Early morning.

Under Zhou Mountain, in front of the cave.

On the edge of the cliff, the pig king, covered in snow, turned his back to the world, motionless.

Xue Niang sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, avoiding the snow and immersed in cultivation.

The creaking sound came from far away.

Xue Niang slowly opened her slender eyes.

Two feet away, a little girl in white clothes put her hands behind her back, staring at the pig king with her watery peach blossom eyes without blinking.

"Sister Xue, it's been a few days, Uncle Pig King has probably frozen to death~"

Xue Niang smiled, with a hint of fatigue in her expression,"Your Uncle Pig King is in hibernation just like your master."

Cang Xue frowned.

"Girl, don’t you have classes at school today?"

Cang Xue nodded,"It’s snowing so heavily, the teacher gave us a few days off."

Xue Niang pondered for a while and asked,"Girl, do you want to see your master’s true form?"

"Original...original form?!"

Cang Xue was stunned.

"Come on~"

Xue Niang stood up, took Cang Xue's hand and walked into the cave


Soon, in the deepest part of the cave, a python was lying on the ground. Its body was about 110 meters long. Its red scales, as dense as a cattail leaf, looked like a blazing flame, and they fit together tightly.

It was like a winding river.

The mountain-like head of the python fell to the ground, huge and ferocious, shining with a cold metallic luster.

"So… so long and so thick!"

Cang Xue's heart was trembling with fear, and her eyes were like bells, while her body kept retreating in fear.

"This is your master, what are you afraid of~"

Feeling the sudden force of the little girl's palm, Xue Niang said softly:"Go and touch it."

Cang Xue swallowed her saliva and stepped forward lightly.

She stretched out her trembling little hand and gently stroked the cold scales.

Suddenly, the little girl seemed to think of something and turned her head to look at Xue Niang.

"Sister Xue, are you, Uncle Pig King, and Master all giant pythons?"

Xue Niang smiled without showing her teeth and said,"No,"

"Your uncle the Pig King is a black snake, and I am a white snake."

"We are both very thin and short, not as thick and long as your master."

The little girl asked in surprise:"Sister Xue, can you show me your true form?"

Xue Niang restrained her smile and said,"No!"


At the entrance of the cave.

The little girl hugged Xue Niang's arm and asked her questions.

"Sister Xue, what do you usually eat?"

"There are many white-haired rats in the mountains"

"White... white-haired mouse? Like Sister Feng?"


"Sister Feng is fat, she must have a lot of meat, and it smells good."

"Sister Xue, do you eat it fried or boiled? Do you like it light or spicy?"

Xue Niang said speechlessly,"I usually eat it raw." The little girl was stunned,"Do you eat the hair and bones too? Will it be indigestible?""

"Sister Xue, do you like drinking blood?"

"Does raw meat taste fishy?"

"Sister Xue, do you feel nauseous and want to vomit?"

"Sister Snow……"

Deep in the cave, the sleeping crane lying on the top of the fruit mountain woke up slowly.

It looked down at the red python from above.

After a while, it lowered its head and pecked at the fruit.

Silently, the hibernating red python suddenly opened its lantern-like red eyes.

The red scales all over its body trembled slightly. The red pupils in its eye sockets, as slender as swords, suddenly contracted. Zhu

Jiuyin, who was shrouded in a strong sense of crisis, looked around.

There was nothing else except the stupid crane eating red fragrant fruits one by one.

Suddenly, without any warning, the crackling sound disappeared.

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his eyes slightly and twisted his huge python head.

On the top of the fruit mountain, the crane's beak opened wide, and the stupid crane, like a pair of scissors, seemed to be dead and motionless. With a crackling sound, the red scales rolled over the rough ground, splashing wisps of sparks.

Zhu Jiuyin swam out towards the entrance of the cave.


Outside the cave, an old man from Xijian Lane in the town was carrying a straw target in one hand and a brass pipe in the other, puffing out smoke.

