On the north wall of Longcheng, the two immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain, Liuhuo and Foxiao, rode on the backs of two cranes.

Both of them were muttering something.

Luo Xinghe and Yan Shisong stood a few feet away, talking in a low voice.

""Brother, what price will the two immortals have to pay to inject the luck of Zhaoyao Mountain into the mountains and rivers of your Wei Kingdom?"

Yan Shisong asked curiously.

After pondering for a while, Luo Xinghe replied:"Cast statues for the two immortals, please put them in the Taimiao, and enjoy the incense of the people of my Wei Kingdom."

Yan Shisong frowned slightly,"The power of faith?!"

Luo Xinghe nodded,"Gold bars, silver ingots, fine wine, beauties, fame, power and other mundane things in the world are not even in the eyes of immortals."

"Only the power of faith can make the immortals jealous and excited."

"Master once said that the power of faith can not only prolong life, but also ignite the enemy in battle."

Yan Shisong was surprised and said,"Ignite the enemy?!"

Luo Xinghe explained,"All living beings are drowned in the sea of cause and effect and fall into the swamp of lust."

"These emotions are the seven emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, and desire, and the six desires of life, death, ears, eyes, mouth, and nose."

"You can understand it this way: faith is fire, and causal desire is flammable and explosive."

"Anyone whose causal desires are ignited by the flames of faith, not to mention ordinary people, even if they are land gods who can defeat an entire nation, will be burned alive."

"The body, three souls, seven spirits, consciousness, etc. will all be reduced to ashes."

"The most terrifying thing is that even if a little bit of the fire of faith splashes on one's body, it will instantly ignite the whole body."

"The flame of faith will never go out unless you burn away your own karma and desires."

"And in the whole world, only the immortal Zhaoyao Mountain, who enforces justice on behalf of heaven, can gather and manipulate the power of faith."

Yan Shisong's Adam's apple moved, and he was terrified when he heard it.

"Junior Brother,"

Luo Xinghe warned Yan Shisong, glancing at him in deep thought,"There is a difference between immortals and mortals. If outsiders, especially statues of immortals, enter the Imperial Temple, it will suppress the true dragon of a country's destiny and make it unable to raise its head."

Yan Shisong asked,"What will be the consequences?"

"I don't know the specifics, but……"

Luo Xinghe whispered:"If the true dragon's bones are broken, the emperor's son will not be born, the wise ruler will become stupid in his later years, and the tyrant will become more licentious. In short, the temple will be in turmoil and the country will no longer be a country."

"The situation in Wei is like drinking poison to quench thirst"

"The two statues of the immortals will be worshipped in the Imperial Ancestral Temple for a period of 60 years."

"After a decade, everything will be fine"

"If they can't hold on, the country will be destroyed and the race will be extinct."

Yan Shisong's pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly put an end to his thoughts of winning over the immortals as his backers.


"Great knowledge is leisurely, small knowledge is slow. Great words are fiery, small words are long. When they sleep, their souls are connected, when they wake, their bodies are open.……"

As the two immortals chanted, a rumbling sound suddenly rang out between heaven and earth.

"Here it comes!"

Luo Xinghe and Yan Shisong looked north.

At the end of the sky, they saw a white dragon of fortune that was who knows how many miles long rolling in.

The white dragon crossed the sky above the Yewang Plain, and sometimes it turned into a towering mountain, and sometimes it turned into a rushing river.

Sometimes it turned into a dragon and flew above the sky. Sometimes it turned into a phoenix and soared between the four seas.

On the back of the crane, Liuhuo looked solemn, pointed at the mountains and rivers of Wei State, and shouted in a deep voice:"Go!"

The Phoenix of Fortune spread its wings, like a cloud hanging from the sky.

First it soared straight up, and then rushed down to the south.


Looking at the distant Qiyun Baifeng, the two immortals both exhaled the foul air in their chests.

"You two, I will rush back to the capital of Wei immediately to find skilled craftsmen to cast the statue of the immortal."

