The sky was clear and the water was sparkling.

Under the shade of the trees by the river, Zhao Xuan'er acted like an adult thinking,"Master, I have deduced more than once why Cang Xue came to Qingping Town."

Luo Xinghe smiled slightly,"Did you figure it out?"

The girl nodded slightly,"Master, when we first met Cang Xue last year, she was carrying her brother on her back."

"But later, the boy disappeared"

"If my guess is correct, the boy should have been cooked by the Dragon City soldiers."

"And Cang Xue wants revenge."

Zhao Xuan'er said with bright eyes:"After Master arrived in Longcheng, I have heard the soldiers talk about the time when Qi Qingji asked for the sword in Weidu."

"They talked about how many mountains separated the master from the Qi family."

"The disciple guessed that Cang Xue had heard the conversation among the soldiers and therefore chose to go from Liangzhou, through Yunzhou, to Baopingzhou, and into the Taihang Mountains, intending to worship Qi Qingji as his master."

"Acquired martial arts skills and returned to Dragon City for revenge"

"But for some reason, he ended up becoming the disciple of the young man in white."

Luo Xinghe listened carefully and couldn't help but give Zhao Xuaner a thumbs up.


All living things are chess pieces, and my daughter Xuan'er has the talent to be a chess player.


The wind blew through the forest.

The cicadas chirped annoyingly.

Zhao Xuaner looked at Luo Xinghe, who was looking down in thought, and asked curiously,"Master, what are you thinking about?"

Luo Xinghe said in a deep voice,"Xuaner, you may not know that half a year ago, two immortals from Zhaoyao Mountain wanted to kill the young man in white with unpredictable magic."

"The culprit who destroyed the destiny of our Wei Kingdom."

Zhao Xuan'er was puzzled and said,"But the real murderer is alive and well.~"

""Master, why did you fail?"

Luo Xinghe smiled bitterly,"Because of that bald guy in straw sandals."

Zhao Xuan'er was surprised,"Isn't he just a lousy blacksmith?"

Luo Xinghe didn't know whether to laugh or cry,"The reason why I asked your uncle Huang to specifically remind you to stay away from that bald guy is because... he is very strong!"

"Much stronger than the immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain."

Zhao Xuan'er was stunned for a long time before asking,"Master, why did that bald man stop the immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain from killing the young man in white?"

Luo Xinghe shook his head,"I don't know."

"The town is full of hidden talents, it is so scary that Master doesn't even dare to go in."

Zhao Xuan'er said unwillingly:"The real murderer is right next to us, can't we avenge our national hatred and family grudges?"

Luo Xinghe whispered:"Xuan'er, Master has a plan"

"The master is going to use a chess piece to provoke the white-clothed boy and Zhaoyao Mountain to be at odds with each other.

The girl said cleverly,"Cang Xue~"

Luo Xinghe nodded,"There are a total of 72 immortal caves in Zhaoyao Mountain."

"The Zhanxia Cave where the two immortals Liuhuo and Fuxiao were located half a year ago is only the last cave of the seventy-two caves."

"There is also the master of Zhaoyao Mountain, who is known as the number one immortal. It is said that he is an ancient immortal who survived from ancient times."

"Master doesn't believe that even with the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain, we can't wipe out a small town!"

Luo Xinghe took off the wine gourd from his waist and took a big gulp of strong liquor.

"Xuan'er, Master is useless. Not to mention the young man in white, even Qi Qingji's hand can't defeat him."

"With just the two of us, Mo Yan will never be able to avenge this in this life, the next life, or even ten lives."

"You can only use such a vicious trick!"

Zhao Xuan'er couldn't bear it and said,"But Master, Cang Xue is innocent.~"


Luo Xinghe's voice suddenly rose,"In order to let you live, your mother volunteered to become a vegetable, was dismembered by the butcher's sharp blade, and was eaten by everyone."

"Is your mother innocent?!"

"In order to keep you alive, your father fed you the only half pot of water he had, and died of thirst himself."

"Is your father innocent?!"

