Liuhuo shuddered violently.

Dawn, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, also frowned slightly.

"Are you sick?"

The frightened Liuhuo stared coldly at the panicked Luo Xinghe.

"He He……"

The Wei State Master, with a look of fear in his eyes, stretched out his trembling hand and pointed at the suspended Xian Paper."His...his eyes are moving. He is looking at me!"

Liuhuo cast his eyes on the Xian Paper.

On the white rice paper, the boy in the painting was lifelike.

Liuhuo's fingers gently stroked the boy's evil red eyes.

"What's moving?"

"Are you blind because of old age?"

Luo Xinghe wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with lingering fear:"Maybe... I am indeed blurry~"

About a quarter of an hour later.

Dawn slowly opened her eyes.

At this moment, the birthmark on half of the woman's cheek was bright and dazzling, as if a ball of burning blood, emitting wisps of ancient and terrifying aura, which made Luo Xinghe tremble with fear.

Standing up, the woman stretched out a slender jade finger and gently touched the birthmark.

A cluster of blood and fire lingered on the tip of the jade finger.

The rolling heat wave melted the white snow, and the flowing fire had no effect on Dawn, but Luo Xinghe felt that his exposed skin was burning, and even his hair was twisted, emitting a faint burning aura. Burnt smell.

It was as if a basin of sun was poured on the body. At dawn, the lotus steps moved lightly, and came to the suspended immortal paper.

The cluster of immortal blood fire on the fingertips approached the corner of the rice paper little by little.

Suddenly, the woman's slender jade fingers froze, and she turned her head to look behind her.

Liuhuo and Luo Xinghe were startled, and they turned back one after another.

In the wind and snow three meters away, a bald man with his hands behind his back stood quietly.

In the snowy season, the man was wearing a short shirt and shorts, with two straw sandals on his feet.

He was short and stout, no more than 1.

5 meters.

But facing the two immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain and the national teacher of a country, the bald man had a calm face.

This momentum is as majestic as the mountains and as vast as the ocean.

"Do you know who He is?"

Without waiting for the two immortals to answer, the bald man continued:"You are looking for death~"

Luo Xinghe subconsciously took two steps back and hid behind the two immortals.

At dawn, Qiu Shui's long eyes were cold and shining, and the blood and fire on his fingertips blasted, burning fiercely.

"Who are you?"

Liu Huo took a step forward, his shoulders shaking slightly.

With a dull thud, the ancient sword box behind him fell to the snow and was held down by Liu Huo's palm.

"Who am I?"

The bald man said expressionlessly,"I'm just a blacksmith."

The two immortals and one man were both surprised and puzzled.

They were surprised that the bald man could approach silently.

They were puzzled about what the bald man wanted to do.

Liuhuo slightly turned sideways, pointed at the young man in white clothes on the hanging Xian paper, and said in a deep voice,"I don't care who he is."

"I only know that he killed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in a county."

"I only know that he destroyed the destiny of a country."

"I only know that billions of people died in the drought."

"Blood debts are too much, and heaven cannot tolerate them"

"He must die!"

With a click, the ancient sword box opened a crack.

The ancient fairy wooden sword was in hand.

Liuhuo's eyes were gloomy and he said:"If you forcefully resist, you will be against the heavens."

"You must die too!"

The cold wind was howling.

The snow was falling faster.

Luo Xinghe took a few steps back.

His palms were wet.

Looking indifferently at the murderous young man in white robe, the bald man said coldly:"If you want to do it, do it quickly. I have to go back to drink with Mr. Liu."

""You brought this upon yourself,"

Liuhuo raised his arm high and said word by word,"You shall not live!"

Instantly, the wooden sword fell down quickly.

The moment the tip of the sword touched the snow, Luo Xinghe's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

One breath passed.

Ten breaths passed.

One minute passed.

There was no terrifying annihilation scene of the sword and the abyss.

The surroundings were quiet, with only the sound of sobbing wind.

Luo Xinghe looked confused.

Fuxiao opened her cherry lips slightly, unable to believe it.

Liuhuo held the wooden sword horizontally in front of him and stared at it in astonishment.

The Sun Sword, the first of the three ancient immortal weapons in Zhanxia Cave, was actually... ineffective?!

""It's my turn~"

With a calm voice, the bald man still had his left hand behind his back.

He stretched out his right hand, which was covered with calluses, and gently clenched his fist.

Then he suddenly blasted out.

In an instant, a surging and majestic wild hunting wind seemed to hit him like a piece of sky.

The suspended fairy washing paper with the white-clothed boy was immediately shattered by the fist wind.

The cluster of fairy blood flames that burned fiercely at the fingertips at dawn were instantly extinguished by the fist wind.

In the human world during the Xiaohan season, the sky and the earth actually rang with thunder.


The fist wind stopped.

The bald man said coldly:"Go back and tell your mountain master that the cracks in the heavenly way of this world will be repaired with his own merits."

" not an existence that you can understand."

"Remember, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you."

After saying that, the bald man turned and left.

With one step, he disappeared without a trace.

The shocked expressions on the two immortals' and one immortal's three faces lingered for a long time.

Under the sky, half of the sky was covered with snow clouds, and the other half was as blue as a wash. Above Hou Tu

, half of the earth was covered with silver, and the other half was full of myriad phenomena.

The distinction was clear.


In February, the grass grows and the warblers fly. The willows on the bank are swaying in the spring smoke.

The children come back from school early, and fly kites in the east wind.

February of the fourth year of Fuling.

Spring is here, and everything is revived.

Between the mountains and beside the streams.

A little girl in white with two ponytails raised a stone and smashed it on the thin ice, smashing the spring head and making it bleed.

The girl scooped up a handful of clear stream water and lowered her head to sip it.

After drinking it, she washed her face.

Taking advantage of the bright spring light, the girl skipped to the distant Zhoushan. With a pair of small hands behind her back, she hummed a ballad


Half an hour later.

Cang Xue, who had just climbed up the steep slope, was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

The master, who had been missing throughout the winter, was now standing on the cliff in front of the cave, looking out over the mountains and rivers.


With laughter, the little girl took three steps at a time, like a white bird, and flew to Zhu Jiuyin's side, hugging half of the white-clothed boy's body.

Zhu Jiuyin lowered his head and looked at him carefully.

Half a year ago, the little girl's black hair was dry and yellow, but half a year later, it was black and shiny.

A faint fragrance of hair lingered at the tip of the nose, which smelled very good.

Half a year ago, the face was rough and yellow, and half a year later, it was white and delicate like mutton-fat jade.

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his hand and pinched it, and it was soft and smooth like silk.

"Do you miss your master?"

Zhu Jiuyin touched the little girl's head.

"Of course I do."

The little girl showed her mouthful of white teeth, her peach blossom eyes narrowed into two crescents.


The sun is shining, and the mountains and rivers are vast.

The spring breeze carries a fragrant scent of flowers.

Peach blossoms are blooming all over the mountains, bright red and pink, very eye-catching.

One big and one small sit side by side on the cliff, basking in the sun, blowing in the spring breeze, looking at the mountains, looking at the water, and smelling the flowers.

"Master, where are Sister Xue and Sister Feng? And Uncle Pig King~"

"They went to look for food.

The little girl suddenly realized that after all, she had been hungry for a whole winter.


"What's going on?"

The little girl pointed at a long sword not far away, half of which was stuck in the ground.

"Master, why is the eldest brother’s sword stuck here?"

"Where is the eldest brother?"

…… ps: The second update will be around 11 o'clock.

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