In the third year of Fuling, it was mid-winter.

November 18th.

Suddenly, as if overnight, a spring breeze came, and thousands of pear trees blossomed.

The people of Wei had been longing for the first snow in nearly three years, and the mountains and rivers were covered with white snow.

In the early morning, an old man wearing a sheepskin coat walked out of Xijian Lane carrying a straw target with gourds of sugar-gelling sugar stuck on it.

At the entrance of Wuyi Lane, a little man in white happened to walk out.

""Girl, don't forget the four life and death trials."

The old man shouted with a smile.

The girl's thin body trembled slightly, and she ran towards the school. Her two long ponytails fluttered in the cold wind, like two black waterfalls.

"Hey, if Han saw this amount of hair, he would be envious and salivate."

With a creaking sound, the old man stepped on the snow and slowly walked away.


Half an hour later.

In the small town's Jifeng Lane.

Under the eaves of the blacksmith's backyard, Han Ying, wearing a short shirt and shorts, sat on a small stool, holding a bronze mirror in one hand and taking a piece of ginger from the white porcelain bowl on the low table with the other hand, rubbing it hard on his shiny scalp.


A vulgar laugh suddenly fell into his ears.

Han Ying looked normal, wiping the ginger while saying indifferently:"If you dare to laugh a second time, I will smash your mouth."

The old man squatting on the wall of the earthen courtyard with a straw target on his shoulder quickly covered his mouth.

""What do you want from me?"

Han Ying said expressionlessly.

Old Liutou narrowed his cloudy eyes slightly and answered the question irrelevantly:"It's a good land, why can't crops grow on it?"

"Who said it's not long?"

Han Ying put down the bronze mirror and patted his crotch.

"It's very lush here, do you want to take a look?"

The old man waved his hands again and again,"No, no, no, it's too dazzling."

"Mr. Liu, you are insulting me!"

Han Ying's face was gloomy.

Old Liu was as happy as a Maitreya Buddha.

"Xiao Han, don't get angry, I'm just stating the facts."

"Facts are meant to be spoken, aren't they?"

Han Ying slowly stood up his 1.5-meter-tall body, and said with a sinister look in his eyes:"If I don't beat you till you piss and shit all over, I'll take your surname!"

""Okay, okay, no more trouble."

The old willow said sternly,"I came to see you for two things."

Han Ying said expressionlessly,"Let go."

The old willow said in a deep voice,"After the Jade Emperor went into seclusion, all matters in the Heavenly Palace were handled by the Queen Mother of the West."

"I want you to report to the Queen Mother of the West and ask her to issue an imperial decree."

Han Ying frowned,"Why do you want an imperial decree?"

Old Liu reminded him,"It's not me who wants it, it's you who wants it.""

"Taoism is Taoism, and Heaven is Heaven"

"I only call the shots in the Dao Sect, but the Queen Mother of the West doesn't care about me."

Han Ying's eyes were like torches, biting out the words one by one,"I'm asking you, what do you want the Immortal's order for?!"


Old Liutou sighed and explained,"He has accepted another disciple, you should know that, right?"

Han Ying nodded.

Old Liutou said worriedly,"That girl will experience four life and death disasters in her life, each one more dangerous than the last.""

"She will die in some life-or-death catastrophe."

"The young man from the Chen family in Wuyi Lane died. He not only killed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, but also destroyed the destiny of a country."

"Going against the will of heaven, but staying safe"

"This heaven on earth has cracked like a porcelain bottle"

"The girl was destined to die, and unlike the Chen family boy who died at the hands of ordinary people, she would die at the hands of a great man."

"This great man in the world"

""A big shot."

Old Liutou picked a bunch of candied haws, bit one hard, and said,"Just think about it, Zhou Shan will definitely turn the world upside down by then~"

Han Ying asked in confusion,"I still don't understand, what you said has anything to do with the immortal decree~"


Old Liutou smiled sinisterly and said,"Just ask for the immortal's order, and then you will know what I am going to do."

