Qingping Town at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

Wuyi Lane.

The night is thick.

The lights are dim.

In the main house, the little boy is concentrating, holding a small calligraphy brush, writing and drawing on rice paper.

The woman is threading a needle to sew shoe soles.

""Son, how many words did you learn from Mr. Qi today?"

The woman's voice was soft and gentle, like the gurgling of a stream.

""Mom, I'm not practicing calligraphy, and I haven't been to school for a while."

The little one nodded and said without raising his head.

"What are you writing or drawing?"

The woman asked curiously.

The little guy put down his pen, came to the bedside, and handed the rice paper to the woman.

The woman took it and looked at it. There was a sword and a scabbard drawn on the rice paper.

Including the name of the sword.

It was for 'Point Blood’

"Son, if you don’t practice calligraphy, why are you drawing swords?"

""Besides, you didn't go to the school these days, so why did you go out early and come back late?"

The woman asked in confusion.

The little boy was silent for a long time, and then said:"Mother, I have decided that I will practice sword with the master in the future"

"Practice sword?"


The woman frowned and asked,"Who is your master?"

The little guy said seriously,"My master is called Nanzhu, and he lives at the foot of Mount Buzhou."

The woman:"……"


The next day.

Zhu Jiuyin, who had revealed his true form, lay at the entrance of the cave, lazily basking in the sun.

After a while, the sound of running became closer and closer.

Soon, the skinny body of the little guy came into Zhu Jiuyin's sight.


A scream resounded through the sky.

The little kid, who saw Zhu Jiuyin's true form for the second time, was still deeply frightened.

He fell to the ground with his big black and white eyes, staring like copper bells.

Panic and fear, thick and sticky, seemed to flow out of his eyes.

The dense red scales shone with a cold metallic luster in the sun.

The thick and twisted, nearly twenty-meter-long python body brought the little kid a strong sense of oppression deep into his soul.

And the pair of blood-red, upside-down snake pupils exuded a sinister evil nature.

The little kid's throat moved and he swallowed hard.

""It's four or five minutes faster than yesterday, not bad."

Zhu Jiuyin praised.

The little one's big eyes didn't blink, and his eyes seemed to be glued to the python, unwilling to move away.

"Do you like it? Come and touch it"

"Is it really possible, Master?"

"Of course you can, but you have to be gentle, Master is afraid of pain."

The little one ran to Zhu Jiuyin happily.

He stretched out his two rough little hands and gently stroked the red scales that were as thin as cicada wings.

"Master, you are so big and tall, do you need to eat a lot every day?"

"Master, Master, what do you usually eat?"

"Master, are you like other people, eating a lot and defecating a lot?"

"Master, as a python, do you dream when you sleep?"

"Master, Master, when you fall asleep, do you grind your teeth and drool like Ah Fei?"

"Master... um... can you fart?"

Zhu Jiuyin:"……"


From the cave to the town entrance, the little one ran back and forth for a whole day.

The sun was setting.

The little one, who had no more strength left, lay on the withered grass with his arms and legs spread out, gasping for breath.


"here I am"

"Master, when will you teach Ah Fei the sword technique?"

"For people who practice martial arts, the foundation is the most important thing. You were born prematurely, and you have been weak and sick since childhood."

Zhu Jiuyin patiently explained:"That spiritual fruit barely made up for your residual. When you have a healthy body, Master will teach you swordsmanship."

The little one asked in a low voice:"How long will it take, Master?"

Zhu Jiuyin thought for a while and said:"Two and a half years"

"Two and a half years~"

The little guy suddenly sat up,"Master, my mother wants to see you"

"See me?!"

Zhu Jiuyin was stunned and silent for a long time before he uttered two words,"No!"

"Oh, okay."

The little one was dejected and very disappointed.


The sky was dark. After the little one left, Zhu Jiuyin swam back to the depths of the cave. In a corner of the cave , there was a pile of white skeletons scattered around.

It was the young man who died in Zhu Jiuyin's hands ten years ago.

Next to the skeletons, there was the axe that belonged to the young man, as well as the ox horn bow, quiver and other items.

