?"

"Why is my mother my great-grandfather’s wife?"


The young man coughed twice and said,"I once fell in love with your mother, your great grandfather's wife, your great grandmother, and gave birth to you."

"Your great grandfather, my grandfather, and I have our own opinions."

At this point, the young man looked at the old man and said affectionately,"Grandfather."

The old man said kindly,"Good brother."

The young man:"Big brother!"

The old man:"My dear grandson!"

A large group of young white-haired rat spirits:"……"

Zhu Jiuyin:"……"


"Great-grandchildren, it's a pity that your mother's body is gone."

"Children, avenge your grandmother."


A large group of white-haired rat spirits swarmed up and surrounded the red python.

They swung their swords and wielded their hoes, hammering and chopping with clanging sounds.

Zhu Jiuyin was lazy and felt very comfortable.

The massage techniques of these white-haired rat spirits were really good.

Zhu Jiuyin, who felt extremely comfortable, opened his bloody mouth uncontrollably and yawned beautifully.

"Damn, the stinky snake has awakened, great-grandchildren, hurry up!"

The old man called his good brothers and grandchildren, and a large group of great-grandchildren, and they rushed to the entrance of the cave.


Zhu Jiuyin chuckled.

With a gulp, he swallowed the old man directly into his mouth.

With a snap, blood spurted out and minced meat splashed.


"Grandpa! Big brother! No!"

Amid the heart-wrenching cries of grief, a large group of white-haired rats ran faster than each other and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

They swallowed the old man with blood, flesh and bones.

In my mind, the system voice immediately sounded

【Ding, host is detected to have swallowed a ninth-grade rising creature, snake body lengthened by +0.27 meters. 】

Turning his head to look at the pile of transformation fruits, Zhu Jiuyin suddenly had an idea.

From now on, I will no longer stop the white-haired rat from stealing fruits.

The white-haired rat swallows the fruit, transforms into a human form, develops intelligence, and embarks on the path of cultivation, which is a rising creature.

I swallow it again, improve my cultivation, and grow my snake body.

It's like cutting leeks.

One crop after another.

There is no end to cutting.

"I am so... smart!"


Layer upon layer, the scarlet snake scales that fit together perfectly, gleaming with metallic luster, rolled over the cold ground and swam all the way to the cave entrance.

Outside, it was drizzling.

The grass looked green from a distance, but not close.

"It's spring again!"

Zhu Jiuyin whispered


Flowers may bloom again, but people can never be young again.

It is the eleventh year since I traveled to this world.

It is the cold winter season.

Zhu Jiuyin, who was hibernating deep in the fruit mountain, suddenly heard the system voice in his mind.

【Ding, it is detected that the host has been suppressed for another year, so one day of free time is given, which can be accumulated】

【Free days: ten days (120 hours)]

Zhu Jiuyin, as always, chose to accumulate his vacation.

After all, this mountain is too vast.

In ten days, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find any traces of people.

What Zhu Jiuyin wants to do most at the moment is to go to the human gathering place and drink a lot of wine.

If possible, he also wants to smoke a few bags of dry tobacco.

Dry tobacco can relieve anxiety.

As for wine, it can make Zhu Jiuyin drunk.

As the snake body gets longer and longer, Zhu Jiuyin's hibernation period becomes shorter and shorter.

In the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, Zhu Jiuyin finds it increasingly difficult to fall asleep.

He often lies at the entrance of the cave for more than ten days without any sleepiness.

One day, all year round, year after year, He will no longer be able to sleep.

He can only stare blankly, and every second feels like a year.

The years that are slowly passing by are cut into pieces.

Immortality is already torture.

I am immortal, and even if the world collapses, I will still live forever. This is an indescribable torture.

Even death is a luxury.


In the thirteenth year of time travel,

Zhu Jiuyin had a fierce fight with hundreds of white-haired rat spirits that had transformed into human forms.

Zhu Jiuyin was almost stuffed to death.

The white-haired rat spirits were almost eaten to extinction. In the fourteenth year of time travel,

Zhu Jiuyin observed for several years and keenly discovered that the transformation effect of the transformation fruit was different for each individual.

In layman's terms, a very few white-haired rats will transform immediately after swallowing the transformation fruit, and will maintain their human form forever.

A small number of white-haired rats can only maintain it for one or two days.

And the vast majority, let alone swallowing one, even a hundred, will not transform, let alone develop spiritual intelligence. In the seventeenth year of time travel, the most terrifying thing for Zhu Jiuyin has come.

He can no longer sleep. He has lost the right to dream.

Since the beginning of spring, Zhu Jiuyin has been lying at the entrance of the cave.

From day to night.

From spring to autumn.

He did not move at all, as if he was dead.

After lying there for seven months, more than two hundred days, Zhu Jiuyin did not feel sleepy at all.

He saw tender buds breaking through the soil.

He saw grass growing and birds flying.

He saw thousands of peaks and mountains covered with lush green.

He saw the bleak autumn wind, all creatures struggling to survive.

He saw the biting north wind, all dying.

The first snow after the beginning of winter arrived as expected while Zhu Jiuyin was eagerly waiting.

The snow fluttered down in large numbers.

The sky and the earth were covered with white.

The hibernation period was here.

The long-lost sleepiness almost made Zhu Jiuyin cry with joy.

A seventeen or eighteen-meter-long red snake body, as if cast from copper or iron, stretched out at the entrance of the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin happily closed his inverted pupils.

He fell into a dream.

Zhu Jiuyin likes to dream.

There is freedom in dreams.


In the eighteenth year of the time travel, after the beginning of spring,

Zhu Jiuyin, who was in hibernation, woke up uncontrollably.

February, March, April...

Zhu Jiuyin lay at the entrance of the cave like a corpse that would never decay, and lay there for another seven or eight months.

From the fresh green of the grass to the flying dead leaves,

"Taoda has a total of 9,117 leaves this year, 323 more than last year"

"409 peaches were harvested, 18 more than last year"

"Xiao Saner has a total of 7956 leaves this year, 274 more than last year"

"332 peaches were harvested, 29 more than last year"

"Xiao San'er, come on, work hard."

After a month of looking forward to it, the hibernation period finally arrived.

I can have a good sleep again.


The nineteenth year of time travel.

It is another autumn.

The plump and plump peaches hang heavily on the branches.

The peach fragrance is overflowing, but it is a pity that Zhu Jiuyin can only look at it and cannot eat it.

The last second, he was lazily basking in the sun.

The next second, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding, a destined person has been detected, the master-disciple return system has been activated】

【Ding, the destined one is approaching the host, please wait patiently.

Zhu Jiuyin suddenly opened his eyes.

His red vertical pupils were shining brightly.

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