"Bones were exposed in the wild, and no roosters crowed for thousands of miles. The hundreds of millions of old people, men, women, and children who died of thirst, starvation, and eating Guanyin soil died of bloating."

"The dead bodies were everywhere, and the bones were piled up higher than the mountains. If they were thrown into the ravine, they would fill the ocean."

"Are they innocent?!"

After a long silence, Zhao Xuan'er said softly:"Master, what can I do?"

Luo Xinghe smiled with relief,"Wait..."


The girl was stunned.

Luo Xinghe told her the plan,"Wait for the girl named Cang Xue to walk out of the Taihang Mountains."

"At that time, the master will use all the strength of Wei's martial arts to torture and kill him."

"If the young man in white can be a coward, we can still vent our anger."

"If he is furious, he will kill people."

"Maybe it will destroy the destiny of our Wei Kingdom."

"Putting aside the matter of the Heavenly Dao falling sword, the young man in white once again defied the Heaven's will, which was tantamount to slapping Zhaoyao Mountain in the face."

"Zhaoyaoshan can't stand it, and can't stand it"

"If we endure it, the prestige of the world's No. 1 mountain will plummet, and the world will become difficult to manage."

"If you endure it, you will lose the favor of heaven, and your fortune will decline day by day."

"Then it is difficult for immortals to live long, and when they die, their bodies and their ways disappear."

As the sun was setting in the west,

Zhao Xuan'er, who had picked a basket full of herbs, walked back along the Taiping River.

The girl raised her eyes and looked to the west.

The sunset was extremely gorgeous, as if blood was burning.

Somehow, it looked a lot like the birthmark on Cangxue's forehead.

The girl squinted and murmured,"Sister, I must die of old age in a small town in this life."

"Don't ever go out.~"


In the fourth year of Fuling, July.

As the morning sun rose, Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white and barefoot, walked to the entrance of the cave and sat cross-legged.

The cliff was pierced with red blood. Xue Niang and Zhu Huang each had a peach tree, immersed in cultivation. As for Xiao Xuanfeng, he was in the Netherworld Abyss.

His mind moved slightly, and the system panel appeared in front of his eyes.

【Host: Zhu Jiuyin

Lifespan: Immortality (immortality)

True body: Zhulong (thin snake stage)

Cultivation: 113.7 meters thin snake (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 886.3 meters)】

【Disciple's name: Cang Xue

Talent: Immortal Blood

Age: Eight years old

Cultivation : Mortal body】

【Remaining free time: 124 hours]

A sound of hurried footsteps approached from afar.

The Pig King, who was sitting cross-legged under the shade of the peach tree, stood up with a bang and turned his back to the sentient beings.

"Master, Master~"

Cang Xue, dressed in white, clutched a newspaper in her hand and ran to Zhu Jiuyin, panting.

""Didn't you go to school?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

The little girl shook her head, shook the newspaper, and said:"Master, Wei and Su have signed a non-war agreement."

"Within ten years, the Su Kingdom and the Wei Kingdom will not start a war"

"Master," the little girl wiped the sweat from her forehead,"Su State has coveted Wei State for a long time. Once the agreement of non-war is over, Su State will definitely attack Longcheng."

Zhu Jiuyin understood that the little girl was anxious because once the war started, her enemies and soldiers would die on the battlefield.

If the enemies were gone, who would she seek revenge on? If the blood feud was not avenged, the inner demon would follow her all her life.

"Master, from now on, I will not go to the school anymore."

"I want to practice boxing and swordplay!"

Zhu Jiuyin nodded and called softly,"Pig King!"

A faint voice came from the edge of the cliff:"The King is here!"

"Practicing boxing with the girl"

""I will accompany you!"

Zhu Jiuyin stood up and walked to the depths of the cave.

Bang bang sounded soon.

The little girl was knocked to the ground by the pig king's fist again and again.

Sometimes her eyes were black and blue, and sometimes her nose was bleeding.


Time flies like a galloping horse, the sun and the moon are like falling flowers and flowing water.

Spring goes and autumn comes, the stars move.

Unconsciously, seven years have passed.


Ps: If I’m not mistaken, the climax is coming.

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