Qixia Prefecture.

In a teahouse on Yuchan Street.

Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er sat down.

Even from a distance, they could still see four heads swaying on long poles in the cold wind.

Zhao Xuan'er picked up the teacup and took a sip,"Waiter."

The hemp-clothed servant hurried over,"What do you want, young lady?"

Zhao Xuan'er pointed at the heads in the distance and asked,"What crime did these four people commit? After their death, their skulls were hung up by your prefect for public display."

The servant explained,"The four heads belong to a family of four. Only the son committed a crime."

"In the early years of Fuling, there was a severe drought in the seven states in the north of Wei State, and many people died."

"At the end of September in the third year of Fuling, a little girl from North Street in Qixia Prefecture sold herself to bury her mother."

"It happened that Xu Qingyin, the third son of Xu Lianzhi and Xu Zhifu, passed by North Street and became playful."

"In the open sky, Master Xu San not only chopped the girl's mother's body into meat paste, but also forced the girl to drink her mother's blood and eat her rotten flesh."

Zhao Xuan'er asked anxiously:"What happened next?"

The servant said with bright eyes:"Later, a young swordsman named Cheng Hu appeared in time and cut off Master Xu San's head with a sword."

With a bang, Zhao Xuan'er's little pink fist smashed the dishes and teacups on the table, making them jump twice.

"It's a great relief!"

The girl's almond eyes sparkled.

"What a pity."

The servant sighed and said,"In the end, the young swordsman was caught by the constables of the government office and beheaded at the entrance of the South Vegetable Market."

"Prefect Xu was still not satisfied, and after much investigation, he learned the identity of the boy."

"The young man was called Cheng Hu, and he was from Lingshi County, which was under the jurisdiction of Wutong Prefecture in Yunzhou."

"Prefect Xu went to great lengths to order his men to go to Lingshi County and dig up the boy's ancestral grave."

"The remains of the boy's long-dead mother, grandparents, and grandparents were transported back to Qixia Prefecture, and the heads of the four members of the family were hung together."

"Prefect Xu also ordered craftsmen to cast a bronze statue of a family of four kneeling. Anyone who urinated, cursed, or threw feces at the family of four would receive a reward."

"It's been better in recent years, after all, people are tired of scolding"

"The first month of spring in the fourth year of Fuling was the craziest."

The servant was so thirsty from talking that he simply sat next to Cangxue and Zhao Xuaner and poured himself a cup of tea.

After two gulps, he continued,"In February of the fourth year of Fuling, Prefect Xu issued an order that anyone who took the sole bones of a family of four, ground them into powder in front of the clerks of the prefecture, and swallowed them would be rewarded with five taels of silver."

"Take the calf bones of four people from a family, grind them into powder, and swallow them. You will be rewarded with ten taels of silver."

"Thigh bone, reward of 15 taels of silver"

"The whole spine, twenty taels"

"One rib, five ounces"

"It's crazy!

Even though seven years have passed, the servant still shudders when he thinks back on it.

"Girls, you have no idea how crazy people are!"

"Damn, it looks like a sea maggot, a sea fly!"

"Fortunately, all four members of the family died, otherwise, even if they were alive, they would have been eaten alive by crazy people!"

"Ladies, when I was little, my grandfather often told me that some people would eat shit and drink urine for gold bars and silver ingots."

"I never believed it."

The servant smiled bitterly,"Until that February, when I witnessed those extremely absurd scenes with my own eyes, I believed it, and my worldview collapsed."

"I lived in a daze for the entire four years of Fuling."

"The process of reshaping the worldview is too painful."

Cang Xue stared at the tea leaves floating on the teacup, lost in thought.

Zhao Xuan'er gnashed her teeth and said,"Your Qixia Prefecture governor is too tyrannical!"

"No, no, no, young lady, is this considered tyranny?"

The servant lowered his voice and said,"You are underestimating our Prefect Xu."

"In the third month of the fourth year of Fuling, a wandering sorcerer came uninvited to see Prefect Xu."

"Prefect Xu bought the secret of immortality from a sorcerer for 100,000 taels of silver."

Zhao Xuaner frowned:"Secret of immortality?!"

The servant nodded:"Miss, you heard it right"

"But it is not a way to immortality for the living, but a way to immortality for the dead."

"The sorcerer said that he was the disciple of the goddess of the underworld."

"Dai Niangniang walked the earth, preaching scriptures"

"As long as Prefect Xu offers three thousand boys and girls as a sacrifice to the Goddess of Earth, the ghost of the Third Master Xu can become the Yama of the 11th Palace in the underworld."

Zhao Xuan'er looked confused,"The Yama of the 11th Palace?!"

"All the boys and girls, who were only a few years old, were sealed in coffins by the prefect Xu and sacrificed alive to the goddess Hou Tu.

The servant had a very complicated expression.

It was a kind of indignation, despair, and pain that was filled with anger but could not vent even a little bit.

""Young man, where is the ancestral tomb of Governor Xu?"

Cang Xue suddenly asked.

The servant replied,"Go south from the south gate and you will see a pine forest three miles away."


After the waiter left his seat and went to greet the guests,

Zhao Xuaner looked at Cang Xue, whose face was as gloomy as water, and said,"Xue'er, it's better to have less trouble than more.""

"Sister, I am weak as a kitten, and you are not a god, so how can you defeat the city alone?"

"My master once told me to act within one's ability."

"My dear sister, be good and listen to me. Why don't you do something stupid like an ant trying to shake a tree?"

Cang Xue raised her eyes and looked at the skull on the long pole in the distance.

"Sister, did the teacher teach you to beg for a favor and to pay a thousand gold coins for a meal?"

Zhao Xuan'er was stunned,"Sister, what do you mean?"

Cang Xue pointed at the head in the wind and whispered,"Sister, you may not know that he once saved my life."

"He once told me... to live well~"

Zhao Xuaner was surprised at first, and then she advised earnestly:"The life-saving grace is as heavy as a mountain. Having said that, my silly sister, she is the head of a prefecture. Let’s not do something ridiculous and foolish, okay?"

"An ant trying to shake a tree? A mantis trying to stop a chariot?"

Cang Xue clenched her fists tightly.���, the knuckles turn blue and white, and thin blue blood vessels appear on the back of the palm

"The villagers of Changliu wanted to burn me to death."

"There are dozens of people in the village, and Tiger Brother is alone, plus an iron sword."

"If Brother Hu had thought that he was outnumbered, I would have been burned to ashes."

"Tiger didn't hesitate when he saved me"

"I am determined too!"

Cang Xue stood up slowly.

Zhao Xuan'er grabbed Cang Xue's sleeve tightly,"Are you crazy? You want to kill the prefect now? At least wait until dark!"

Cang Xue shook his head:"I'm not really a fool"

"I want to go back to town."

Zhao Xuan'er was puzzled:"Why go back?"

Cang Xue bit out the words one by one,"Get the sword!"


Cang Xue went back.

Zhao Xuan'er did not follow him.

In the teahouse, Zhao Xuan'er stared at Cang Xue's thin back as he walked away.

In the corner, an old Taoist in a tattered Taoist robe stood up, holding a teacup, and sat next to Zhao Xuan'er.


Luo Xinghe said kindly,"What's wrong?"

Zhao Xuan'er said sternly,"I don't like that Xu Zhifu."

Luo Xinghe took out an octagonal box from his arms.

The box contained royal cakes, which the old Taoist brought from Weidu specifically for Zhao Xuan'er.

"Since you don't like her, when the matter with Cang Xue is over, just kill her."

…… ps: Why does Duanping always have accounts on porn sites?

Has anyone tried it? Is it free?

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