Feeling the stability of the land of Wei, a rare red color appeared on Luo Xinghe's old face, and he bowed to Liuhuo and Fuxiao.

"No hurry."

Liuhuo looked down at Yan Shisong from a high place and said in a deep voice:"After returning to Su Country, please order people to continue looking for the traces of the divine wind."

"Yan knows"

"Two immortals, the mountains remain green and the waters flow forever. Goodbye."

Yan Shisong clasped his fists, lightly tapped his toes, jumped off the towering city wall, and quickly left.

The two immortals looked away.

Liuhuo asked,"Where is Yunzhou in your Wei State?"

Luo Xinghe replied,"Southwest"

"What about Yanzhou?"


Liuhuo looked at the cold Fuxiao,"Sister, which one should we deal with first?"

Fuxiao thought for a moment, looked at Luo Xinghe, and said,"Are you sure that the two land gods are the ones who cut off the luck of your Wei country's mountains and rivers?"

Luo Xinghe said in a serious tone,"Indeed. One is called Qi Qingji, and the other's identity is unknown."

"I have used the magic of appearance many times, and I can show Qi Qingji, but I can't show another person."

"Qi Qingji?!"

Liuhuo was surprised and said,"Qi Qingji, one of the seventy-two Confucian scholars of the Jixia Academy of Northern Qi?"

Luo Xinghe nodded,"Qi Qingji can only be regarded as an assistant. The person who really cut off the luck of our Wei State was another"

"If I'm not mistaken, that person should be like Qi Qingji, living in seclusion in the Qixia Prefecture of Baoping Prefecture in Wei State, a small town called Qingping deep in the Taihang Mountains."

After a short pause, Fo Xiao made a decision:"Let's go to Yanzhou first."

Luo Xinghe asked in confusion:"Excuse me, immortal, what is there in Yanzhou of Wei State?"

Liuhuo said indifferently:"A demon named Zhang Jiao took advantage of the turmoil in your Wei State and founded a sect called Huangtianmen."

"This evil Taoist specializes in using living people to make elixirs, and tens of thousands of innocent lives have died at his hands."

""The Heaven has sent down a message, ordering Zhaoyao Mountain to kill this person.""

So that's it."

Luo Xinghe was deeply shocked.

As the State Master of Wei, Luo Xinghe had only heard of Huangtian Sect, but he had no idea that this sect was secretly refining living pills.

And Zhaoyao Mountain was tens of millions of miles away from Wei.

‘I don't know how these immortals communicate with the Heavenly Dao.~’

‘What does the way of heaven look like?

A quarter of an hour later, two cranes carried Liuhuo, Fuxiao, and Luo Xinghe and flew straight to Yanzhou in the east of Wei.


Qingping Town.

It was lunch time, and several small town children ran out of the school gate happily.

Cang Xue, wearing a snow-white dress, was the last one.

As soon as she walked out of the gate, the girl's body suddenly stiffened.

She slowly raised her head.

The sky was foggy and the scorching sun was not visible.

The cold current was filled with cold water vapor.

The girl's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Stepfather, stepmother, Xiaoyu, did you see it?~"

"It's going to snow~"

About a quarter of an hour later.

On the long bluestone street, Cang Xue walked with her head up, letting the heavy snow fall on her face and body.

The girl had waited for this snow for a long, long time.


The girl stopped in doubt.

The cold wind suddenly dissipated, and the fluttering snowflakes condensed in the air.

In the distance, a few children playing in the snow were motionless, like a few stiff stone statues.

There was no wind in the whole town, and no sound could be heard.

It was like... a painting!

Cang Xue was terrified for a moment.

He took a step and ran towards Buzhou Mountain.

""Pah, pah, pah~"

There was no sound in the huge town, only Cang Xue's shoes hitting the bluestone slabs.

The old people, adults, and children all stood still, and some of them still had the happy smile of seeing the snow on their faces.

That smile fell into Cang Xue's eyes.

It made the girl's scalp numb

‘In the end what happened?!’


Ps: I have fought wars all my life, can't I enjoy myself? The king is tired of it.

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