The brook gurgled.

The boy's delicate, tender, and slightly pale face was reflected in it.

With a pair of small hands, he scooped up the brook water.

The boy lowered his head slightly and sipped it gently like a deer.

After drinking it, the boy pulled over a backpack and took out everything inside.

While counting, he murmured,"I picked more than three pounds of forsythia, as well as purslane, artemisia, and plantain."……"

"This trip into the mountains was fruitful."

"I guess it can be sold for 20 to 30 copper coins."

""I finally have the medicine for my mother today."

After putting the herbs into the backpack, the boy took out a dry and hard steamed bun.

He wolfed it down with the stream water.

After a short rest, the boy carried the backpack that was taller than him and looked up at the towering mountains in the distance.

"Is this the Buzhou Mountain that Mr. Qi mentioned?"

"The backbone of the ancient god that is said to hold up the heaven and earth!"

"I hope to gain something."

Muttering, the boy followed the stream and walked towards the mountain.


The sun was high in the sky.

As Zhu Jiuyin looked on anxiously, a sound of footsteps approached from the right side of the cave.

Soon, a little boy in a coarse linen shirt and straw sandals came into view.

The boy was about seven or eight years old, with a slender frame.

As he walked, his heels kept bumping against the backpack.

It looked quite funny.

""Wow, so many peaches!"

The boy didn't see Zhu Jiuyin at first. His big eyes, with distinct black and white, were filled with the plump dark purple peaches from the two trees.

The boy put down the backpack first.

Then he looked solemn, put his hands together, closed his pupils, and bowed three times to Tao Da and Xiao San'er.

Then he stood on tiptoe and picked a peach. He ate it in small bites. After eating seven or eight peaches in a row, the boy touched his slightly bulging belly with satisfaction.

After wiping the corners of his mouth, the boy put a dozen more peaches into the backpack.

He put his hands together again to Tao Da and Xiao San'er.

He murmured,"I'm full. I brought some for my mother and Sister Cui'er. Thank you, Tao Xian'er."

After that , the boy took a few steps forward.

First, he gently hugged Tao Da, and then Xiao San'er.

What a kind little guy!

"Tao Xian'er, it's getting late, I have to go home."

The boy was about to carry the backpack, but his thin body suddenly trembled. In both of his lacquered pupils, a huge and ferocious python head was reflected.

The dense red scales flashed a cold luster.

The inverted snake pupils exuded a creepy evil nature.

The next second.

There was a muffled bang.

The boy fell backwards.

His small body kept twitching and spasming.

The whites of his eyes rolled up, and white foam flowed from the corners of his mouth. He was actually scared to faint.

""What a success~"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was lying at the entrance of the cave, rolled his eyes.


The scarlet snake's tongue swallowed, collected, and distinguished.

After confirming that the boy was fine, Zhu Jiuyin swam back to the depths of the cave and swallowed a transformation fruit.

【Ding, the host has swallowed a spiritual fruit, absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, and the snake body has grown by +0.007 meters.】

【It is detected that the spiritual fruit has the ability to transform, will the host transform immediately?】


The nearly twenty-meter-long sturdy snake body flashed with blazing light.

After more than ten breaths, the divine aura faded.

The python disappeared without a trace.

In its place, there was a naked boy about sixteen or seventeen years old. He had a tall figure and black silk like a waterfall.

On his handsome face, there were a pair of narrow eyes, like two heavenly swords.

After twenty years of traveling through this world, this was the first time that Zhu Jiuyin transformed into a human form. He subconsciously lowered his head to take a closer look.

What a huge pillar!

Touching the solid chest muscles, Zhu Jiuyin murmured:"Although he is a disciple, this is the first time after all."

Baring chest and revealing vagina, Benlong can't do it.

Thousands of ancient words flashed through his mind, which was the"Nine Yin Swallowing Heaven Skill"》

"It turns out that the"Nine Yin Swallowing Heaven Technique" contains the art of transformation"

《The Nine Yin Heaven Devouring Art is all-encompassing. In addition to cultivation, it also records many secret techniques.

