In a large two-story house on Liushuang Street in Qixia Prefecture.

In the hall there is a copper basin with red charcoal fire. On the bed there is a table with wine boiling on a small red clay stove.

Luo Xinghe and Zhao Xuaner, master and apprentice, sit opposite each other, the latter eating cakes while the former looks at the latter with puffy cheeks and doting eyes.

"Master, did you sense Cang Xue's two protectors in the teahouse before?"

Zhao Xuan'er asked while eating.

Luo Xinghe nodded,"The man is at the first level of Overturning Seas, and the woman is at the second level of Moving Mountains." Zhao Xuan'er was surprised and said,"So powerful! Where's Cang Xue?"

Luo Xinghe:"She is at the peak of the fifth level of external cultivation. She only needs an opportunity to advance to the fourth level."

Zhao Xuan'er was surprised and said,"So strong!"

"That young man in white is a land immortal after all."

Luo Xinghe put a towel under him, picked up the purple clay pot on the stove and poured two cups of boiling wine.

"Xuan'er, you may not know that your teacher and the young man in white have a long history."

Zhao Xuan'er was stunned,"Is it true?"

"Why would your master lie to you?"

Luo Xinghe said with a gloomy look:"Eight years ago, through the two immortals of Zhaoyao Mountain, Master learned that the young man in white had used unpredictable magic to send an entire county into the underworld, burying hundreds of thousands of innocent lives."

"Afterwards, I was puzzled as to why the young man in white wanted to kill so many people and destroy the destiny of our Wei Kingdom."

"The county town that disappeared from the world is located in Yunzhou, called Lingshi, and has a village called Xizhuang under its jurisdiction."

"The master found the answer there."

"On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, a girl from Xizhuang Village rescued a drowning boy named Chen Mengfei from the Baima River, a tributary of the Canglan River."

"Later, the young man died at the hands of Lingshi County Magistrate Chen Chong."

Zhao Xuan'er said uncertainly:"Could it be that Chen Mengfei is the same as Cang Xue, and is also the disciple of the young man in white?"

Luo Xinghe smiled slightly,"Smart."

Zhao Xuan'er's fair and delicate face showed a trace of disgust,"Every wrong has its perpetrator, whoever killed his disciple, shouldn't he just kill that person?"

"Why should an entire county and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives be buried with his disciple?"

"Why do you want to destroy the destiny of our Wei Kingdom?"

"It's simply unreasonable!"

Luo Xinghe smiled even more,"To seek justice, you should find the bad guy, and to collect debts, you should find the debtor. My Xuan'er has a correct outlook on life."

"There are always some people who, when they suffer, do not condemn the suffering, but instead resent why the world has to endure suffering."

"It is like the mud-legged boys of the lower class who see the young men and women of the upper class eating delicacies from land and sea and wearing silk and satin."

"The young boy was extremely envious, but instead of working hard, he resented and cursed his parents, asking them why they didn't give him birth in a wealthy family."

"It is like a poor family's parents who see the boy next door earn a thousand taels of money, marry a beautiful wife, live in a big house, and buy a hundred acres of good land."

"The parents were extremely envious and would turn their strong jealousy into anger, which they would vent on their son."

"I would curse my son for being useless and curse how I could have given birth to such a useless thing."

"The young man in white is just that kind of person, with extremely distorted values."

Zhao Xuan'er asked in confusion,"But Master, this doesn't count as a connection."

""Master, I haven't finished yet."

Luo Xinghe continued,"During the previous emperor's time, the nine dragons fought for the throne, and the ninth prince Zhao Jin was the first to be eliminated."

"In order to save his life, the Ninth Prince chose to go to Qingping Town."

"Later he was killed by a young man named Chen Mengfei"

"The late emperor heard the bad news and wanted to ask me to go to the town."

"At that time, Master was in seclusion, so he sent your senior sister Ye Zhaoqiu to accompany the seventh prince Zhao Mang."

"Too bad they're all dead"

"The Seventh Prince also offended Qi Qingji"

"The man surnamed Qi came all the way to Weidu to open the sky with a sword"

"Our Wei State has become a laughing stock among hundreds of nations."


Luo Xinghe sighed lightly, picked up the purple clay cup, and drank the wine.

After a long silence.

Zhao Xuaner asked:"Master, do you think Cang Xue will not come back?"



Zhao Xuan'er narrowed her eyes and said,"I don't believe she would really kill the Qixia prefect for those four heads."

Luo Xinghe pondered for a while and said,"Well, that girl is too sentimental."

Zhao Xuan'er asked curiously,"Master, are you going to do it in Qixia Prefecture or Jintong Prefecture in Liangzhou?"

Luo Xinghe replied,"Qixia Prefecture"

"I also want you to find some excuses to keep the girl in Qixia Prefecture for a few more days. After all, she left the mountain too suddenly and the stage was only half set."

"The entire Wei Kingdom has tens of thousands of warriors, big and small, and many of them have not arrived yet."

"Who would have thought that the girl would want to kill the Qixia prefect just for four heads?"

"This round trip will take at least ten days, and by then the stage will be gorgeous, allowing her to sing to her heart's content."

Zhao Xuan'er hesitated for a long time before whispering,"Master, can you let Cang Xue die quickly?"

"Of course not!"

Luo Xinghe explained:"Killing the girl is not the key, the important thing is to make the young man in white furious."

"The angrier you get, the more irrational you become."

"It would be best if we could slaughter all the tens of thousands of Wei warriors and kill hundreds of thousands of residents in Qixia Prefecture until blood flows like a river."

"As long as they can create a situation where Zhaoyao Mountain and the young man in white will fight to the death, what does it matter if there are ten Qixia Mansions, let alone one?!"

"When the girl was tortured to death by the warriors of Wei State,"

"The master will send someone to transport the girl's body back to the town."

"Looking at the bloody and shattered body of his beloved disciple……"

"Just thinking about it, Master feels refreshed."


Luo Xinghe laughed heartily.

Zhao Xuaner felt that the master in front of her was very unfamiliar.


In the eleventh year of Fuling, on the sixteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, at about three quarters past noon,

Cang Xue returned to the town.

She borrowed a carriage from Zhang Yu's family and bought a cypress coffin from Li Si's family.

Cang Xue led the horse and pulled the coffin into Wuyi Lane.

Pushing open the gate of Chen's courtyard, the girl walked into the kitchen and washed her face with cold water.


An hour later.

Zhoushan Cliff Terrace.

A girl in white looked at the long sword swaying in the cold wind on the cliff.

Taking a deep breath, Cang Xue first came to the peach tree and pulled out the scabbard stuck in the trunk of the peach tree.

Then she came to the edge of the cliff and pulled out the long sword.

Finally, she sheathed the sword and walked into the deep cave.


Deep in the cave, the red python looked like a blazing river of fire.

Even though the huge, ferocious python head was in hibernation and its eyes were closed, it looked like a painted stone statue, still terrifying.

""Zheng Zheng Zheng~"

The stupid crane Jifeng did not eat the red fragrant fruit, but pecked at the red python's tail.

The long crane beak pecked at the python's scales, sparks flew everywhere

""Master~" the girl called softly.


Ps: Xizhuang Village is outside Lingshi County, several miles away from Lingshi County. Some book friends really don't read books carefully.

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