Cang Xue, lying on the ground, stared at Zhao Xuan'er riding on him, but did not resist.

Instead, he warned expressionlessly:"You can't beat me."

""Who said I was going to hit you?"

Zhao Xuan'er smiled slyly.

Then, under the witness of the blue sky and white clouds,

Zhao Xuan'er suddenly leaned over.

Feeling the girl's breath and her soft lips, Cang Xue's eyes widened.

"Hey, come and see, Zhao Xuaner forcefully kissed Cang Xue!"

A large group of children around them had a look of surprise on their faces.

"Oh no, Cang Xue is going to be pregnant!"

"Go to the bamboo forest in the backyard and ask the teacher to take a look!"

Cang Xue, whose skin was red, was ashamed and annoyed. She suddenly exerted force and flipped Zhao Xuan'er who was pressing on her.

Then she got up and ran out of the school crying.


Zhao Xuan'er smiled complacently,"Cold and aloof? Why are you pretending!"



At the foot of Mount Buzhou.

Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white and barefoot, sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, holding a brass pipe in one hand and a wine gourd in the other.

Xue Niang went to the town to pick up the little girl, and the little whirlwind went down the Netherworld Abyss. The Pig King still stood on the edge of the cliff with his back to all living beings.

Take a puff of cigarette and a sip of wine.

The afternoon sun shines warmly on the body.

Zhu Jiuyin is drowsy.

Soon, footsteps come closer from afar.

Zhu Jiuyin forced himself to raise his eyelids.

Looking at the tearful little girl, Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly,"Why are you crying like a little cat! Who bullied you?"

The little girl twitched and said aggrievedly:"Master... Master, Zhao... Zhao Xuaner kiss me!"

Zhu Jiuyin:"……"

"Master, I... I won't get pregnant, right?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head,"It's not that easy to give birth to a life."

The little girl sniffed hard and gritted her teeth and said,"I can't let Zhao Xuaner get away with it."

"Master, I want to kiss you back!"

Zhu Jiuyin did not answer, but silently put the pipe into his mouth.


Among the thousands of peaks, Zhao Xuaner, who skipped class, walked along the stream and headed deep into the mountains.

"Master said that the person who truly destroyed the destiny of the Wei Kingdom was not Qi Qingji."

"The Qi guy is at most an accomplice."

"Yesterday I took Cangxue by the hand and sent her back to the town. That white-haired woman……"

"Could it be her new master?!"

"If other children want to go to the private school, they must first pay a gift of tuition to the Qi family."

"Why doesn't Cang Xue use it?"

Zhao Xuan'er is smart and after a little reasoning, she came to the conclusion.

"That white-haired woman must know Qi Qingji"

"But yesterday, Qi only took a glance, and the white-haired woman was so frightened that she trembled all over."

"Will a bright moon be friends with a firefly?"

"Can a firefly cut off the fortune of the Wei State?"

"That doesn't make sense.~"

"Damn, it's been almost two hours."

"That white-haired woman, wouldn't she take Cangxue into the deep mountains and old forests and eat her?"

Concentrating her mind, Zhao Xuan'er looked up and was dumbfounded.

""What a big mountain!!"

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound and a faint squeak from one side.

Zhao Xuan'er turned her head to look.

The two pupils in her eye sockets suddenly shrank.

A dozen feet away, a man stood on a blue stone as tall as a person.

The man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks was naked, with a precious sword hanging from his waist. He was wearing two long black boots, and his snow-white cloak fluttered in the wind behind him.

There were five bright red words on the cloak.

It was the"First Generation Rat King".

Around the blue stone, countless men and women who had turned into human forms and were naked, as well as thousands of white-haired rats that looked like cats and puppies, all kowtowed to the Rat King.

The scene was particularly magnificent as the wind blew through the wheat waves.

The Rat King, who raised his head high to accept the worship of his people, suddenly turned his head and looked at the stunned girl not far away.