The axe was already rusty, the ox horn bow was also rotting, and the quiver was covered with dust.

"It's fate that plays with snakes~"

Zhu Jiuyin sighed softly


Day 1


"here I am"

"My mother wants to see you"


The next day



On the third day


"Shut up."

Day 4


"If you keep nagging me, be careful that I will expel you from the sect!"


At night, it was pitch dark.

The river in the sky was falling.

This was the last rain of this autumn.

Pa Pa Pa~

The little one rushed out of Wuyi Lane, his straw sandals stepped on the bluestone slabs, making countless water splashes.

An hour later.

Outside the cave.

The little one's knees softened, and with a plop, he knelt on the ground.

He immediately began to kowtow.

Amid the sound of friction, wisps of sparks lit up in the inky black cave.

Soon, a huge python head came into the little one's sight.

"Master, my mother...can't do it anymore"

"I... I want to ask for a spiritual fruit."

The little one said in a hoarse voice.

Zhu Jiuyin looked down at this nine-year-old disciple from a high place.

The rain soaked the little one like a drowned chicken. The cold air invaded his body, and his slender body shivered.

He didn't know how many times he fell on the way.

There was a skin on his forehead, and the rain mixed with blood.

His linen clothes and straw sandals were covered with mud.

His little face was as pale as a corpse.

"My disciple, you know in your heart that your mother has been struggling to support"

"Master, I know.

The little guy wiped his eyes. I don't know if he was wiping away the rain or tears.

"Master, I have been afraid of the dark since I was a child."

"It’s not that I’m afraid of the night, but every night I can hear my mother’s suppressed moans of pain coming from the main room."

"I tried covering my head with the quilt and plugging my ears with my fingers."

"But...I can still hear it"

"Master, my mother is the most tenacious and strong person I have ever met."

"So, I really can’t imagine what kind of pain that is!"

"Master, is it because I have met too few people? Am I ignorant? Am I not suffering? Is my mother not a strong person?"

The little one burst into tears.

The red python opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer.

"My child, I want your mother to die and no longer suffer."

"Or save it, endure inhuman torture"

"The decision is yours"

"As for spiritual fruits, Master has plenty of them."


The next day, the rain stopped and the temperature dropped sharply.

Zhu Jiuyin lay at the entrance of the cave early in the morning and waited. It was not until noon that he heard the familiar sound of running from far away.

Soon, the little red face of the little one came into view.

Zhu Jiuyin smiled and said,"Is your mother awake?"


The little guy nodded heavily and said with a silly smile:"Thank you, Master"

"By the way, Master, this is what my mother asked me to bring to you."

The little guy put a tightly wrapped handkerchief in front of Zhu Jiuyin's python head.

"I won't go hiking today. Go back and take care of your mother."

""Okay, Master."

After the little one happily ran away,

Zhu Jiuyin closed his red snake pupils.

His mind moved, and his thick python body immediately flashed with blazing divine light.

After a few breaths, the light faded, and

Zhu Jiuyin turned into a human form.

He picked up the handkerchief and untied the four corners tied together.

Zhu Jiuyin saw an emerald green hairpin and a letter with beautiful handwriting.

In the letter, the little one's mother did not mention herself, the little one, or Zhu Jiuyin.

She only described in detail the Wei Kingdom's capping ceremony, which is the ceremony of becoming a woman.

The men of Wei tied their hair and did not wear hats before they reached adulthood.

When they reached the age of 20, their fathers or respected elders in the clan would personally comb their hair and put on new hats.

This was the capping ceremony. For any man, it was a very important moment in his life.

The capping ceremony held by the nobles of Wei mostly involved wearing hats.

As the common people could not afford new hats, most of them would use wooden hairpins or inferior jade hairpins instead.

The jade hairpin in Zhu Jiuyin's hand was warm, delicate, and green, far from being comparable to those crude and shoddy products.

""Is this the little one's coming-of-age gift to me?"

Zhu Jiuyin whispered.

This is not a hairpin, but a heavy responsibility.

Holding the jade hairpin tightly,

Zhu Jiuyin murmured,"Tomorrow, we will go down the mountain~"

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