"Thump, thump, thump~"

Cang Xue ran back to the cliff holding the yellow gourd. Zhu Jiuyin was no longer visible at the entrance of the cave.

"Sister Xue, where is Master?"

Xue Niang, who was sitting cross-legged under Xiao San'er, smiled and said,"Your Master is sleepy and has gone to take a nap."

"Keep practicing boxing."

"Oh, okay."

Putting the wine gourd aside, Cang Xue took a horse stance, clenched her fists, and punched out lightly with a serious look.


Cang Xue looked up at the edge of the cliff and asked in confusion:"Uncle Pig Emperor, what is rotten?"


The Pig King put his hands behind his back and said in a cold voice:"To be precise, it was your fist."

"The fight was so bad."

"Didn't you have lunch?"

Cang Xue was surprised and said,"Uncle Pig King, didn't you say before that I was a good fighter?~"

"Do you believe what I say?"

The Pig King said sarcastically,"I told you that your master is an old and lewd demon who is extremely licentious. Do you still want to spit at him?"

Cang Xue was speechless for a moment.

"Do you admit that your punches are terrible?"

Zhu Huang said aggressively, Cang Xue lowered her head.

"Don't admit it? Come, Uncle Mo and Brother Xuan will practice with you."

After saying that, the Pig King stepped back in front of Cang Xue.


Looking at the Pig King with his back to everyone, Cang Xue reminded him:"Uncle Pig King, I am very happy that you can practice with me."

""But can you turn around?"

The Pig King shook his head,"No one in this world is qualified to see my handsome face."

After a moment's hesitation, in front of Cang Xue's horrified eyes, the Pig King raised his arms and held the huge pig's head tightly with both hands.

Immediately, with a sound of bone cracking, the Pig King's head remained motionless, but his body turned half a circle and faced the little girl.


Cang Xue took a breath of cold air,"Uncle Pig King, does it hurt?"

Pig King said calmly:"The head can be cut off, the blood can flow, but the style cannot be lost"

"Come on!"

The Pig King, with his head forward and his body backward, stretched out a hand and hooked his finger at the little girl.

Taking a deep breath, Cang Xue raised his little fist.

Aiming at the Pig King's belly that was pregnant with more than 20 piglets, he punched it hard. With a dull bang, the little girl, who was hit hard on the face by the Pig King, fell to the ground.

Tears were flowing, and her nose was sore.

Cang Xue wiped it subconsciously.

Her eyes were full of scarlet. She turned her head to look at the entrance of the cave. There was no one.

Looking at the edge of the cliff, Xue Niang was immersed in cultivation under the peach tree without distraction.

"You are just a little girl, your thigh is not even as thick as one of my fingers, and you dare to dream of destroying a city?"

"He was powerless, but he wanted to kill 100,000 soldiers."


The Pig King sneered,"You will never be able to avenge your brother in your lifetime, let alone a hundred lifetimes."

After a long silence, the little girl wiped away her tears and nosebleed, climbed up, got into position, and punched the Pig King again.


The little girl fell to the ground for the second time, and her right eye socket quickly turned blue.

The Pig King said coldly:"Your master is deep in the cave. If you feel wronged, go to him and cry."

"Ask him by the way"

"Ask him if your tears can drown those 100,000 tigers and wolves."

Cang Xue tried hard to hold back her tears.

The girl gritted her teeth and stood up, her knuckles clenched so hard that they turned blue and white.

She punched hard.


She fell to the ground for the third time.

The little girl finally had a pair of panda eyes.


She fell to the ground again and again.

She got up again and again.


Unconsciously, the sun was setting.

Zhu Jiuyin came to the entrance of the cave with a red fragrant fruit in his hand.

His expression was slightly startled.

On the edge of the cliff, the pig king and the girl.

One big and one small, one snake and one person, turned their backs to all living beings.

"Xueer, why don't you learn something else? Why do you learn to turn your back on the world like the Pig King?"

"Turn around, Master wants to tell you something."

Cang Xue shook her head,"Master, I have good hearing, please speak freely."

Zhu Jiuyin frowned, it seems that he has heard this before.

"When a warrior trains his body, his muscles and bones ache. If he does not use medicine to nourish his qi and blood, he will easily become useless."

"You have also seen the red fragrant fruit deep in the cave. Its magical effects are infinite and far beyond the reach of medicinal soup."

"From now on, you will eat one every day after you finish your practice."

Cang Xue asked,"Master, are you going on a long journey?"

"Travel far away~"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the mountains and rivers from afar and said softly:"I dream of traveling far away"


"Master will hibernate for two to three months."

Cang Xue was surprised and said,"Hibernate?!"

"Xue Niang."

Zhu Jiuyin threw the red fragrant fruit in his hand to Xue Niang.

He then smiled softly at the little girl's slender back,"Xue'er, see you next year.""


Cang Xue, with a bruised face, turned back suddenly, but his master was no longer visible at the entrance of the cave.


In the gorgeous sunset,

Xue Niang held Cang Xue's hand.

The two walked down the cliff.

Looking at the huge abyss in the distance,

Cang Xue asked curiously,"Sister Xue, is there anyone in the abyss? Why does Sister Feng always run into the abyss?"

Xue Niang smiled but said nothing.

"Sister Xue, why is the senior brother's sword stuck on the edge of the cliff? Where is he? Where did he go?"

"Also, Sister Xue, why do I find that Master is always sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave?"

"Why doesn't he come out?"

Xue Niang touched the little girl's head,"Xue'er, wait until next spring to ask the master."

"He will tell you everything you want to know."

Under the setting sun,

Cang Xue looked back.

There was no trace of the Pig King on the distant cliff.

There was only a sword.

It was swaying in the cold wind.

It seemed to be waving goodbye to the little girl.


Night fell.

On the bank of the Taiping River, in front of the sacred tree forest.

In the fenced courtyard, Qingyi was slumped on a rattan chair like a corpse.

A few feet away, black smoke billowed from the kitchen.

After a while, Zhao Xuaner, whose face was blackened by the smoke, came out with a dish.

The girl smiled at Qingyi, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Master, it's time for dinner."

Half a quarter of an hour later

"Master, the food is getting cold.

"Master, do you dislike me?"

"If you dislike me, just say it directly. The world is so big, Xuan'er can go anywhere~"

Looking at the girl who was about to cry and looked pitiful, Qingyi was helpless, sighed, and stood up from the rattan chair.

…… just���The master and his disciple sat cross-legged facing each other, with a small table in the middle and two bowls of white rice porridge with little water in the soup on the table.

"Master, I probably put too much water in it."

Zhao Xuan'er said shyly,"There's still half a pot in the kitchen."

Qingyi said expressionlessly,"Have you ever thought that maybe I put too little rice in it?~"

"Oh no."

The girl patted her head,"Why didn't I think of that!"

Qingyi looked like she had lost all hope in life,"It's not that you put too much water or too little rice, it's that you're just stupid."

Zhao Xuan'er:"……"

Qingyi picked up the chopsticks and looked at the black thing that smelled burnt in the white porcelain plate.

"What is this dish?"

Zhao Xuan'er said proudly,"This is the Kung Pao Chicken that my mother taught me, it is a famous dish in the palace."

Qingyi picked up a piece and said,"I saw the charcoal cubes, they are very authentic black, and what about the chicken cubes?"

"Oh, Master, please eat quickly. This is my first time cooking too."



In the third year of Fuling, in the middle of winter, on November 17, two immortals from Zhaoyao Mountain descended on Dragon City of Wei State.


Ps: Has anyone played the mobile game Against the Cold? I heard that it will be open for public testing soon. Can Leopard Head get into it?

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