In the third year of Fuling, it was mid-winter.

On November 17th, Longcheng, the border of Liangzhou in Wei State.

As the sun rose, accompanied by a long creak, the north gate of Longcheng opened a little.

Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of Wei State, dressed in a purple and gold Taoist robe, walked towards the distant Yewang Plain with his hands behind his back.

The vast plain was clearly divided into Jing and Wei.

Half was scorching land, and half was snowy.

On the Wei side, the sun was shining. On the Su side, there was a blizzard.

It was like the face of a beauty, half withered and half prosperous.

On the Jingwei line, stood a young man in white clothes holding a folding fan.

His eyebrows were like distant mountains, and his eyes were like bright stars.

With his icy skin and jade-like bones, he was even more beautiful than a woman.

It was Yan Shisong, the national teacher of Su State.

Behind Yan Shisong was a low table with a jar of wine and two white porcelain bowls on it.

"I haven't seen you for three months. How are you, Senior Brother?"

Yan Shisong smiled and bowed to Luo Xinghe.

"It's none of your business~"

Luo Xinghe said unhappily

"A heart of Taoism attracts all kinds of dust. No wonder my brother ages so fast."


The two masters of Wei and Su, who were also brothers, sat cross-legged on the table.

Yan Shisong tore open the red cloth and poured the wine, while Luo Xinghe stretched out his skinny hand and gently grabbed a handful of snow.

"The people of Wei have not seen snow for three years."

Put the snow into the white porcelain bowl.

The white snow quickly melted into the wine.

Luo Xinghe picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

""So refreshing!"

Smacking his lips, Luo Xinghe pulled out the pipe from his waist, lit it and started smoking.

"Junior brother, I have been waiting for three months. If the immortal from Zhaoyao Mountain still does not come, I want to open the north and south gates of Longcheng in the spring of next year, so that the people of the six northern states of Wei can enter your Su country."

Luo Xinghe added:"Not to seek refuge, but to become a citizen of your Su country." Yan

Shisong frowned and said:"If you steal your own leeks and give them to the enemy country, there will be no place for you in Wei country."

"You will be cursed and poked at by the people of Wei, and you will be driven away by the king of Wei like a stray dog."

"The most important point is that your reputation is ruined. There will no longer be a platform for you to display your ambitions in this world. The hundreds of countries will avoid you like a plague."

"Thousands of people pointed fingers at him, and he died without any illness. Senior brother, think twice."

Luo Xinghe grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into his mouth."I have thought it over carefully."

"Your country is prosperous and peaceful, while my country is in ruins and starving."

"Junior brother, you know the warmth and coldness of the water you drink."

"You put sugar in the water in your bowl, and your brother put arsenic in his bowl."

"You don't know what arsenic tastes like, but you know that sugar is sweet."

The cold wind blew his silver hair into a mess, and the old Taoist said with a vicissitudes of life in his eyes:"Junior brother, you can't imagine what kind of tragedy that was."

"The human line formed by the famine victims is longer than the Milky Way across the night sky."

"They stripped the bark off every tree along the way and boiled every edible blade of grass."

"I have personally seen victims whose stomachs and intestines were ripped open, filled with Guanyin soil."

"I have personally seen people holding human heads, gnawing and sucking on them."

Luo Xinghe whispered,"Someone has to survive after all."

"The reputation is ruined."

"I can exchange hundreds of thousands, or even millions of lives for myself."

Luo Xinghe grinned,"It's a huge profit!"

Seeing the old Taoist's carefree smile, Yan Shisong was stunned.

In a trance, it seemed that he saw the tall and handsome young man who had just left the Fengxue Temple and was full of vigor and vowed to be famous all over the world.

The young man has grown old, but his ideals have gone through wind, frost, snow and rain, and are still as young as new.

"Senior Brother, I promise you."

Yan Shisong filled the glass with wine, and the two senior brothers raised their porcelain bowls and drank it all in one gulp.


After filling the two empty bowls again, Yan Shisong asked,"Brother, the people who cut off the luck of your Wei Kingdom are two land immortals."

"The land immortal who is a rival of a country and the descendants of the ancient immortals who feed on wind and drink dew"

"What do you think the Immortal Zhaoyao Mountain would think of this incident?"

Luo Xinghe said softly,"Kill!"

Yan Shisong said in astonishment,"Really?!"

Luo Xinghe slowly stretched out a finger, and in Yan Shisong's puzzled eyes, he gently flicked the edge of the white porcelain bowl.

With a crisp cracking sound, the porcelain bowl immediately burst into cracks.

The clear wine slowly overflowed from the bowl.

"Junior Brother, this white porcelain bowl is the Way of Heaven."

"Everything in the world is wine"

"Those two land gods cut off the destiny of the Wei Kingdom, which was against the will of heaven."

"The Heavenly Dao should have killed the two men, but for some reason, he failed to do so."

"Because of the loss of the luck of mountains and rivers, droughts occur frequently."

"All the people who died in the drought, whether human or mayfly, this blood debt is counted on those two people."

"If this blood debt is not repaid, the resentment of the dead will boil over."

"The Way of Heaven is like this porcelain bowl full of cracks."

"The consequence is that yin and yang are confused and the world is in chaos."

"Zhaoyao Mountain Immortal is enforcing justice on behalf of heaven, and must make those two land immortals pay with blood."

"The cracks in the porcelain bowl will be repaired."

Yan Shisong suddenly realized,"So that's it"


About half an hour later, the tipsy Luo Xinghe stood up and was about to say goodbye.

Suddenly, the old Taoist looked stern and raised his head to the north.

Yan Shisong also sensed something and looked back at the end of the sky.

With two loud crane calls, two cranes flew over from the depths of the snow in Suguo like two silk threads.

"The immortals are coming to the world!"

Luo Xinghe's eyes were filled with joy.

The two cranes circled twice in the sky, and then swooped down like a white rainbow.

In an instant, a strong wind blew, rolling up thousands of piles of snow. The wind blew Luo Xinghe and Yan Shisong's robes.

When the two cranes landed, they folded their snow-white wings, and the strong wind suddenly stopped.

""So big!"

Yan Shisong couldn't help but exclaimed at the two cranes that were nearly three meters tall.

The two cranes carried two people.

One man and one woman.

They both carried bronze ancient sword boxes on their backs and wore loose white robes. On the back of the robes were two large characters written in a flamboyant style, as bright as blood, which was"Zhaoyao".

The boy was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with sword-like eyebrows, eyes like bright stars, and a scarlet birthmark on his forehead, like an eye in the sky.

The woman was about twenty years old, cold and proud.

Her cheeks were as red as new lychees, her nose was as greasy as goose fat, and the bright birthmark on her left cheek was like a cluster of burning flames.

"I am a disciple of the Fengxue Temple, Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of Wei State. I am honored to meet the two immortals."

Luo Xinghe bowed respectfully.

"I am a disciple of Fengxue Temple, and the national master of Suguo, Yan Shisong. I am honored to meet the two immortals.

Yan Shisong bowed slightly and clasped his fists.

The young man said expressionlessly,"Zhaoyao Mountain has a rosy cave, and Liuhuo"

"This is my senior sister, Fuxiao"

""Have you two ever found any trace of the Divine Wind Crane in Wei and Su countries?"

Yan Shisong shook his head.

Luo Xinghe asked,"Liuhuo Immortal, did you or these two cranes not build a spiritual bridge with the Divine Wind Crane?"

The young man said coldly,"It collapsed."

Luo Xinghe and Yan Shisong:"……"


Ps: The second chapter is estimated to be around midnight. Is Fantasy fun? Can it last long? Are the zones opened frequently?

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