Han Ying rolled his eyes and asked,"Aren't there two things? What is the second one?"


November 19th, early morning.

Lingshi County is under the jurisdiction of Wutong Prefecture in Yunzhou, Wei State.

The wind is light and the snow is heavy.

The white earth is stained with a little ink black.

It's like a black mole on the icy skin of a beauty.

Amid the loud crane calls, two cranes flew out from the depths of the wind and snow.

After circling over the"ink spot" for several circles, they swooped down.

The two immortals Liuhuo and Foxiao, as well as Luo Xinghe, landed gently like three feathers.

The three of them walked forward a few steps and came to the edge of the"ink spot".

Looking down at the bottomless black abyss, Liuhuo was surprised and said:"That immortal on land whose identity is unknown actually smashed the entire county into the underworld."

"He does have some real skills."

Luo Xinghe was stunned when he heard this. As the state teacher of Wei, he only knew that the immortal on land had cut off the fortune of Wei, but he never knew that he had also killed hundreds of thousands of people in a county.

Is this a demon cultivator or an evil cultivator?!

The cold wind blew the white robes of the two immortals.

Fo Xiao, whose birthmark on her cheek seemed to be burning with flames, took off the ancient sword box behind her.

In front of Luo Xinghe, the woman carefully peeled off the talisman at the gap.

With a click, the cover of the box was opened. What caught Luo Xinghe's eyes were several pieces of snow-white rice paper. On the paper was a slender bone pen.

Liuhuo introduced:"The paper is Xixian paper, which is made from the peeled skin of ancient immortals."

"As for the bone pen, it is one of the three ancient immortal artifacts in my Zhanxia Cave."

Ancient immortal skin!

Three ancient immortal artifacts!

Luo Xinghe couldn't help but feel dry mouth.

The old Taoist once had an ancient immortal artifact, which he brought out from Fengxue Temple.

Unfortunately, both the disciple and the artifact were lost.

Luo Xinghe firmly believed that his beloved disciple Ye Zhaoqiu was killed by Qi Qingji.

The Black Death Spear was also taken away by the man surnamed Qi.


""The Supreme Emperor of Ziqing, the Taoist Master, the Chivalrous Servant of Taixuan and Taihe. Transform all things and make me immortal, ascend to the sky and ride the Jade Wheel~"

While muttering to himself, he waved his sleeves at dawn.

A bone pen as white as jade and a piece of immortal paper floated out of the bronze sword box and hung in the air.

The bone pen with the tip facing down���After a while, in Luo Xinghe's astonished eyes, the pen body actually oozed bright and sticky blood.

"The adopted son Yushu is strong, and the truth is not troublesome."

As the dawn chanted, the bone pen actually moved on the Xixian paper.

""Nothingness is the solidity of nature, and things are the natural way without troubles~"

About a quarter of an hour later.

Fuxiao uttered the last word and slowly stretched out her slender white hand.

The bone pen, which had used up all the blood and ink and was newly white, flew back.

Fuxiao gently held it and put it back into the ancient sword box.

Two immortals and one person came to the suspended immortal paper.

But they saw a white-clothed boy about seventeen or eighteen years old painted on the rice paper.

He was tall and had black hair like a waterfall.

In a pair of golden candle-like eyes, there were two scarlet blood-red inverted pupils.

Being stared at by the evil eyes that were like flowing gold and bleeding, Luo Xinghe couldn't help but feel terrified and subconsciously took a half step back.

"Daoist Luo, all living beings whose Yin-Yang life and death are drawn on the Xixian paper"

""No matter whether it is rocks, grass, or animals, no matter whether it is ordinary people or immortals on land."

Liuhuo smiled calmly,"Life and death are all up to my senior sister's thoughts."

Immortals on land!

Life and death?!

Luo Xinghe was surprised.

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