The eleventh year of Fuling.

The seventh day of the twelfth lunar month.

Outside the town, on the covered bridge.

A girl in white, carrying a box on her back, looked up at the white sky.

A cold current was raging, carrying a biting moisture.

The girl murmured,"Little rain, it's going to snow."

Footsteps came closer from afar.

Zhao Xuan'er, wearing a green skirt, carrying a bag, followed by a furry big yellow dog.

"Sister Xueer, you see, eight years ago, Da Huang didn’t get close to anyone except my master."

Zhao Xuaner pointed at Da Huang and said proudly,"Eight years later, Da Huang still doesn’t get close to anyone except my master and me."

Cang Xue’s outstretched hand froze in mid-air.


Zhao Xuaner smiled slightly,"Da Huang, there's no need to see me off, let's go back."

Da Huang, with his tail hanging down, brushed past the two girls and walked towards the town.

Zhao Xuaner's smile froze on her face,"This dead dog!"

Cang Xue raised a subtle arc at the corner of her lips and asked,"Is the teacher not up yet?"

Zhao Xuaner shook her head,"Today is the school's New Year holiday, and the teacher got up early to go to the last class."

Cang Xue���Yi Yingying said,"Let's go. It's time for us to get going."

Under the archway of the town, the old man Liutou carried a straw target with candied haws on his left shoulder and a brass pipe in his right hand.

He exhaled a cloud-like smoke and looked at the two girls' slender backs walking away.

The old man's eyes were full of vicissitudes and he said,"The north wind howled from the sky, and it blew down blood like rain."

"The first life and death crisis, Cang girl, I wish you a safe return"


Qingping Town is five days' walk from Qixia Prefecture outside the Taihang Mountains.

Night falls.

The waning moon is cold and the stars are sparse.

By the Taiping River, two girls sit around a campfire, looking at each other in silence.

"We should wait until the fresh April next year before setting off."

Zhao Xuan'er hugged her arms and shivered as she said,"Unless you have eaten a basket of walnuts that have been caught by the door, no normal person would choose to travel far in the cold winter."

Cang Xue said expressionlessly,"I didn't kneel down and kowtow to beg you."

"If you keep nagging, nagging, and procrastinating, get out of here."

Zhao Xuan'er was surprised and said,"Xue'er, you have changed a lot."

"Eight years ago, you couldn't even fart even if you were beaten with three sticks."

"Now you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth."

Cang Xue rolled her eyes,"You are still a female teacher, is this how Mr. Qi taught you to praise people?"

Zhao Xuan'er:"……"

"Xue'er, where are that white-haired sister and the wild boar king?"

Cang Xue corrected,"It's not the wild boar king, it's my uncle the Pig King."

Zhao Xuan'er:"Pig... Pig King?!"

Cang Xue untied the wine gourd from his waist, pulled out the cork, and gulped down two big mouthfuls.

He replied mysteriously,"My sister Xue Niang and Uncle Pig King are bragging in heaven."

""In the sky?!"

Zhao Xuan'er looked up at the night sky.

Cangxue:"No, no, they are diving in the Taiping River."

Zhao Xuan'er looked at the sparkling river again.

Cangxue:"No, no, they are secretly spying on us in the depths of the forest."

Zhao Xuan'er looked serious and said in a serious tone:"Xue'er, you are fifteen years old, not a child anymore."

Cangxue said naively:"I know."

Zhao Xuan'er pulled a donkey face,"Are you kidding me?"

Cangxue blinked her big watery eyes,"No"


Zhao Xuan'er snorted coldly and said,"I don't think you dare."

Then she looked at the dark forest on her left.

Then she turned her head and looked at the forest on the other side of the river.

She asked in a low voice,"Where are your sister Xue Niang and uncle Zhu Huang hiding?"

Cang Xue:"……"


The night was dark.

Zhao Xuaner curled up in a ball under a wool blanket, too cold to sleep.

"" Don't get close to me, or you'll catch fire if you lean on the blanket."

Cang Xue reminded him while drinking.

Zhao Xuan'er asked curiously,"Aren't you going to sleep?"

Cang Xue shook her head and said,"I tend to have nightmares when I sleep."

The firelight reflected Cang Xue's face, which was red in the white.


Zhao Xuan'er lifted a corner of the wool blanket,"Come and let your sister hold you to sleep."

"The two of them were no longer cold."

Cang Xue said coldly:"I refuse"

"Come on, sister smells good"

"Not interested."

Zhao Xuan'er chuckled, got out of the wool blanket, and rushed towards Cangxue.

Cangxue screamed:"Don't get close to me!"


The eleventh year of Fuling.

The ninth day of the twelfth lunar month.

On the ancient road, Cang Xue looked straight ahead, taking a sip of strong liquor from time to time.

Zhao Xuan'er put her hands behind her back, walked backwards, and stared at Cang Xue's face carefully.

"The eyebrows are dark without any painting, and the lips are red without any makeup. The face is like a silver basin, and the eyes are like shining stars."

Cang Xue:"Your face is like a basin."

Zhao Xuan'er:"How can you be so ungrateful? Sister is praising you."

"Although my sister's face is too beautiful, it is a pity that the birthmark on her forehead is too hideous and can easily scare children to tears."

Cang Xue:"Although my sister's face is too beautiful, it is a pity that this broken mouth has eaten too much filth and can easily spit feces at people."

Zhao Xuan'er:"……"


In the eleventh year of Fuling, on the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, at about five o'clock in the morning,

Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er arrived at Qixia Prefecture.

From afar, they could see the towering southern city wall of Qixia Prefecture, which stretched for hundreds of feet.

From a distance, they could hear the noise coming from the city. As the New Year was approaching, the crowds were like the sea.

Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er entered Qixia Prefecture through the south city gate.

As soon as they entered the city, the two girls saw four white skulls inserted on four long poles hanging high.

Under the long poles, there were four kneeling statues made of molten bronze. Next to the long poles, there were four government constables with long swords hanging from their waists.

There was also a square table.

Behind the table sat a frail middle-aged man dressed as a scholar, who looked like a clerk in the government office.

In the astonished eyes of Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er, a child of six or seven years old actually took off his pants and urinated on the four kneeling bronze statues one by one.


The four constables laughed wantonly.

After peeing, the child came to the square table and stretched out a small hand to the middle-aged clerk.

The man smiled and took out a few copper coins from his purse.

The child who got the copper coins ran to the sugar man stall not far away with joy.

Then, another woman in her thirties came to the four kneeling statues.

She stretched out her finger, pointed at the four kneeling statues, and cursed. The curses were so vicious that Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er were stunned.

After cursing for a full half a minute, the woman stopped panting.

"Very good!"

The clerk gave the woman a thumbs up and rewarded her with more than 20 copper coins.

The woman thanked him profusely and happily went to a stall selling Spring Festival couplets, door gods, lanterns and other festive items.

"You can get a reward for cursing? There is such a good thing!"

Zhao Xuan'er's eyes lit up.

""Sister, let's go and take a look."

Zhao Xuan'er pulled Cangxue closer.

Cangxue first took a closer look at the four heads on the long pole.

Some had wide bones, which were adult males.

Some had narrow bones, which were adult females.

Retracting his gaze and looking at the four kneeling statues, the two dark pupils in Cangxue's eyes suddenly shrank.

"Cheng Hu, Cheng Wu, Cheng Yi, Xu Wanjiao."

The four lifelike kneeling statues had their names engraved on their chests.

One of them was very familiar to Cang Xue.

The girl's eyes turned to the four heads on the four long poles again.

"Is this... Brother Tiger's family of four?!"


Ps: My old waist is about to break.

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