With a bang, the clanging sound stopped abruptly.

The red python flicked its tail lightly, and the stupid crane flew away like a cannonball.


The broken stones flew and cracks appeared on the stone wall.

The stupid crane shook its long crane neck and ran to the red python with two crane legs. It continued to peck at it.


With a helpless sigh, the red python slowly opened its two eyes as big as lanterns.

Its eyes were like molten gold, and its pupils were like two slender blood swords.

The sticky and bright colors seemed to flow out of its eye sockets.


Cangxue knelt on the ground.

Zhu Jiuyin asked,"Aren't you going back to Liangzhou to bury your stepmother and brother? It's been more than half a month, why haven't you set off yet?"

Cangxue said softly,"Master, I saw Brother Hu in Qixia Mansion."

Zhu Jiuyin asked in confusion,"Isn't Cheng Hu dead?" Cangxue gnashed his silver teeth and said,"Master, I thought that after the Qixia prefect killed Brother Hu, the constables of the government office would bury the body in a mass grave."

"Even if I let the cremator burn my ashes and scatter them on the Feixing River,"

"But the Qixia prefect not only hung Brother Hu's head for public display, but also sent people to Brother Hu's hometown to dig out the bones of Brother Hu's mother, grandparents." Digging up ancestral graves?! How big of a grudge is this



"Master, the prefect of Qixia hanged the heads of Brother Hu and his family of four"

"He also asked the people of Qixia to curse Brother Hu’s family of four and eat their bones."

The girl almost crushed the scabbard in her hand,"Master, I’m so angry!"

"What is wrong with this world!"

"Why should good people die!"

"Why don't they let go of good people even after they die?!"

"Master," the girl said with red eyes,"I have been holding my breath and I can't feel relieved unless I let it out!"

Zhu Jiuyin slowly raised the huge python head,"So what?"

"Master, I want to kill the prefect of Qixia!"

"But," the girl hesitated,"there will be many constables in the government office who will stop me, including the many attendants and guards kept by the prefect."

"If I want to kill the Qixia prefect, I must step on the corpses of these people."

"Master, many families will be destroyed because of my disciples."

"Many old men will lose their sons, many women will lose their husbands, many children will lose their fathers"

"Master, people will accuse me of killing innocent people"

"People will also scold me for killing so many lives for four broken heads."

Zhu Jiuyin said in a cold voice:"If they scold you, you slap them in the face"

"If they hit you, you cut off their hands and feet"

"If they don't stop, chop off their heads."

"If someone scolds you, slap him/her"

"A hundred people beat you, cut off a hundred people's hands and feet"

"If everyone in the city scolds you, slap everyone in the city"

"If a countryman hits you, cut off his hands and feet"

"The world is two jars. The upper class soaks in the honey pot and makes the rules, while the lower class soaks in the medicine pot and follows the rules."

"Some people follow the rules and live a humble life like cattle."

"But those who make the rules are above the rules, they are lawless and do whatever they want"

"Xueer, Master knows you have a kind heart."

"So, to hell with all those rules"

"Master does not want you to be filled with regret and remorse when you are old and frail."

"With the master around, you can kill with confidence and to your heart's content!"

"I would rather be a free bird than a restrained fairy."

The girl knocked her forehead gently on the ground.

"Thank you, Master~"


As night fell.

Outside the town, deep in the peach blossom forest in the southwest.

Cang Xue took off the wine gourd from his waist, uncorked it, and poured half a pot of clear water in front of the tombstone.

He tied the wine gourd and untied the long sword.

With a clang, red blood came out of the sheath.

The sword body, as clear as autumn water, shone with a cold light under the moonlight.

"Senior Brother, please let Junior Sister borrow your blood."

"This is the first time my sister has killed someone."


The sword is sheathed.

The moon is cold and the wind is blowing.

The girl is determined to set off.


On the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month, it was Yashi Street in Qixia Prefecture.

The Xu Mansion was a group of mansions with carved railings and jade bricks, connected together, which was spectacular.

