The peach trees are blooming brightly.

In the southwest of the town, there is a peach forest.

Zhu Jiuyin picked two peach blossoms and placed them in front of the tombstones of Nan Jinping and Xiaobudian.

Qingping has nothing, so I will give you a branch of spring.

Zhu Jiuyin pointed to the tombstone of Nan Jinping and whispered,"Your elder brother's mother was a very good woman."

Cang Xue weeded the two graves while murmuring,"Nan Jinping, so beautiful."

Half an hour later.

The master and apprentice returned to the Chen family courtyard in Wuyi Lane in the town.

"Master, what would you like to eat?"



The little girl went to the kitchen to light a fire, boil water and cook.

Zhu Jiuyin pushed open the door of the main room.

Walking into the room, Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly.

There was a faint smell of rouge in the air, and there was a wisp of wine aroma.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the wooden bed.

The quilt was folded into square tofu blocks, and the mattress was flat without any wrinkles.

Zhu Jiuyin came to the bed, slowly squatted down, and pulled out a play box from under the bed.

Opening the lid, what came into view was a small, white skull.

There was also a bottle of wine and a palm-sized blue-and-white porcelain powder box.

Zhu Jiuyin picked up the porcelain box and opened it, and the fragrance of powder was instantly fragrant.

Putting down the porcelain box, he picked up the wine bottle and shook it, and pulled off the red cloth to smell it.

Half a bottle of Shaodaozi, the wine aroma was strong.

After restoring the play box and pushing it back to the bottom of the bed, Zhu Jiuyin sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes flickering


Zhu Jiuyin called out.

The little girl quickly ran into the main room,"What's the matter, Master?"

"Come here."

When the little girl came closer, Zhu Jiuyin suddenly stretched out a finger and touched the girl's white forehead.

The girl closed her eyes and her body softened into Zhu Jiuyin's arms.

Putting the girl on the bed, Zhu Jiuyin gently wiped the girl's eyes with his sleeve.

Soon he got two panda eyes.

"How long has it been since I had a good night's sleep~"

The little girl in her sleep frowned, her two little hands tightly grasping the mattress.

After just a few minutes, she broke out in a cold sweat, and her little face was as pale as paper.

I don't know what she dreamed about.

Because she was worried about herself, and Xiao Xuanfeng, Xue Niang, and Zhu Huang, she used powder to cover the dark circles under her eyes.

Because she couldn't sleep, she drank every night.

Maybe it wasn't because she couldn't sleep, but because she was afraid of falling asleep.

The cold palm covered the girl's forehead.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly closed his upside-down red pupil.


A heart deeper than darkness.

A little girl's heart.

A child of about five or six years old, body torn apart.

The little body held the head, blood pooling from the broken neck.

The head in the arms was severely rotten, and sticky corpse fluid and broken flesh fell down.

Ripples were rippling in the heart.

"Sister, you are doing well."

The two rows of teeth in the head collided, biting out word after word.

"You have a master who loves you, you can sit in a bright and clean classroom and learn to read and write, and your teacher and classmates all like you."

"You have enough food, warm clothes, and live in a big house."

"Sister, you are so happy~"

The little girl knelt in front of the child and sobbed softly.

"Sister, if you hadn't been so stubborn and sworn to protect the water from our private well, Dad wouldn't have been beaten to death by Wang Ye."

"If you hadn't been unconscious, your mother wouldn't have cut her own flesh to save you."

"Sister, I begged you to take me home more than once, why didn't you agree?"

"Why are you so determined to drag me north?"

"Sister, I died a tragic death! Those soldiers chopped off my head with axes!"

"They cut me up, cooked me, and ate me!"

"All of this is your fault!"

The child's voice was filled with resentment, and he gritted his teeth and said,"The villagers are right, you are a jinx!""

"You killed your mother, your father, your mother, and me!"

"You shouldn't have been born into this world!"

"Sister, please help me!"

"You should die soon!"

The little girl held her head and cried like rain.


Retracting his hand, Zhu Jiuyin found a clean towel and wiped the cold sweat off the girl's face.

"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will definitely avenge you, even if I have to sacrifice everything.~"

"Don't... Stepmother, Xue'er, be obedient. Don't hit her."

"Stepmother, Xue'er is a man, not a girl."

After covering the girl with a blanket, Zhu Jiuyin walked out of the house.

Standing under the eaves and looking into the distance, his red eyes reflected the blue sky and white clouds, but his heart could not hold this spring day.

Physical illness is easy to cure, but mental illness is difficult to cure. The only solution Zhu Jiuyin could think of was to seal all the girl's past memories.

In this way, she would not be tortured by nightmares.

But is this right?


Flowers may bloom again, but people can never be young again.

In the fourth year of Fuling, it was the height of summer in June.

Early morning.

On the bank of Taiping River, in front of the sacred tree forest.

Zhao Xuaner walked out of the room with a sickle in hand and a medicine basket on her back.

In the main room, there was a snoring sound.

The girl cursed in her heart,"Why don't I let you sleep to death~"

She came to the doghouse and touched the melancholy rhubarb. With the breeze blowing on her face, the girl opened the gate and walked east along the Taiping River.

She walked until noon, then stopped.

A corner of the Taiping River far away from the town.

Under the shade of the trees by the river, an old Taoist in a purple and gold Taoist robe sat cross-legged.


The girl smiled sweetly.

"Xuan'er, your master has been waiting for you for a long time.


A quarter of an hour later,

Zhao Xuaner ate up all the expensive pastries that Luo Xinghe brought to Weidu.

"Damn that Qi guy!"

The girl gnashed her teeth and said in hatred:"What a bullshit earthly immortal, lazy and greedy."

"I had to wash all the clothes, and I was not allowed to use soap powder, and I had to wash them thoroughly."

"I can't use a mallet, I have to rub it by hand, because they said they were afraid I would damage my clothes."

"You can't use hot water, you have to use cold water, because they say they don't want the silk clothes to wrinkle."

"He forced me to go into the mountains every day to hunt rabbits and pheasants for him, forced me to cook and feed dogs, and forced me to read the Four Books and Five Classics."

"Master, you don't know that the bastard named Qi hasn't been to the school for several days."

"Every day I give lectures to those little brats in the town."

"Damn it, he stays up all night reading those pornographic books, and he doesn't get up until noon. Every time I have to beg and plead with him, and say all the nice things he can to get him out of bed to eat."

"If the food is not to your taste, you will give me the cold shoulder"

"Master, I am suffering so much!"

Zhao Xuaner's eyes were filled with tears.


Luo Xinghe used a lot of sweet words to coax the girl.

Wiping away her tears, Zhao Xuaner sat up straight and said,"Master, those two people have been found by my disciple."

"A man named Han Ying, the owner of a blacksmith shop in Jifeng Lane in the small town"

"The other person, whose name is unknown, does not live in the town, but lives somewhere outside the town."

"Master, you would never have thought that the young man in white is Master Cang Xue."

Luo Xinghe was stunned,"Who is Cang Xue?" Zhao Xuan'er stretched out her pink tongue, licked her lips, and said,"Master, do you still remember the brother and sister we met when we were about to arrive in Longcheng last year?"

"The master even threw his wine gourd away."

Luo Xinghe suddenly realized,"The girl who was taken back to Longcheng by the soldiers and sang on the stage on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15."

Zhao Xuaner nodded,"That's her"


Luo Xinghe's cloudy eyes narrowed slightly


Ps: Back pain~

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