After a cup of tea,

Zhu Jiuyin muttered something.

In the mist of spiritual energy, a white dress appeared.

Wearing the spotless and elegant white dress, Zhu Jiuyin's temperament instantly rose three or four levels.

From a shameless exhibitionist, he rose to a handsome and gentle gentleman.

He stretched out his right palm. A mirror appeared.

Zhu Jiuyin looked left and right, up and down, and turned over and over again.

"If being handsome is a sin, I should be suppressed forever."

It's a pity that even in human form, the pupils in the eye sockets are still the inverted red snake pupils.


I don't know how much time has passed.

The boy slowly woke up.

In the sky, the sun had already set on the horizon.

As if remembering something, the boy sat up suddenly and looked around.

Seeing the backpack a few meters away was still there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

""Child, what's your name?"

The gentle voice flowed into his ears like a clear spring.

The boy raised his head suddenly and stared at the young man in white sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, his expression full of fear and vigilance.

"Python... Python Fairy, my name is A Fei, the same as the flying bird."

"how old are you?"

"Nine...nine years old"

"You seem to care about your backpack."

"There are herbs I just picked today in the backpack. If I lose it, I won't be able to buy medicine for my mother."

"What's wrong with your mother?"

"My mother had a difficult birth and was left with a disease"

"This mountain is full of wild beasts and is full of dangers. Would your father be willing to let you go into the mountain alone?"

"My dad is dead"

"How did he die?"

"Ten years ago in the winter, my father went into the mountains to hunt and never came back."

"Ten years ago?!"

Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly.

"Child, where is your home?"

"Qingping Town"

"How far is it from here?"

"Twenty or thirty miles away, just on the other side of Mount Buzhou"

"Buzhou Mountain?"

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his red vertical pupils.

"Child, are you willing to take me as your teacher?"

"I want to be your disciple?!"

The boy stared at Zhu Jiuyin's two blood-red, upside-down snake pupils and swallowed hard.

"Mangxian, if... I mean if"

"What will you do if I refuse?"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled kindly,"I will eat you alive."

With a plop, the boy immediately knelt on his knees and performed the three bows and nine kowtows ceremony.

"Master, I, your disciple, kowtow to you."


In my mind, the cold mechanical sound of the system rang out

【Ding, it is detected that the host has successfully accepted a disciple】

【Name: Chen Mengfei

Talent: Born with a sword

Age: Nine years old

Cultivation : Mortal】

【The"Falling Flower Sword Technique" has been tailor-made for Chen Mengfei. Please pay attention to it. 】

Instantly, a huge amount of information fell from the void like the water of the Milky Way and poured into Zhu Jiuyin's mind.

"Master, it's getting late. If there's nothing else, I'll go home first."

After saying that, the boy tiptoed carefully towards the backpack.


Zhu Jiuyin took out a Transformation Fruit from his sleeve and threw it to the boy.

"Master, this is……"

The boy who caught the fruit had a puzzled look on his face.

Zhu Jiuyin said kindly,"This fruit contains two of the world's most powerful poisons, the Smiling Half-Step Madness and the One-Day Death Powder."

"Eat it, and the master will let you go home"

"Come over tomorrow and I will teach you the peerless magic skills.

The boy was so frightened that his face turned blue.

"Eat quickly~"

Zhu Jiuyin scolded:"If you don't eat the fruit, Master will eat you!"

The boy was startled and took a bite.

Crunch, juice splashed everywhere.

"Is it tasty?"


The boy smiled a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Good boy, go home."

"Don't forget to come early tomorrow." Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but raise a happy arc at the corner of his mouth as he watched the boy carrying a backpack, his feet were flying, and a cloud of dust was coming up behind his buttocks. I'm really happy today.

"Oh, I forgot to ask the boy to pick some peaches for me~"


The sun was setting.

Ah Fei ran and ran along the stream. He ran until he tripped and fell to the ground, chewing mud.

He recalled the ferocious and terrifying python head.

The densely interlocking scales.

And the pair of red vertical pupils that exuded evil.

Ah Fei cried loudly.

"Mom, I’m dying!"

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