Inside the hall, Qixia Prefect Xu Lianzhi, dressed in brocade and gorgeous clothes, sat on a huanghuali wood chair and sipped tea.

Ten feet away, a man with a sallow face and deep eye sockets led a child, and a woman with a coarse linen dress and a haggard face led a girl.

Two adults and two children knelt on the ground together.

Xu Lianzhi first looked at the man and asked,"What's your name?"

The man flattered,"Reporting to Lord Xu, the pariah is called Liang Yue, and this is my son, Liang Qi."

"What about you?"

Xu Lianzhi looked at the woman again.

The woman said in a low voice:"Sir, my name is Tang Zhen, and my daughter just turned seven this year, and her name is Bai Zhi."

Xu Lianzhi said expressionlessly:"You should know that the child will be sacrificed alive by me and presented to Hou Tu Niangniang, right?"

The man and the woman both nodded.

"Sir, don't think that my Liang Qi is well-behaved in front of you, but in fact he is very naughty at home."

"Go up the mountain to pick out bird nests, go down the river to catch fish and shrimp. Carrying water makes you feel tired, and working in the fields makes you feel exhausted."

The man said fiercely:"If it weren't for my responsibility as a father, I would have beaten this bastard to death long ago!"

The little kid named Liang Qi retorted:"Go up the mountain to pick out bird nests, go down the river to catch fish and shrimp, because I'm hungry."

"I complained about being tired when carrying water because I was only seven years old and had to take care of the three large water tanks in the house."

"I feel tired when I go to the fields because I am the only one who takes care of the ten acres of land at home."

"You bastard, shut up!"

With a crisp sound, the man slapped the little brat hard.

""Come here."

Xu Lianzhi called out, and two martial arts attendants walked into the hall.

"What do you want, sir?"

"Take these two children away and serve them well."

"When the spirit is restored, seal the coffin and sacrifice it alive."


A quarter of an hour later, four male servants entered the hall carrying two mahogany boxes.

"Open it."

The lid of the box was opened, one was filled with copper coins, and the other was filled with silver ingots.

Xu Lian looked directly at the man and the woman, and said calmly,"Take it yourself."

"Thank you, sir."

The woman came to the copper coin box and counted out two thousand coins one by one, not more or less, and put them into the bag she was carrying.

"Sir, my daughter is worth two taels of silver. Would you like to count it?"

Xu Lian shook his head and ordered,"Give her an ingot."

The servant took an ingot of silver and stuffed it into the woman's bag.

The woman was stunned for a moment, then thanked him profusely.

A silver ingot of fifty taels is definitely a huge sum of money for the lower-class people.

"Don't leak your money."

Xu Lianzhi warned


The woman was grateful.

"Go back."

After the woman left, Xu Lianzhi turned his gaze to the man.

"It's your turn."

The man looked at the silver ingot, his heart was red and his eyes were hot.

He looked at the copper coins again, his mouth was salivating.

After hesitating for a while, the man grabbed a silver ingot and

"Lord Xu, the lowly people know their own limitations. Fifty taels is enough!"

Xu Lianzhi said indifferently:"Let's do it."

"Move... move?"

The man was stunned and said,"Master Xu, what do you mean?"

Before the man could come to his senses, a servant had taken the silver ingot from his hand.

Immediately, in the man's horrified eyes, the servant raised the hand holding the silver ingot high.

With a dull bang

, the silver ingot was knocked down directly to the ground, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and broken teeth.

Bang, bang, bang~ the dull heavy sound came again and again.

The man's screams gradually became weaker from the beginning, until they could no longer be heard.

The servant actually beat the man to death with the silver ingot.

His face was bloody and deeply sunken.

""Master," the maidservant's soft voice came from outside the house.

"What's the matter?"

"A Taoist priest, calling himself Luo Xinghe, wants to see the master"

"Luo...Luo Xinghe! Imperial Master?!"

Xu Lianzhi's face changed.


Ps: Please give me gifts. Currently ranked 42nd on the gift list, and will update more when it reaches 30th.

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