Snowflakes were falling from the sky and condensed in the air. The snow pigs on the cliff had already become part of the painting.

There was not even a trace of wind.

The old man stared silently at the entrance of the cave. A large and a small man were sitting cross-legged.

"What a good-looking body."

His eyes moved from the white-clothed and white-haired Xue Niang to Cang Xue.

Old Liutou sighed,"How could such a good reincarnation of an ancient immortal choose to be with a bird that was born from a wet egg and has feathers and horns?"……"

The sound of creaking came from far away, and the old man Liu quickly shut up.

A ferocious python head poked out of the cave, protecting Cang Xue and Xue Niang.

Looking at the old man in sheepskin, Zhu Jiuyin said grimly,"You're selling candied haws in the deep mountains and old forests?"


The old man grinned and nodded slightly, saying:"Hello, Ancient God."

Zhu Jiuyin said nothing, just staring at the old man.

"Cough cough."

After pretending to cough twice, Old Willow said,"Ancient God, you should have sensed it, right?~"

"The two little ghosts from Zhaoyao Mountain attempted to use the power of the ancient immortal weapon to annihilate the ancient god."


Old Liutou sighed lightly,"How could they know that you, the ancient god, are immortal and indestructible."

Zhu Jiuyin said indifferently:"It can be seen that you are very idle."


The old willow head smiled obscenely,"Please rest assured, Ancient God, I have already tricked that stupid bald guy in the Heaven Court to stop the kid from Zhaoyao Mountain."

"We will see each other again soon."

Looking at the old man walking away, Zhu Jiuyin was suspicious.

Zhu Jiuyin knew why the Immortal of Zhaoyao Mountain was looking for trouble with him.

After all, he had killed hundreds of thousands of people in a county and cut off the destiny of an entire country.

First it was Ah Fei's string of candied haws, and then it was the Zhaoyao Mountain Immortal incident.

What exactly is this old man selling?

It's a pity that the python's body is only more than 110 meters long, and its cultivation level is too low to awaken more memories hidden deep in the Zhulong bloodline.

Otherwise, Zhu Jiuyin would definitely know the old man's specific identity information, and would be able to infer what this old bastard is planning.

The huge python's head drooped and gently touched the little girl's head.

Zhu Jiuyin swam back to the depths of the cave and continued to winter.���

The moment when the vertical pupil slowly closed.

Snow fell and the wind rose.

The sound of the stupid crane biting the fruit rang in my ears again.

And the sound of the little girl asking questions at the entrance of the cave.

"Sister Xue, can you really lay eggs?"

"Cangxue, don't think that I won't do anything to you just because your master is in hibernation!"

"Sister Xue, how many snake eggs can you lay at a time?"


Yunzhou, Wei State.

Ruins of Lingshi County, Wutong Prefecture.

Liuhuo pointed at the young man in white on the Immortal Washing Paper and said,"Use the immortal blood to ignite the Immortal Washing Paper. When this paper is burned to ashes, the person in the painting will also disappear into ashes.""

"No matter where you are, even if you are a god on earth, you will disappear into thin air."

"Even the three souls, seven spirits, consciousness, etc., cannot escape"

"There is no chance of reincarnation."

These few words made Luo Xinghe's scalp numb.

As expected of an immortal, this mysterious killing method is too scary.

"Kill the culprit first, then go to that town"

"I heard that Qi Qingji has already cultivated ten natal characters."

"And smash all the crosses as a punishment."

Liu Huo said coldly:"Anyone who disrespects the way of heaven and anyone who ignores and kills all living beings should be judged!"

On the snow, Fo Xiao sat cross-legged, clasping his hands, awakening the immortal blood. Liu Huo was still chattering.

Luo Xinghe was staring at the young man on the immortal paper.


Suddenly, a scream pierced through the snow.

…… ps: Here are two knife names that are more poetic.

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