"Master, as far as I can remember, my mother has been paralyzed in bed."

"My daily life is very simple. When there is a letter, I help Uncle Guo deliver it. I earn one copper coin for each letter. When things are going well, I can earn 20 to 30 copper coins a day."

"When I didn't believe in it, I went into the mountains to collect herbs. Master, you also said that this mountain is full of wild beasts and is full of dangers."

"I have encountered tigers, wild boars, and snakes more than once. I am very scared, but I don’t have a father. If I don’t support this family, what will happen to my mother?"

"Master, I have many dreams. I hope Brother Lishan can treat Sister Cui'er better."

"Sister Cui Er is my disciple's neighbor and a famous tofu lady in the town. She is a very kind person and often helps my disciple."

"Unfortunately, Cui Er's husband, Li Shan, was addicted to gambling and owed a lot of debts."

"Those who were greedy for money smashed Sister Cui'er's tofu stall more than once and often spoke frivolously to her."

"As for Brother Lishan, he always lost in gambling, and when he lost, he went drinking. When he was drunk, he acted crazy and beat Sister Cui'er all over her body."

"I hope Brother Lishan can stop at nothing, come to his senses, and live a good life with Sister Cui'er."

After a pause, Little One continued,"Master, I also hope that Dahuang can be as happy as before."

"Da Huang is Mr. Qi's dog. Two years ago, he gave birth to a litter of six puppies. They are small and cute."

"As for Mr. Qi, he is the teacher of a small town school."

"Two years ago, in the spring, it was drizzling in the town. That day, a few children did not finish their homework, so Mr. Qi punished them with a stick."

"The children held a grudge against Mr. Qi, and they dared not do anything to him, so they used stones to smash the six puppies to death in front of Da Huang, until they were smashed into a bloody pulp."

"Since then, Da Huang has been depressed."

"Never wagged that big furry tail again"


At this point, the little one imitated the adults and sighed softly.

"Master, I hope that the root of my mother's illness can be completely cured."

"In this way, I can push her out of the house and see the mountains and rivers outside the town."

"There is also the shopkeeper Yang from the pharmacy, who studies new prescriptions every day, and his brows are never relaxed."

"There is also Uncle Guo, whose three sons have all joined the army and he has not heard from them for several years. Uncle Guo often sits under the old locust tree at the entrance of the town for the whole day."



Zhu Jiuyin picked his ears.

Looking at the little guy who was sitting properly, he asked,"You thought of everyone, but what about you?"

"I don't care about them, I just want to know your dream"

"In other words, what do you want to do in the future?"

"Let's talk about it in a big way."

The little guy thought for a long time.

Then he looked up at Zhu Jiuyin and said seriously:"Master, I want to learn how to make candied haws from Grandpa Liu."


Zhu Jiuyin suddenly covered his chest and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

"Master, in addition to learning how to make candied haws, I also want to go out into the world.

"Master, I want to see the magnificent East China Sea that Mr. Qi talked about. I want to see the towering glaciers that stretch for thousands of miles in the north. I want to see how prosperous the capital of Wei, which can accommodate millions of people, is."

With a snap,

Zhu Jiuyin slapped his thigh.

"The world is so big, you want to go and see it. Very good, Master supports you."

"Of course, when you are out, you are bound to encounter danger, so it is necessary to learn a few tricks to protect yourself."

""Disciple, what do you think?"

Zhu Jiuyin noticed early on that the little one had no intention of learning martial arts.

This was indeed the case.

The little one needed to take care of his paralyzed mother, so he had no time or energy to do so.

Therefore, Zhu Jiuyin patiently persuaded him.


The little one hesitated for a long time before saying,"Master, you are right."

"Very good, very good"

"Since you have agreed, Master will now teach you the peerless magic skills."

"Cultivating immortals... The road to martial arts is long and difficult. From now on, you need to be diligent and persistent. You must not be lax and stop after a brief taste."

Little Bit nodded heavily,"A Fei will not let the master down."

"Very good, very good, haha."

Zhu Jiuyin laughed heartily.

The little guy suddenly felt something was wrong.

Didn't he come to thank his master for the fruit and inform him of the situation at home? In the end, he was firm and sharp in his words and refused the so-called peerless magic skill?!

After all, as long as he was a normal person, he would never follow a python of unknown origin, or more precisely, a snake spirit, to learn some bullshit peerless magic skill.

The little guy wanted to refuse.

However, looking at Zhu Jiuyin who was laughing loudly, his heart softened.

‘Master... why do you look so unreliable~'

The little one murmured in his heart


The sun was high in the sky.

This was the last warm day before winter.

Between the thousands of peaks, the little one in straw sandals ran towards the town quickly.

To build a tall building, you need to lay a hundred feet of foundation.

For a martial artist, the foundation is the most important thing.

Zhu Jiuyin asked the little one to travel between the town and Buzhou Mountain as quickly as possible.

He said that he wanted to build a strong body for the little one.


The little one, who had been running wildly for half an hour, suddenly fell to the ground and vomited acid.

"Mom, has my child been deceived?~"


After two hours of going back and forth, the little guy finally ran back to the front of the cave.

At this moment, at the entrance of the cave, Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white as white as snow, stood tall and graceful, holding a rusty iron sword in his right hand.

""Master, where did you get the sword?" the little one asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it."

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"My disciple, do you think that I, your master, am just like those swindlers?"

The little head shook like a rattle,"No, no, not at all."

"People who lie habitually will go to hell where their tongues will be pulled out after they die."

"I have never seen a charlatan as beautiful as my master."



"I have never seen a charlatan like my master, who is handsome, suave, elegant, fresh, handsome, and gentle.

Zhu Jiuyin smiled and said,"What an honest and good boy."

"Disciple, watch out"

""I never draw my sword easily."

In the little one's expectant eyes,

Zhu Jiuyin slowly crossed his arms across his chest.

Then, with a swish, he quickly swung out a sword.

The surroundings were quiet.

Little one:"……"

""Wait a minute, let the sword energy fly for a while~"

Zhu Jiuyin's voice fell.

The whole world suddenly rumbled.

In the horrified eyes of Little Bit, dozens of rolling mountains in the distant sky exploded one after another like a string of firecrackers.

Rocks flew through the air, smoke and dust rolled.

The surging sword energy rolled back like a storm hitting the shore.

Little Bit's coarse linen clothes and Zhu Jiuyin's white clothes rustled.

It seemed that they were about to be blown to pieces by the sword wind.

Looking at the razed land, Little Bit was like a sculpture, motionless.

His eyes were as big as copper bells, as if they would fall out of his eye sockets in the next second.

""How do you think of this sword from your master?"

Zhu Jiuyin chuckled.

The iron sword in his hand was annihilated into powder without a sound.


The little one's eyes seemed to be on Zhu Jiuyin.

""Master...disciple...I must learn!"

Little Bit was very serious about every word he said. His two pure black pupils seemed to be burning with blazing flames.

This day, or more precisely, this sword, was the watershed of Little Bit's life.

In the past, Little Bit was a busy little frog.

In the future, Little Bit was destined to become a bird soaring in the sky.

Because of this little frog, he witnessed the vastness of the universe.

The impact of this sword was indelible for Little Bit.

A long time later.

Until the moment before his death.

Little Bit still couldn't understand how the master could swing such a sword that could easily change the terrain.

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