"Humans, this mountain does not welcome outsiders!"

Looking into the Rat King's bloodthirsty and ferocious eyes,

Zhao Xuan'er suddenly let out a heart-wrenching scream.

She turned around and crawled away.


At the foot of Mount Buzhou,

Zhu Jiuyin was dozing off in hibernation.

Xue Niang was instructing the little girl in boxing.

Cang Xue was doing horse stance, punching with great seriousness.


Every half a minute or so, the Pig King, who was facing away from everyone on the cliff, would applaud enthusiastically.

"Girl, you're really good at punching."

"After practicing for another three to five years, it will be easy to knock down a Nanzhu with one punch."

With sore arms and legs and sweat all over, Cang Xue listened to the Pig King's praise and subconsciously smiled.

"All right."

Xue Niang said on time:"Half an hour has passed, let's stop and rest.""

"Thank you, Sister Xue."

Cang Xue immediately sat down on the ground.

About half a minute later,

Zhu Jiuyin slowly opened his eyes.


"What's wrong, Master?"

Zhu Jiuyin threw the wine gourd to Cang Xue and said,"There's no more wine. Master is thirsty. Go get some water from the stream under the cliff."

""Okay, Master."

When the little girl walked away,

Zhu Jiu said in a gloomy voice,"You two come here."

Xue Niang came closer obediently.

The Pig King on the edge of the cliff stood still and said calmly,"I have good hearing, you can speak freely."

"Come here!"

Zhu Jiuyin's voice suddenly became a little colder.

The Pig King's fat body trembled, and he kept his back to the crowd and retreated step by step to the front of the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin asked:"You two, do you know what is wonderful and terrible?"

Xue Niang shook her head slightly. The

Pig King muttered softly:"With a little ink in his stomach, he will show off."

"Isn't this bullying an honest snake?"

Zhu Jiuyin exhaled a puff of smoke and said,"The so-called wonderful and terrible are the red face and the white face."

"Red face only says nice things, like you two"

"Regardless of whether Xue Er's Mountain and River Fist is good or bad, you will all praise her to the sky."

"Xue'er is still young. Even though she has experienced a lot, she is only seven years old."

"Xueer has revenge to seek, and her enemies are not one, not ten, and not a hundred."

"It's a whole city, nearly 100,000 soldiers.

Zhu Jiuyin said with a straight face:"I know you two love the girl."

"But too much sugar-coated bullets will subtly affect the girl's character."

"It will make her proud and complacent, and make her feel that martial arts is nothing more than this."

Xue Niang pondered.

The Pig King suddenly said,"I understand."

"From this moment on, I will severely devalue Xue Yatou to the point of being worthless."

"Her horse stance was like a terminally ill old lady going to the toilet. Her Mountain and River Fist was like a pile of stinky dog shit."

Zhu Jiuyin said with a headache:"It's over!"

"Excellent is recognition, terrible is denial"

"Approval is sunshine and drizzle. Negation is gale and blizzard."

"If a seedling wants to grow into a towering tree, it needs the nourishment of sunshine and drizzle, but also the destruction of strong winds and snowstorms."

"Only recognition during the growth process will make children arrogant and conceited."

"Only denial will make children timid, cowardly and incompetent.

Xue Niang said softly:"There must be recognition, and there must also be denial."

Zhu Jiuyin nodded.

"Of the two of you, who is the red face and who is the white face?"

Xue Niang:"I am the red face."

Zhu Huang:"Me too."

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his red eyes and said:"The ancients often said, why should women make things difficult for other women?"

"So, Pig King, you play the good guy."

Pig King said faintly:"What if I refuse?"

Zhu Jiuyin laughed,"Your body of nearly half a ton can definitely be sold for a good price."

Pig King said sadly:"Snakes in the rivers and lakes, they have no choice."

"Xue girl, don't blame Uncle Mo and Brother Xuan, your master is the culprit."


Ps: Chapter 2 is around early morning.

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