In the eleventh year of Fuling, mid-winter.

On the twenty-seventh day of the eleventh month, the north wind was as sharp as a knife.

""Quick wind, fly higher!"

Under the blue sky, the white crane spread its wings. It was like a streak of silk across the sky.

On the back of the big crane, a girl was riding in white. The two ponytails tied by white silk ribbons fluttered freely in the cold wind, like two black waterfalls.

On the girl's face with red lips and white teeth, there was pure white snow and bright red blood.

Snow is ice skin, and blood is a birthmark. The white clothes fluttered in the cold wind, and the mountains and rivers retreated rapidly under her body.

Sometimes the white crane soared up, as if it was going to carry the girl to the fairyland.

Sometimes it swooped down, like a silver star falling from the sky.

Half an hour later.

A man and a crane were like swords, piercing the cliff platform of Zhoushan obliquely in the sky.


Deep in the cave, Zhu Jiuyin on the stone bed slowly opened his eyes.

He sat up and stretched comfortably. His limbs and bones immediately made crackling sounds.

He turned his head and looked at the piled-up red fragrant fruit mountain, but there was no trace of the stupid crane.

"This damn girl~"

After getting off the stone bed and smoothing his slightly wrinkled clothes, Zhu Jiuyin put his hands behind his back and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Outside the cave, the stupid crane stood on one leg, its long neck drooping on the ground, drowsy.

The girl rode on the crane's back, holding the furry little whirlwind in one hand and waving to Xue Niang who was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the cliff with her eyes closed practicing.

"Sister Xue, come quickly, while Master is still asleep, let's hurry up and fly one last lap."

Xue Niang opened her long eyes and shook her head gently,"I'm afraid of heights."

"It's okay, just hold me tight, you won't die from the fall"

"Xue Niang, I, Xiao Xuanfeng, as the number one minion under the throne of the God of Zhoushan, order you to get on the crane quickly."

Xue Niang gritted her teeth and glared at Xiao Xuanfeng,"You forced me to do this!"

"If the master pursues, don't blame me for betraying you!"

After saying that, Xue Niang stood up, tapped her toes lightly, and jumped onto the crane's back.

A man, a crane, a snake, and a rat were about to take off.

Suddenly, the sad voice of a resentful woman sounded from the edge of the cliff.

"Searching and searching, it is cold and desolate, sad and miserable.

When it is cold and warm, it is the most difficult to rest.

Three cups of light wine, how can it resist the strong wind at night."

Looking at the lonely back of the Pig King with his back to the world, the girl said mercilessly:"Uncle Pig King, you plagiarized Master's poems again to show off your elegance."

The Pig King's majestic body trembled violently, and he said sadly:"My hair is flying with anger, and the rain has stopped at the railing. Looking up,……"

"Uncle Pig King, come quickly, you are the only one missing"


The Pig King said sadly:"You guys fly away, don't worry about me, your Uncle Mo and Brother Xuan want to be alone."

"Happiness is yours, I just think it's noisy."

The girl said tenderly:"Uncle Pig Emperor, as the second best in our Zhoushan after Master, Xue'er doesn't dare to fly without you by her side."


The Pig King sighed softly,"Girl, you really make me worry.""

"If you always think of me as your safe haven, how will you make your way in the world in the future?"

"Although this emperor is so powerful and powerful that he is unfathomable, he is only a little bit behind that stinking python, but……"

Girl:"Quick wind, go to heaven!"

""Wait a minute, I am here!"

The Pig King kept his back to the others and retreated to the front of the Crane.

Just as he stretched out his two pig hooves and prepared to climb up, the Crane suddenly raised its slender crane legs.


With a scream, the pig king's body weighing more than 300 pounds flew away like a cannonball.

Footsteps floated out of the cave, getting closer and closer. The little whirlwind rushed out of the girl's arms, using all four claws, and flew far away in a breath.

Xue Niang's face was stern, she turned over and got off the crane, took quick steps, sat cross-legged under the peach tree again, and closed her eyes to practice.

The girl was also panicked, and in a panic, she violently pried open the stupid crane's beak and inserted a slender and clean arm into it.

"Jifeng, no, let me go!"

"Come on, I still need to practice!"

"If my master finds out, he will punish me by making me fall headfirst again~"

At the entrance of the cave, Zhu Jiuyin looked expressionless as he watched the girl's poor acting.

"Oh, Master, you're awake!"

"Please save your disciple quickly. Look at Jifeng. He is biting my arm and won’t let go. He is forcing me to take him to the sky!"


An hour later.

The Pig King, who had been kicked far away by the Crane, limped back.

He glanced at the girl who was doing a handstand with the back of his head, snorted coldly, and scolded:"You dead girl, the master has told you many times that the Crane has an unpredictable temperament."

"I can take you up to the sky today, but I may drop you from the sky tomorrow."

"I had to stop you just now, otherwise you would have been smashed into a pulp."

"Although I was kicked hard by that stupid crane, I have no regrets."

At the entrance of the cave,

Zhu Jiuyin was basking in the sun, his red eyes narrowed slightly, his face full of satisfaction.


The Pig King let out a long sigh, walked lightly to the edge of the cliff, turned his back to all living beings,


Another hour later.

Cang Xue, who had been standing upside down for two hours, could not help but see stars.

"Master, I was wrong.~"

"This is the 179th time, and it will never happen again."

"Master, you are so kind."

The girl's arms, which felt like they were being pricked by needles, softened and she fell to the ground.



"I dreamed of my stepmother yesterday. She said she was so scared and miserable being alone.

The girl got up and knelt down beside Zhu Jiuyin.

"Master, it has been eight years, and my stepmother's bones are still in the cave at the bottom of that unknown mountain."

"I want to go home"

"The remains of my stepmother and Xiaoyu's skull were buried in the Cang family's ancestral tomb.

The girl whispered,"My stepmother once said that she wanted to be buried in the same tomb and coffin with my stepfather."

"Xiaoyu asked to be buried next to her adoptive parents.

Zhu Jiuyin yawned and said,"It just so happens that I am going to hibernate as well."

"Please burn incense for your stepfather and stepmother on my behalf."

"Also, take the Pig King and Snow Lady away, otherwise they will disturb my sleep again."

The girl asked tentatively,"Where is Sister Feng?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head,"Little Tornado is the only way for the teacher and the town, or more precisely, the only way for the town to communicate with the outside world."

"If it wasn't here, your master wouldn't even know you died."

"This, Master."

The girl said embarrassedly:"My disciple, Uncle Pig Emperor, and Sister Xue Niang can ride on the Swift Crane.……"


"Goodbye, Master!"


On November 28, the sun rose in the east.

A girl dressed in white and carrying a box on her back pushed open the gate.

Outside the courtyard, Xue Niang and Zhu Huang had been waiting for a long time.

Xue Niang was the same as always, with white clothes and white hair.

Zhu Huang was wearing a brand new black robe and a bronze mask on his face.

"Uncle Pig King, where did you get this mask?"

Cang Xue was curious.

Pig King said indifferently:"It is made of the scales of that stinking python."

Cang Xue was shocked.

Xue Niang said:"I dug up someone's ancestral grave last night and took it off the face of a mummy."

Cang Xue:"……"

The sky was high and the clouds were light.

The man and the two snakes had just walked out of Wuyi Lane and stepped onto the bluestone street when they ran into a girl who was about the same age as Cangxue.

The girl was wearing an emerald green skirt, with fair and delicate skin and two bright almond eyes.

It was Zhao Xuaner, the disciple of Qi Qingji, the teacher of the town's private school.

"Sister Xue, where are you going?!"

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